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Everything posted by Super64

  1. Mars bar stuffed in a pistol mag pouch, just have to remember not to try sticking in my Glock. That usually sees me through until the Greggs sausage roll and beans provided by the site for lunch. I also bring a bunch of bottles of water to neck during the day.
  2. I was looking all over for an olive green Under Armour Cool Gear hood, couldn't find one anywhere in the U.K. but found U.S. Patriot Tactical selling them for a decent price. Ordered it on the Sunday night, received by the Wednesday. Very good service, no hassle, and good price. The website has a lot of good stuff, some of which is hard to find in the U.K. and the prices seem reasonable. From the title the store sounds like some dodgy doomsday prepper sitting in his basement, but you can't argue with quality stuff, at a good price, with good service. They are definitely worth a look and I would buy from them again.
  3. I've just ordered the WE Glock 17 from Taiwan Gun, it should be here later this week. I've always really liked the look of the Glock and had to get one. All the reviews I've read say the Gen 4's are really good. On the other hand I have a KWA M9 and love it. I love the look, weight, feel and action of it. At the moment it's probably my favourite pistol. So I guess I'm saying if you have the cash, get both. Otherwise, go for a WE Glock or a KWA M9.
  4. I get the feeling there may be a few VFC 417's coming onto the second hand market soon.
  5. Ooooh, TM Recoil Shock 417, I may have to hold off on the VFC GBB. If the 416 is anything to go by this is going to get expensive. Anyone heard any info about pricing?
  6. I've got a couple of AEGs at the minute, but I'm definatley looking to get a GBB next. The more I see of it the more I need to have a GBB 417, even though I've got the AEG. I guess that way I've got year round HKness. I don't see the mag capacity as a negative either. I tend to prefer aimed shots on semi than spraying on full auto. The only problem is the reliability of the mags and seals, but I guess that comes down to looking after your kit properly.
  7. Bloody hell, just ready that thread and it's not pretty. You know when they say there are no stupid questions, well I guess we can put that one to bed ;-) Or is it more like there's no stupid question, just a stupid place to ask it? I can see why you asked though. It would be interesting to get feedback from serving and ex-forces about our hobby. I know the site I'm a member of has a number of serving soldiers come along every now and again and they seem to enjoy it. I'm ex-army myself, a number of years ago now, but I really enjoy airsoft and take it for what it is, a hobby, a sport, a way to blow off steam from the day job. No one I know involved in airsoft takes it any more seriously than that and I think with the amount of money we spend on weapons and loadouts we can do whatever the bloody hell we like. I am 100% behind all our armed forces, but unfortunately there are some who are just a bunch of knobs, like there are in any job. Good effort for putting yourself in harms way like that though, I dare you to ask again ;-)
  8. Drop leg at the moment, but I want a molle holster so I can fit it horizontally on my chest, in place of the admin pouch. I think it looks cool there, but not sure how much it will interfere with my sling. Don't know whether to get a model specific holster or a more universal one for my M9 and HK45.
  9. I wear Lowa combat boots. I've worn them for work for years and have two pairs. My new ones I wear for work, my old ones are for airsoft. They're expensive, but very comfortable straight out the box and last for ever. The thing with boots is that you can spend £40 - £50 every year or so having to replace them, or spend £150 on something that'll last for a few years, may only need to change the soles every couple of years. I know they'll only be worn once a week, if that, but I'd rather spend a little bit more and know that my feet and ankles are well protected.
  10. I stand corrected mate. But it does highlight one point and that is if we as active skirmishes have difficulty with the law then how the hell is anyone else supposed to know what they are doing. As per usual, law makers make things to damn complicated, even for people like me who use the law every day.
  11. VCRA Section 39, (2) ( b )Specification for imitation firearms A person is guilty of an offence if he modifies an imitation firearm so that it ceases to conform to the specifications so required of it; The question was how come you aren't allowed to spray a gun, therefore changing an imitation firearm into a realistic imitation firearm. Both are separate entities under the legislation. This is the section in law that technically prevents you doing this. But, another question is will you be arrested for doing this and charged to court? Very, very unlikely. Not by any of the cops I know anyway, and trust me, that's a lot.
  12. The VCRA defence is all about the ownership of an IF and a RIF. By painting an IF into realistic colours you are technically manufacturing a RIF, which is not covered by the defence. The main difference is ownership and manufacturing. It is illegal to manufacture a RIF unless you have the appropriate legal authority. That's probably one of the reasons there are no U.K airsoft manufacturers, because getting the legal stuff sorted is such a pain. That's about as simple as I can explain it, to my own understanding anyway.
