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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. I think that was a fake video - nearly all jbbg videos have the classic: get your bag of bb's - fill the mag up a bit and empty the rest on the floor.... (it nearly always happens - he puts more bb's on floor than in mag) But he used the bottle of bb's not a bag this time - damn and all orange guns - jeez
  2. oh that is just great - put it in AFTER I voted
  3. yup it can be a bit tricky to get your face into it - depends on mask/goggles you use and the technique some like to really get up so close to sights others a few inches back and then others turn the gun on its side etc.... It is never as comfortable or easy with protective face gear on but at least with M4 you do have a number of stock options Then again maybe I just got a funny face hence I go for full face mask to stop people laughing at me on the field
  4. I think JBBG has some competition on their Pro-line stuff
  5. Damn these polls - they are getting more difficult I'm trying to man up coz everbody says I shoot like a girl
  6. I just posted the link of one of a few sites that you can get realistic outfits on now that is no bad thing - fancy dress, film crew etc..... BUT walk around - or anybody sees you dressed up with a black gun and they may get a bit twitchy and "could" make a call What my neighbours must think sometimes when I leave the house - army kit, bags of stuff & rifle bags etc..... I am amazed how easy it is to get such stuff so easily that some people "could" imitate police or emergency services yes number of players run with police or swat stuff for cqb stuff, and no harm in that at all Problem "could" arise though if you was stopped by the real thing...... You could get some officer who may just want to go through all your stuff with a very fine tooth comb and want everything checked and confirmed Not just your license, but.... a bit extreme perhaps but if you get pulled over by roadside by Traffic Division doing a routine check or you was late for sign in and got nicked for speeding..... You get out of the car, wearing most of the Police uniform, 2 way radio, bootful of pyro's guns etc..... Yeah - I think you are gonna be a bit late for that sign-in "Now sir - can you just explain to me why you are dressed in such a way as could be seen to be impersonating an armed police officer" "Actually - as you were speeding a bit I think you best come with me....." Paranoid ??? - hmmm well it could happen And whilst it may be unlikely - paying very close attention to detail and going for the realistic look down to badges etc.... That could raise a copper's suspicion more than being just dressed up in camo That was all I was trying to say
  7. Look around and maybe pop down to a couple of sites Some may suit you or your pocket better, some allow half-day hire, most are woodland but a few are urban cqb some are cheaper, some may run only once a month, even some under 16's only skirmishes Summer is here, get out in the fresh air, running around getting some exercise - better than playing online You will soon meet new interesting people from all different backgrounds - and then shoot them !!! (in a friendly fair playing airsoft way I mean)
  8. http://www.police-supplies.co.uk/tactical-clothing-footwear/badges/cat_7.html but like many things - be careful how you use/display or where you go with your loadout or you may meet the real thing
  9. I haven't but always check out more local places first especially RC stores - even ebay where you may find more info and sizes prefer to order from UK - ordered a couple of batteries from far east and well they were crap (think 1 of them was losing its charge so quickly I would of been better off using the TV remote batteries) Find out your battery room available - look around some RC hobby stores or online and you may get a good deal (if you search for airsoft battery you will always end up paying more for same battery as RC car/boat/planes etc...)
  10. UUuuuurrrrrrgggghhhhhhh - no that is NOT FANTASTIC AND HELL NO I DEFFO NOT WANT TO FEEL THE QUALITY FFS Jeeeeeeezzzz - mind you it could be a laugh if somebody got a mask of him and use it in a game mode at your next shoot maybe called "Hunt the tw*t" or something - I could think of other names but probably get a warning
  11. Tried paintballing a couple of times hiring stuff was an expensive day out, plus too much competitive cheaters when I played Airsoft - dunno but just seems better - not just guns but people too seem more honest & down to earth
  12. yup - what do you want more stuff for she says - you can only fire one gun or wear one outfit at a time YEAH - and how mant friggin' feet do you have my dear ???
