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Status Replies posted by Undieing_Lust

  1. Best job I ever had

  2. Question: If you had 3 round burst on your gun, would you ever use full auto?

  3. hmm wanting to sell a few warhammer 40k miniatures but not sure how to go about it

  4. hmm wanting to sell a few warhammer 40k miniatures but not sure how to go about it

  5. Would a weed camo count as two tone?

    1. Undieing_Lust


      I would think..."What a waste of good paint..." But I dont think he should be Banned because he camoed his gun "Weed Camo"

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  6. Anyone got any tips on removing silicon oil from a wooden/laminate floor??!!

  7. all this combat gear is nice an cozy, don't really want to take it off

  8. Some bastards just broke into my ACF unit on Thursday night, wrecked the place and nicked a .22 rifle and some cash from us, as well as breaking into a gym, a scout hut and a St John's Ambulance building nearby. I understand the appeal of the firearm, but stealing from the scouts? That's too low. http://www.hampshire.police.uk/internet/news-and-appeals/2014/november/151114-firearm-theft-alton-44140409448

  9. Some bastards just broke into my ACF unit on Thursday night, wrecked the place and nicked a .22 rifle and some cash from us, as well as breaking into a gym, a scout hut and a St John's Ambulance building nearby. I understand the appeal of the firearm, but stealing from the scouts? That's too low. http://www.hampshire.police.uk/internet/news-and-appeals/2014/november/151114-firearm-theft-alton-44140409448

  10. This country has lost the plot, 2 year bans if your found to be a jihadist returning to the UK ... seriously!

    1. Undieing_Lust


      Shooting them is to fast... DRAWN AND QUARTERED!

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  11. So, are Airsoft Surgeon pistols actually insanely good or are they just pornography?

  12. So BOTH my pairs of glasses decide to spontaneously break today. I am now blind but at least it gives me the excuse to skip school for a little while.

  13. Job interview tomorow :)

    1. Undieing_Lust


      And be a little early to the interview. Other than that, Good luck!

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  14. Finally tested Matilda (gas powered SMLE). Coke can test: Goes cleanly through both sides, makes a hole in center of base but doesn't fully penetrate. I guess that makes it about 400-425 fps ish?

  15. You guys may have already heard of this tip but if you use a plate carrier and don't want to pay for or carry around dummy plates, cut up some old camping mat and use a couple layers of that. Really comfy and protects the nipples!

  16. To go out into the real world or stay shackled to this machine

  17. 1st person shooter , 3 of us can play on?

  18. Would anyone like an AF-UK TS3 server? I have a lot of server space left so it's up for grabs.

  19. Anybody know if Bolle PILOPSI goggles are okay for airsoft? Can't access info on Bolle's website, I've seen one reviewer on Amazon has used them for airsoft but I'm wondering if they're ballistics rated / safety rated to EN 166?

  20. Anybody know if Bolle PILOPSI goggles are okay for airsoft? Can't access info on Bolle's website, I've seen one reviewer on Amazon has used them for airsoft but I'm wondering if they're ballistics rated / safety rated to EN 166?

  21. Uploading a new video, and my reaction is pretty much:

  22. New to airsoft and new to here!

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