In the new year i will finally be able to upgrade to a more realistic airsoft rifle. And after trawling through tons of guns for ages i eventually decided to stick with an m4 setup. I have already asked a few people and seen a few ideas but i want to look at all my options. Having a bit of time to go i want to be ready when it eventually gets here
I am currently using an M4 S-System by JG, And although it performs pretty damm well and has some nice weight to it i would like to move to a more standard M4 that isnt as clunky on the handguards but still has abit of the weight that mine has. (Most people comment on its weight when they pick it up)
Im looking for something that is preferably:
1. Mostly metal (for a more real feel, And i like how it feels)
2. Is not as clunky as the M4 S-system but still features a ris/railed handguard
3. Needs little or no upgrades out of the box, My JG actually performs near perfectly for the games i have been to so far. So for the higher price ill be putting into this... Well it needs to work fine to start with And i am NOT technical with internals yet sadly.
4. AEG, I am interested in gas, But i think i prefer AEG for a primary.
5. Blowback is not important if the gun performs well, But realism is always nice.
So what brands/Rifs should i feast my eyes upon? There are SO many m4s out there
Oh yeah (Edit) - : Budget £200-350 maybe a little more but would be harder.