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Profile Information

  • Guns
    shorty shotgun
    two versions 1911
    glock 18c
    Walther PPQm2
  • Loadouts
    Done a few ...PMC loadout the currant..
  • Sites
    WGC Ardeer and a shed more as well
  • Gender
  • Location
    Glasgow esq
  • Interests
    Classic car's american Classics , boats

Gen.Ryzomadman's Achievements

  1. I think they will see a lot less orders for a while, it was probably killing any profit they were making..........
  2. My buddy was originally set to work on set with Bluestone 42 but got another gig in the US, the MOD wouldn't play ball , its filmed in South Africa (funny enough so is Our Girl for the scenes mean't to be afghan )
  3. BT mp5 , for my lovely wife (what the F am I doing giving her a gun am I mad) That's after she bagged my Walther PPQm2 after having a go..oh well.. ....bye bye walter the walther me and you did have some fun lol
  4. Tend most of times as I play CQB, So pistol or pistols and a short shotgun....more or less , My chest rig has 5.11 shotgun shell holder, Glock clip holster with the Glock belt with retention holster and mag pouches, or if I am running pistol only battle belt and a ton of mags...,
  5. out all the holsters I've purchased ,I keep going back to my first leather Bianchi 82 CarryLok Hip Holster fits my glock with a little bit of tlc , fitted the 1911 right away, fits the walther ppq m2 perfect , and my colt45 combat thingmy lol..
  6. Could you not look for Laylax Nineball or Guarder they both do parts for 1911's and you can always bodge fit them...
  7. Now another thing that sent a alarm off in my head about the shop , selling shotguns .......guess he is a licenced firearms dealer...if not he really is looking at a long stretch at her majestic ones displeasure..
  8. Musso it will take all the front RIS/RAS rails out there the Gearboxes are Version 2 TM compatible so like every other Version 2 box ,the body is pretty solid It all depends if you want Metal or re-in forced fiber plastic peronally some of the metal bodies have a habit of snapping its all down to personal choice...
  9. I have one with the LMT stock , Had it a couple of years,and its been spot on ,ok I've played about with it has a different front RIS tight bore and hop up , the gear box is next ,for the money its been a great gun trades and the body feels fine on mine Christ I'm a lump of a block and I've landed on it a few times and it still not broken, no wobble on the stock or front Ris...never misfeed and takes just about every mag you can buy, not a lot more you can want as for G&G the front ends fixed so your stuck with it ...
  10. After a little investigation about 33 sec on the net , I would say its a fake...the phone contact number is incorrect and the Email address is wrong I maybe wrong but ...there again how knows... http://www.dodig.mil/map/dcio_maps/AFOSI/AFOSIUK.htm
  11. 45.5 year's young but my inner child is still 15 and he's the one in charge....
  12. They maybe bullet resistant but they are not grenade proof.........take that ya bam end of guy carrying shield .............
  13. Honest there really isn't any best pistol, well there are but they cost lots and well Gucci comes to mind, Everyone has a favourite or feels a certain pistol or revolver just fits, I know I've picked up so called top of the range Rif's and pistols and I just didn't find them right ,Best way to find out what you like is have a play feel grope ok not grope on sites in shops etc...you find one you love
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