  13. 47 - a right old fart but my wheelchair runs on LiPo's
  14. I own one myself - well actually two so I know they are are good gun much heavier than dragon and a bit longer, but the "forward assist knob" is a good idea too BUT it is 50% more than dragon and goes back to the "you get what you pay for" I'm 5ft 8 and wouldn't like the stock no bigger and so was pointing out that it could be a little big for smaller players and you are stuck with it unless you change stocks - which you may as well get a different model but most may have battery up front if you got this model I suppose you could use an adjustable crane or smaller fixed and still have battery in the back which I prefer I haven't tried G&G though I would like to try a Fire Hawk if I get UKARA & can find one in stock YES ICS are a better gun than Dragon or most of SRC M4 Range - the G36 is nice and think most of my site hire guns are G36 SRC's But like I say you would expect or hope for a better gun as the price goes up and except for a few models that are on offer You could easily end up paying more than 50% - maybe twice the price of a Dragon if you bought another ICS model and/or different stock to go on it Or not much change out of £150 if buying different model and/or different adjustable stock to your liking - and still get battery (though you do get 2 mags but I only got 500bb's not 1,000 as many places say - plus delivery & paypal surcharge) Any of the 3 would be better than the OP has atm - it is question of price AND I ALSO DID SAY GET G&G or ICS IF YOU HAVE MORE MONEY AT THE VERY BEGINNING and to quote yourself - you held a Dragon..... I own them (not got a G&G so maybe I can't say get a G&G) and ICS IS BETTER I agree but another £40 or so or another 50% more might be stretching some people's budget at no point did I ever say get Dragon over ICS - c'mon I ain't that thick Oh and somebody who has the stubby stcok version confirm if battery goes in stock or up at front handrail guard coz when I went looking they seem to point to front battery - which like dragon with it's crane stock is weird ??? Otherwise I would of bought the stubby stcok ICS version instead of full size fixed stock anyone got the stubby version in black/clear to confirm battery location please ???
  15. Your ICS is a good gun but if any of the smaller sized players use it they may find the full size fixed stock a little too big though it will take almost any battery - also has metal outer barrel instead of plastic outer barrel like on some cheaper G&G all the other ICS I think take battery up at handguard - think the smaller chubby fixed stock takes battery up at front But I could be wrong as I am still a noob, but it is weird some guns have the crane on dragon yet still have battery up front And I did say if he had more money then look at G&G or ICS but that may end up costing another £40+ inc del (£75 delivered as opposed to £115 aprox delivered and and battery will still be required possible charger if going 7.4v lipo) Not going to get in a long row or debate over this have pointed out a few things on SRC to consider like being hot for some sites Any of the 3 will be better than what he has atm As DelBoy Trotter said in the market: "These are not your usual Chinese or Honk Kong rubbish" "This is high quality Taiwanese Engineering"
  16. I "think" it is good gun but I have not been able to use in skirmishes coz it was just a tad too hot - just over so I have not been able to put it through it paces - had it about a fortnight but alas hasn't been into battle THIS IS NOT A REVIEW - I was just pointing out that it may be a bit too warm especially if site is 328 it is very light - easy to carry all day even for younger players weird thing is my one is a crane stock one like the RIS metal M4 RIS model has crane battery in back/stock of gun but SRC Dragon - or the BullDog rebranded one has battery in front handguard https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/SRC-M4A-E-OG-The-Dragon.html use code: bbguns101 and get 7% off with free delivery This model is best one - others have green in receiver and would be more to paint if UKARA also this black/orange one is slightly shorter barrel - about 2 inches than other model perhaps a tiny bit better for CQB or younger players I am not saying get this gun - alas it comes with a mid cap mage that only seems to hold about 65 bb's Now if you and some m8's had the "proper" M4 guns then you could club together and get 10 x Dytac 300 M4 mags for about £60 delivered from landwarrior this is where things start to mount up a bit but this what I have done Battery - well a 7.4v Zippy Compact 2200mah will just fit - a connector adapter required and also lipo charger Zippy's are a couple of mm's smaller than Turnigy LiPo's of same spec - don't go no higher/bigger am looking into maybe re-wring the battery to back but wires come out in different place so that project will wait Now when you start getting near £100 you might be better off looking G&G or CIS as they should be hitting at 300 to 330 I am not telling anybody get this or get that - just pointing out forget the spring on old crappy gun soz - but I got one myself and enjoy it as a backup cqb or garden plinker - that is all they are The Dragon - might be just inder 350 - they like all guns do vary a tiny bit but will be 50% more punch for sure just might be a bit too much if you go to other sites - many are 350 but think about 25 to 33% might be 328 or 100meters Dragon would be perfect as a cheap gun if you had some hi-cap mags already and a spare 8.4v battery or 7.4v lipo (wouldn't want to put a 11.1v lipo through it just yet) @ under £75 delivered it is worth considering if you have some parts like I said Or get a G&G or CIS like