Thanks for the tips I've got a great ghillie suit but wanted to stay away from the whole 'traditional sniper' look. The SVD chest rig I'll probably still wear as I need a few pouches for ammo and mags etc. The helmet issue, not sure. If anything I'll ditch the balaclava and stay with the helmet
lol n1ckh, I so hear you Spend 3 years in the Regs before joining the TA upon leaving. With them until 2005 and then became a Cadet instructor for my sins. Only achieved 2 tapes in the TA, the 3rd came with a box of cornflakes in the cadet force
I'll probably drop the rank slide for the weekend but wil take my beret
So I am off to Sennybridge FIBUA this weekend coming. What loadout do I choose?
This loadout but in MTP (I no longer have my DPM). No LSW either, I'll just take my L85
or my Russian loadout with SVD (I'm thinking urban sniper)
or finally my Viet Nam GI loadout (just picture the battle for HUE in your mind)
I can't decide!!! your opinions would be welcome
Hi guys,
just bought this little diamond for my Viet Nam load out.
I bought it from Unit 13 and its great value for the money. Its made from plastic that seems quite strong and robust. The sound quality is great and it connects to my Motorola TLKR T8 with no problems what so ever. I am now tempted to get a lightweight ruck and PRC77 shell to hide my motorola in I wrapped it in the plastic to give it that 'in country' look〈=EN
Hi all,
Just found this and I think with slight modifications I can almost pass this off as a Viet Nam era lightweight rucksack frame. Its obviously got differences but the main one is the price. £15 as opposed to £200 Thought I'd just share
Hi all
I have a TLKR T8 Motorola radio that I use for airsoft. It has a single pin headphone jack. Does anyone know if this ZH 250 hand set will work with my radio? It is the ZH 250 Motorola single pin Talkabout version I'm looking at. I want a Vietnam era looking handset and this would be perfect if it works.
Hi all
I am in need of a new part for my A&K SVD but don't know where to buy one. Can anyone help with either a spare or a place where I can get one? The part is shown on the photo and is what the hop up unit attaches to
Hey you have all you need. Good kit to start with
You asked for photos of our first load outs. Here's mine. I was actually into living history before airsoft so had my load out before.