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    CBA Loadout - Jeans, Fleece, Trainers.
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  1. oh my god, my local site just shared justbbguns post on facebook, advertising good rates on some awful two-tone line of guns. if enjoy 'the mall' then will never step foot on that poisoned soil again

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lozart


      A) that sounds like bollocks and B) can you link to the post? Because I can't find any reference to JBBG on the ZED Adventures FB page.

    3. Yawns


      It was misunderstood, clearly.

      My local site posted this.

      If I enjoy the mall, I will never go back to my local.

    4. Lozart
  2. How odd! Mine arrived today, Along with Mag Pouches. Very nice, Its a shame I don't have a gun/mags to fill out the pouches, But idgaf, It's lovely. Only problem is the straps are too big, The Rest is fine it's just the straps. The top of it sits on my nipples for an example of how high it is, I want it to be higher but I'm not overly fussed, I just need to cut the straps shorter and sow is over to prevend fraying. Overall, 8/10, As my loadout gains in size I can definately picture afew pistol mag pouches fitting in there nicely.
  3. Keep the watch. It's a seriously classy watch and it'll only make money as it ages. Its centimental, selling it will be a massive 'fuck you' to the guy who gave it to you. On another note, my MAV has dispatched, I'm so happy ATM
  4. Feeling like playing with some of you guys, If there are any who play CSGO ;D PM me for my skype, I'm Gold Nova 2 if anyone wants to MM with me
  5. Hi! Welcome to the forums As for the mall, I too plan to make a visit soon. If you have any enquires about the site, shoot Lozart a PM, As I believe he is a regular there. Lastly, Have you brought the pistols or are you considering getting them? Either way pics would be cool, Sounds interesting
  6. Tactical Tailor Mini MAV Tactical Tailor 3RD Triple Mag Pouch. £67 altogether The broken zip, Sweaty Pit, Poor fit of an excuse of hire kit (Note the rhymes) Is no longer, Mwahaha! --- Pictures to be posted of the unboxing, Is it wierd that I'm excited to open my first airsoft delivery? Ofcourse I've had amazon parcels with a mask inside etc but it's lovely to have my first 'Airsoft' package.
  7. Hi. So I really like the AS VAL, it just really appeals to me. What are the best ones available? No price limit, just looking if there are any good options
  8. Oh dayum, SB199 might go through.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. CaptainDumbass


      so let me get this straight....they want to make airsoft guns look bright, fake, pieces of sh*t, yet FIREARM MANUFACTURERS make products such as this for AR15's in bright f*cking colours?! http://www.gungoddess.com/magpul-ar-15-pink-furniture-3-piece-set/

    3. CaptainDumbass


      & anyone can walk into a store and buy an AR15?! so surely they need to look into the f*cking firearm laws, not airsoft.... Utter dildos!

    4. Bottledtorment


      Can I just say something , they've also changed the waiting time on guns to be shorter. God bless 'murica

  9. Ed mentioned in a Facebook post that someone was using metal BBs... Someone please tell me this wasn't true D:
  10. Welcome! Honest question though, Who is the oldest forum member?
  11. Not sure if you've been using this, but give it a shot http://www.airsoftmap.net/Skirmish/ Anyways, Welcome to the forums!
  12. It's abit offbeat yet relevant, If your into paintball masks; you should look into dye i4s, they are costly, but they rave about them across the pond
  13. Okay, With a yoke then. I just need a cheap tan battle belt with a yoke ;(
  14. Okay. Fair enough. I'll cave. Are there any TAN belt rigs that don't need dungaree-like straps to stay on? Like attachable to my trousers or similar. Still getting a backpack though.
  15. Wait, Which one do I want for M4 mags? This: http://www.tactical-kit.co.uk/tactical-tailor-556-triple-mag-panel-20rd-10039-6495-p.asp Or This: http://www.tactical-kit.co.uk/tactical-tailor-556-triple-mag-panel-30rd-10037-1742-p.asp One is shorter than the other, Didn't know by pictures alone which fits in which
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