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Everything posted by Fugi94

  1. i have just bought one of these viper tactical chest rigs (sorry for the oversized image feel free to edit) and i have been storing a bottle of bb's in one of those pockets, but its has been making too much rattling so i attached the lid of the bottle to a sock to make this. Last game i kept the sock in one of my trouser pockets and this was very irritating to run and now i have no where to put it ? should i attach it to the belt and their are clips for drop pouches, or should i buy a drop pouch and keep it in there and use it as a drop pouch and also put the bb's in there? Any other ideas of where to put my sock of bb's please let me know thanks?
  2. my vest only holds 3 mags so i thought i stock up on, then and buy a pistol ( partly for the functionality and for the feel and looks of it )
  3. Right i have recently purchased a mask, viper rig,camo clothes and ordered a primary gun and soon to get a sight and sling. My birthday is coming up and i would like to get something airsoft related , but i can not think what? Would the next thing to buy be a pistol ? any thoughts would be appreciated thanks
  4. the gc-26 raider is full metal its the cm16 which is not i would aslo vote the raider as i am getting that exact gun
  5. anything particular to search for or just airsoft reflex sights
  6. im looking for a sight for my raider s and recommendations? im looking to pay between 20 40£ side note what brand hicap mags are best for G&G m4s?
  7. right i have bought all necessary clothing and im going to be buying my gun as soon as it comes in stock, but im thinking what mags is it going to take? im buying the g&g raider s. what are the best hi-cap mags i can get for this gun preferably grey or back also what sort of sling would i want ? and how many sling points does this gun have? (sorry for all the questions)
  8. after to going to 2 skirmishes ive realized to need to buy a sling. A single bungee sling looks good, but im not sure could you recommends some good ones thanks
  9. Right so after my first game i am now sure i am getting an airsoft gun but i didnt like the reflex and found myself not aiming most of the time so what is a cheap reflex/red dot i can buy?
  10. just had my first skirmish was amazing and btw for anyone who hasnt played the rumors are true airsoft is 500X better than paintball

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Awesome glad you enjoyed it! My first skirmish was awesome, can't wait to play again because I've been airsofting for a few years but only been to a proper outdoor site once! :0

    3. team flex

      team flex

      ^^wut? outdoor for life mate. :D don't like cqb that much, idk why

    4. mr-bodycounter


      Ehh, i see airsoft and paintball as similar things, like in video games you have arena shooters (doom, quake etc) and tactical shooters (battlefield, medal of honour etc), I personally feel though if you're gonna pretend to be a soldier you might as well do a half decent job of it without massive air tanks and bbs loaded in from a chute at the top.

  11. playing my first airsoft game on saturday at f&o Manchester woodland so excited. anyone got any hits (except call your hits:))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JB72510


      Speak to other players and take advice from them. try out different play styles and just watch some of the regular players! Most of all HAVE FUN,.

    3. Namaco


      Good luck! It will be hell of a fun! I remember how my first game was awesome.


      Don't rush and enjoy your time!

    4. Fugi94
  12. i was wondering what are the advantages of paintball i dont get it because airsofting is more realistic you can actually aim down your sides full auto you look cooler cheaper only advantage of paintball is that you can see who you hit
  13. been looking for ages and carnt find the g&g t4-18, tr4-18 gen 2 in stock at a place that does two tone any help thanks

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      stock may not come back until end of month on some stuff, as it takes a while to import from Taiwan & clear customs etc....

    3. M_P


      G&G have released a gen 3 so the gen 2s are likely to dry up and run out everywhere. That's probably why it's hard to find one.

    4. Fugi94


      yes so is it no use looking for should i decide on a new gun

      i emailed proairsoft they said they will not be restocking them

  14. already watched it and read your full guide. its an amazing guide and really helped me out
  15. so are photos my best defence will 1 photo be sufficient
  16. i would get the combat machine but i want a gun that is full metal but seeing as its alot cheaper i will probably go with the combat machine if they are hardly different (so many decisions )
  17. i knew that i just thought 1 skirmish would not be enough evidence
  18. but its perfectly legal to manufacture a rif u18 if uve been to a skirmish
  19. charger £33.50 link lipo battery £20.05 link grip £8.99 link goggles £28.95 link heroshark mesh £45 link t4-18 £263.99 link m4 hi-cap £21.99 link Scrim scarf £4.90 link boots £20.00 link Total: £447.37 right i put everything on a exel spreadsheet(ext clothes) and i looking very expensive is there anything i could change to lose little quality but bump the price down a bit and about the face protection im paying for the goggles and hell provide and attach lower mesh(i think he sed post in the email) for £45
  20. ohhh i figured id have to play for a month or two thanks
  21. best boots £35 and under?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. team flex

      team flex

      they are nice and comfortable

    3. Esoterick


      For me it would be german para boots, but you have to keep in mind that foot shape plays a massive part in how comfortable boots are.

    4. Russe11
  22. where can i get one of these Digital LCD IMAX B6 -AC B6AC Lipo / NiMH 2S- 6S Balancing Charger300mAh/cell

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. team flex

      team flex

      70 quid inc delivery but a very good setup IMO

    3. Fugi94


      sorry my bad i was searching for the exact the thing


      is the charger you mentioned better than the imax one


    4. team flex

      team flex

      not particularly, I liked the look of it and thought I may as well get it from the same website as the battery pretty much to save postage.

  23. to be truthful i carnt afford the gen 3
  24. I heard that about g&g mosfets this is why I have decided to get the gen 2
  25. Was achially hoping for the battle belt to be cheaper Do u have a one piece full face mask if so which 1
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