many say but you probably looking at about £115+ with delivery and still need a battery The leaving gun compressed overnight can reduce the bite out of the spring a little I have been told but not a massive amount or maybe you give them a call - found them quite helpful - better than jbbg muppets ask them - nicely if you got one could they say test a few / chronograph it and give you say 345 one to be safe (you can only only ask) I mean you can really badly adjust hopup to get fps down or other tricks but that isn't very fair when site asks for chrono and besides if I get the gun setup all nice I don't wann keep messing with it each weekor so to use it plus if people are gonna "cheat" at sites chrono are they gonna really takes their hits on the field ??? (don't wanna be called a cheat before you even get out there and besides most of time site will supply their mags for chrono) But if you want punch on a budget - that Dragon ain't bad though maybe a tad too much bite but you could ask them before you buy
  17. Your best bet is to run with say .12g bb's if you want a "bit" more oomph or fps Yes you will be all over the place a bit when you get to mid range upwards But is the only real way you can squeeze a bit more juice out of it Then save for a more decent gun £100 upwards G&G or ICS SRC Dragon is maybe £80 + battery - but be careful with these mine is firing slightly too hot 356 - 360, some can be reaching near 400 out of box (110 ~ 130 might be used in these ???) if your site is limiting to 328/100mps then a new spring will be needed (might leave mine spring cocked overnight to just slightly reduce the punch a bit as my site is 350 if your site is 328 then G&G or ICS may be the better next step up 100 spring and slightly faster rps These "cheaper" guns are simply you get what you pay for - I have learnt too (B500A1 owner) these guns are not too bad for CQB but when you get say 40ft away you will get just get owned maybe use a 8.4v battery - but no more as doubt if gun would take higher volts for too long Your gun like my B500A1 is either a backup for CQB or garden target paractice
  18. Thing is - all slating aside - do trimex own jbbg or other way round or some connection with trimex for jbbg & BullDog BB's (always think of mark dropping more bb's on floor when jbbg fills mags up in review and using BULLDOG BB's whilst talking Bull$hit) anyway - so far only tried a few brands of BB's but actually found them BullDog's in 0.2g ok tried some fireball ones and 1 in 10 had a "jimmy" in there - well is what I call a duff one that comes out at halfspeed the BULLDOG actually seem ok & consistent any other makes of bb's any good - soz if this is way off topic but kinda connected to jbbg/bulldog/trimex etc.....
  19. Already said I ain't posting link coz bespoke to a transaction of mine just saying they now looking for ratings on another site - I googled jbbg reviews and saw a load of unhappy people on trustpilot most of justbbguns reviews are from kids saying the usual: AMAZING - BEST GUN EVER - You won't regret it Really accurate and powerful, my friends are really jealous Shoots at over 375 fps (with a 299 fps tailwind no doubt and never used a chronograph but seems like 375fps)
  20. FANTASTIC - now I got spam from JBBG about ratings/review seems they got a load of really bad ratings and slating on truspilot for jbbguns = 3.1 out of 10 - wow that high ?? now they asking for rating on eKomi about recent orders 2 orders messed up wrong or missing bits - jack squat support & I got mugged - at least 3 keyrings and 2 chocolate bars CHUBBY ATE MY CHOCCY BAR - that is the last straw Jambwow No I am not sharing the link coz each link is bespoke to a single transaction and I am sure some on here would love to give them top marks jeeeez reading some stuff on trustpilot - not a lot of happy bunnies out there - more like Rabbids - BBBBBAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh
  21. I noticed their shipping was a bit higher than others Was dreaming of a Fire Hawk & they was only 2 in UK that had them a month ago and blow me the shipping was a bit high - was dreaming as not got license yet anyway (and now they out of stock last time I checked - not bought from them so can't really comment on service)
  22. Aye - learned the hard way about JustBBguns - at least 2 orders messed up, late shipping, and to top it all I did not get all my free poxy keyrings or choccy easter egs/bars - calling Trading Standards over them choccy bars Customer support is joke is they never answer the phone and red tape for returns etc... Also sick to to the back teeth of the words "FANTASTIC" & "YOU CAN JUST FEEL THE QUALITY" BBGuns4Less are a bit better - always got got somebody when I rang them about stuff very quick delivery compared to JBBG - yes not UKARA reg but most of their stuff is garden plinkers to kids and so won't shift a lot of Black Pro guns to help get the UKARA I was told - but their reviews are a bit more accurate and don't lie like JBBG saying 300 (with .12g's under their breath) OnlyBBguns - not used these just yet but seem a bit more honest & open than JBBG Started looking at some of the more Pro-Shops too as hopefully halfway to getting my UKARA and planning a possible next step up - I still keep an eye on the other 2 places but now a little better idea of what to look for and google is always your friend to investigate a bit more before taking the plunge and sniffing out best possible deals But JBBG - deffo not FANTASTIC and no I can not feel the quality especially of their cutomer support & service
  23. I Think - Elite Action Games - Dorking is on today 11/05/14 would of maybe popped down there myself but got some stuff on
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