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Everything posted by Fugi94

  1. Which of my options would you get?
  2. I'm in your situation and I'm ( my parents then gift it) going to buy a two tone then use fairy spray to remove it This is legal if you can prove you are a regular skirmishes eg pictures being 18 doesn't matter as that is only to do with buying and selling (Correct me if wrong)
  3. First off sorry for the amount of threads lately must be driving you all crazy This is what I have in mind Gun: Not quite decided these are my options 1.G&g raider gc16 gen 2( favoured option) http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=268_318_403&products_id=8788 2.t418 gen 2 (bit over budget but I will stretch) http://www.proairsoftsupplies.co.uk/acatalog/-GEN2--T4-18-Light-T4_18_L_GEN2.html 3.cm16 raider l ( under budget ) http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=268_318_403_494&products_id=5774 What are the differences. BEtween option 1 & 2 because I don't mind spending more as I carn't see myself getting a new gun anytime soon after this Face protection: http://www.flecktarn.co.uk/asgep7nx.html http://www.proairsoftsupplies.co.uk/acatalog/steel_half_face_mesh_mask_black.html Boots: http://www.sportsdirect.com/dunlop-dakota-mens-saftey-boots-181038?colcode=18103804 Or this if these are better http://www.surplusandoutdoors.com/shop/outdoor-footwear/army-boots-shoes/genuine-military-issue-lined-547917.html Neck: http://www.polimil.co.uk/web-tex-shemaghs.html Or a scrim scarf Sight: Might get a cheap 1 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Holographic-Red-Green-Dot-Sight-Fits-20mm-Weaver-Rail-Rifle-Airsoft-Reflex-Sight-/171315882245?pt=UK_SportingGoods_Hunting_ShootingSports_ET&hash=item27e338e905 Battery : Will run a 7.4 lipo with all the above guns not sure to either get this 1. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vapex-Airsoft-25C-LiPo-Cranestock-Battery-LiPo-Charger-LP305-7-4V-2600mAh-/400701716295?pt=UK_Sporting_Goods_Paintballing&hash=item5d4baef747 Or this 2. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Digital-IMAX-B6AC-Balancing-Charger300mAh/dp/B00GGBC8WA/ref=pd_sim_sbs_auto_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=110K6RB0W147JS818B76 http://www.componentshop.co.uk/7-4v-2600mah-cranestock-battery.html Gloves: Will get mechanix or armoured Oakley gloves Sites( please tell me if these places allow under 18 have a half and half face protection or insist upon a full full face protection) Im in Manchester these are the half decent ones I could find. I will be renting their a few times first 1. http://www.zedadventures.co.uk/locations/the-manor/ ( only problem is that rental gun is a shotgun I think would of liked to try an m4) 2. http://www.firstandonlyevents.co.uk/locations/ The two cqb ones and the Manchester woodland Anyone been to any of these and are their any better ones in/near Manchester Sorry for the long post
  4. Looking for a mtp/dpm loadout but hears my problem I'm not big enough to fit into small mens only xs and kids sizes but no where sells these Can anyone link to a few places where I can get these I know airsoft world do kids but reviews aren't good and they don't have a big selection N eBay I've seen xs ubacs but they look like they will get wet and if the bbs will either rip it ( correct me if wrong) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BRITISH-ARMY-ISSUE-UBACS-PCS-PADDED-ARMOURED-MTP-MULTICAM-SOLIDER-95-SURPLUS-GEN-/301231351366?pt=UK_Men_s_T_Shirts&var=&hash=item4622c9a646 Thanks in advance Or is it just easier to go in a hoodie and jeans? As I'm not getting any chest rigs in the very close future It would be nice to have trousers with a pocket or two for mags
  5. Does the gun need to be disasebled
  6. How do I use fairy spray? Do I have to strip the gun of its parts ? Is it legal for an under 8 if I can provide a defence eg photos Can you link me to a YouTube video Is it easier for a parent to buy a second hand 1 from someone not asking for defence
  7. Yes I agree I am now asking if fairy spray works
  8. Ok thanks guys this is what I'll do either buy an rif second hand or fairy spray two tone off
  9. Sorry I am a noob and confused so for the battery should a get a lipo 7.4v 2400 mah nunchuck or this http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=6074
  10. Is it possible you could link me as I carn't find any replicas under £100
  11. Also will the raider ( http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=268_318_403&products_id=8788) take this battery and charger? http://www.componentshop.co.uk/7-4v-1300mah-25c-cranestock-battery.html http://www.amazon.co.uk/Digital-IMAX-B6AC-Balancing-Charger300mAh/dp/B00GGBC8WA/ref=pd_sim_sbs_auto_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=110K6RB0W147JS818B76 Can I ask what battery connected type I need Tamiya mini Tamiya or deans
  12. Wow they look sweet can you please link your sights and grips thanks
  13. But if I am driving to a skirmish I am ok
  14. Ok thanks but my parents carn't buy one online without defence are you suggesting meeting someone at a skirmish site and asking them to buy one then gift it to me and give them cash for like a pencil Also is it common to get pulled over or questioned about a rif
  15. But if I get questioned I am doing anything illegal also does that mean I will only be able to buy second hand and is the seller committing a crime
  16. If I was going to get one of those guns which would you all recommend can you post a number and a comment if you want
  17. So you are saying the later idea would not work but their are ways to get junior memberships can you please tell me a way of getting on of these or which clubs I would have to go to Also how about being gifted a two tone gun and proving the under 18 person skirmishes would I then be able to remove the paint as this is not buying or selling the gun thanks for your help
  18. I understand that anyone under 18 can not buy or sell an rif but can legally own one . Eg dad proving defence then gifting the gun but I was wondering if there was anyway of the child getting a junior skirmish membership as a defence then a parent buying the gun? Is this a thing? Also this may sound dodgy but is it technically legal. Scenario: I am buying a rif of a second hand owner u18 this is not possible but could the person selling the gun gift the gun no money involved and then buy a pencil or bb ammo or something for the actual price of the gun because if anyone stops you you are in full right to say this is legal as I was gifted this gun as you paid no money for the actual gun
  19. Ok thanks be sure to check it out
  20. No just always liked the way they looked
  21. Out of these which would you pick are any any good 1. http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=268_318_394&products_id=5615 2. http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=268_318_394&products_id=5613 3. http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=268_318_403&products_id=8788 4. http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=8791 Any other links and suggestions appreciated
  22. Sorry as this is my first gun going for something more realistic and not looking to be too adventurous thanks for the offer though
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