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Sitting Duck

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Sitting Duck last won the day on December 28 2020

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  1. Trump has made a speech thanking all the people who helped him become POTUS.... http://imgur.com/EW2T9rf

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Trump is rude, racist, arrogant, big headed, clueless yet thinks he is so bloody good - Typical 'merican & perfect for representing the people. Soz, just kidding with US stereotype - no offense really

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      I did wonder in back of my mind that it could happen. Bit like Brexit - but still shocked when the results rolled in. All that Clinton money, stars, endorsements and she still lost - jeez they must really hate her. Oh well Michelle Obama should be first woman POTUS

    4. Cheeserush


      I think that is part of the problem that his tag line was build a wall hers was ill be the first woman president. Both of them are useless!

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