  13. Personally I preferred Band of Brothers and I love the sound track for that, listen to it on my iPod quite a bit. I don't know whether it's because it's the European campaign or because most of the actors in it are really British, but I just think it's one of the best T.V. Series ever. The Pacific was good, but I was a bit disappointed. It might have been because the fighting was broken up to much by the whole relationship thing.
  14. I love movie and T.V. soundtracks and I've seen Sky have been advertising their new sports channel with the theme from Escape to Victory attached and it got me thinking about how many great war movie theme tunes there are. Aside from Escape to Victory there's Where Eagles Dare, Zulu, The Great Escape and one of my personal favourites A Bridge too Far to name just a few. So what's yours? Doesn't have to be Second World War, can be earlier, modern, anything. This thread is what's your favourite, not what's the best, so there are no wrong answers, apart from The Sound of Music. It may be set during the war, but it's not allowed.
  15. Well I'm intending to use them in a couple of weeks to get a KWA M9 PTP Tactical. They seem to be the only place that has them in stock, so I'll let you guys know how that goes.
  16. Just been for a quick visit to Lakenheath, came away with two F-15's and a C130 if anyone's interested. Seems they're now guarding the sleeping bags, but not the aircraft ;-) Where exactly was this posted? I would have expected Suffolk Constabulary to be doing any enquiries off base and the USAF doing all the internal stuff.
  17. Not interested in any of those guns, sorry, but if you're in Edinburgh, Landwarrior, one of the biggest airsoft stores in the country is just on your doorstep. It may be worth getting in touch with them and they could possibly identify the guns and tell you how much they're worth. They may be able to test them and see if they're working.
  18. I've been looking at the RM4 Scout. I really think that may be something I'll be getting in the new year. Gets a really good review from what I've seen and apparently the blow backs good. I'm getting the HK417, from what I've seen and read it's quite adaptable, can do the normal running around assault rifle role and with a few additions it can fit into the DMR role. I guess it all comes down to what loadout you want, what style of weapon you like and what style of play you intend to do.
  19. That is AWESOME!!!! I want one. The sound is pretty much the one thing that is missing from airsoft. If this does go into production I would think most airsofters would want one.
  20. 39, big 40 in November. Can't wait, this getting old lark is great, not.
  21. Not sure if this helps or not, but I've just bought a Mil-Force Elite Tactical Molle vest from Zero One. £103 and so far it seems cracking. I've not had it to a game yet and not had it long so I'm not sure how it will hold up, but the quality seems great, very sturdy stitching and good materials. It came with a bunch of M4 and pistol mag pouches, an admin pouch on the front and a bunch of other pouches under the cummerbund, plus an attached sling and cooler pouch on the back for a hydration pack. Mine is multi-cam, but I'm sure it comes in olive drab and black. Of course, this is the point when loads of people who have had one of these post saying "what did you get one of those for, they're crap?"
  22. Ooh, now there's an idea. I've just been looking at the KWA RM4 and it looks nice. I may end up getting the VFC 417, just because it looks freaking awesome, and then a few months down the line get the KWA. Get the 2 guns for just a little more than the cost of the TM 416. Ooh, the possibilities.
  23. Aw man, I knew this would be the case. I really like the look of the 417. It's just that little bit different to the M4's that are all over the place. But I like the idea of the recoil and the fully functioning bolt. I've been looking at 417s on Land Warrior for £345 and the 416 on Fire Support for £545 for the DEVGRU version. They also have a custom version for £670 with optics and all the extras I'd be buying otherwise. I'll not be on the UKARA database for another month, so not buying just yet, but that just gives me more time to not be able to make up my mind. If I was to decide the 416 was to expensive and so take it out of the equation, is the VFC 417 a good buy at £345 to £400? Anyone with experience of it and feedback?
  24. Hi guys, I'm going to be buying my first brand new gun soon and I've been doing loads of research into what to buy. I've pretty much narrowed it down to HK416/417. I've been looking at the VFC HK417 and think it looks awesome, I'm very keen to buy it. From what I've read and watched on youtube the general consensus is great unbeatable externals, very good internals (although I've heard some say the internals are questionable), a bit on the heavy side and the mags are two big for most pouches and expensive to buy. But that hasn't put me off. On the other hand I've heard great things about the Tokyo Marui HK416 Recoil Shock. Realistic bolt system, good externals and internals and once you've used the recoil system you'll not want to go back to a none recoil AEG. So the question is for anyone who's used either, or who has experience of using both, is the TM 416 worth an extra £200 for the recoil system? Also, how hard wearing is it. Is it likely to break after a few months of use? I have the money for the Tokyo Marui, but it would limit my other purchases for a while, accessories, load outs etc. so if it's not worth the extra I would rather get the VFC and buy the other bits I've been looking at. Thanks, any advice would be welcome.
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