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team flex

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Everything posted by team flex

  1. +1 for the led lenser it is so bloody bright
  2. You love taking the piss out of jamb wow don't you, but then I guess he deserves it for practically scamming little children. His vids are funny til you scroll down and see the kids orgasming over bright orange spring revolvers. Oh yeah, Tim, he's funny. Let's face it, no one takes taz seriously, too busy drooling (I'm kidding) and arclite needs some new shampoo. Tbh I see redwolf also doing many videos outside of trying to sell you stuff which I like far bat than say evike. Gi has bob, and no idea about airsplat... Saying that gi does a great tech video series on building the guns and all the challenges including the tech races which are good and the money challenges (where you keep to a budget) which are good imo...
  3. oh yeah, had no idea about that, looks like I will be doing the same later on then I guess, cheers for that. In terms of the tightening, I cannot see how that would possibly work. Honestly, I would buy madbull, for a start they are listing it as 556, which is clearly just trying to bump up what will probably be a crap item. I guess it's "like buy nice or buy twice", only now it will actually be, "be nice or buy then send back for a refund because it didn't fit and was made very cheaply etc" IF you do please report back on how it works. cheers mate
  4. well, i think the problem with that is that the current sight also holds the two moe handguard parts together, and thats why you need it. I have been looking for a solution to this without putting a rail on, maybe a folding one but I can't find any. let me know if you find anything. I think for gas blocks, when you tighten them they then tighten onto the outer barrel, which means they don't move around, depending on how tight they are. But yeah, I don't think that will work unfortunately, let me know if you come across something.
  5. ok, sorry mate but I still don't buy it. I just typed airsoft battery box in (your title) and it came up with the same results pretty much.... https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=airsoft+battery+box&rlz=1C1SVED_enGB533GB533&oq=airsoft+battery+box&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i65j69i59j69i60j69i64j69i60.5419j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8
  6. what about drinking piss though? he seems to like it... He is pretty fucking weird
  7. oh I think its captain dumbass? I remember the thread that he had going a while ago. I don't really need them that bad, but for that price he paid £15 less and still got nicer trades, I don't want them that badly though. Anyway, im trying to save up for gods sake, and know how bad I am if I get one thing engraved next thing it will be everything in my room etc lol
  8. yeah I have one, just without trades, I do like them. cheers anyway mate, thats a good deal
  9. just remembered it, not sure if i'm allowed to do another one, but this is one my dad found a few years ago
  10. I see what you mean, tbh I didn't really realise as the video was so crap, in that I thought it could have been edited over. Point taken, now I do see how it can be very abusive.
  11. just watched the latest video, very professional and serious, guess thats milsim. Would love to get into it when i'm a bit older, how many people are on "teams" currently, and how does it work, e.g you all know each other and team up with others? I have no idea so please help me out
  12. yeah but I feel they are just trying to sell you stuff, same with jet, he seems to be backed by certain companies and always doing his reviews in a way in which I don't like, but I do like his milsims. With redwolf, they did have that fat bloke who never washed his hair, and clearly knew nothing, however the Chinese guy does have humour, watch the G&P line video to get what I mean...
  13. ^^ I remember him, but forgot the name, cheers! I will say that the red wolf Chinese guy (not racist) seems to have a good sense of humour, about the only retailer I can watch and laugh about, and the reviews seem honest. Also, gustav solin is very wacky, he created a hpa tapped pistol, with, wait for it a box mag in his backpack and a feeding tube, so he had a pretty op pistol. Cafe racing, IMO has the nicest P*, and his sniper videos are great as well
  14. saw this on arnies love it! falcon, wtf is that video monty that is pretty hilarious, as with suzuki's video as well!
  15. well it depends: scout the doggie doesn't do POV however his are more about the guns. We have reviews by Ckinnerly (chris @remftacticool) and all sorts of videos from airsoft ed (bullet4myenemy). falcon also makes videos (dx115falcon) and we have a few more on here. Apart from that yeah some of the american people do head cams, it's what I enjoy watching
  16. something like that? http://www.airsoftworld.net/element-an-peq-16-battery-box-tan.html just type in airsoft peq box into google? how hard can it be?
  17. yeah but at that price, you will be spending a lot anyway. I can only see PTW users, or rich people, because the price is too damn high! I would never wan't to spend that much, way too much for some BBs. And tbh, a lot of the other companies still charge normal postage fee if you were to say buy a bag of BBs, maybe it encourages bulk buying? IDK
  18. where did you get it from? I'm looking those trades, is it a WE version? and guessing you got it in the UK and not import obvs?
  19. On phone but if you per green devil and they are sold by ironfoot I think Sorry for no link
  20. Well this be in the angry thread but I missed out on all those videos
  21. Yeah, however the guy selling the sai xdm said he got the slide from Mike or whoever there, may be worth seeing if he could get one for you. Also ask red Wolf maybe? Always worth a try but tbh you lol probably have to import either way... Unless you can find one second hand which is doubtful.
  22. ooooh go over to the elite shooting center I believe its called, http://www.eliteshootingcentre.co.uk/ send him a message, he might be able to get one. or import one http://www.uncompany.com/pageproduct.asp?L3catid=290 thats a lot of money though, once the tax and import is added on. Personally my favourite is the AS SAI xdm slide, that is so beautiful, but i'm dreaming... or an infinity hi capa
  23. nice mate, I liked the gameplay, editing and overall how it was put together. Earned a subscriber, keep up the good work! Are you aiming for 1 video a week?
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