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NH Shooter

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    VFC ES M4 Recon.
    TM hi capa 4.3
  • Loadouts
    Lots of Condor multicam
  • Sites
    Skirmish Central, M. Keynes.
    Rift, various sites.
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Engineering, CAD, target and practical shooting, motorbike's, metalwork, woodwork... And crafty things... Leatherwork, etc.

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  1. I use a box with rags hanging in it, canted slightly forward with some channels leading to a hole. The bin sits just below that. For your rags, cut a slot in the top of the box, drape rag over a wire clothes hanger, dangle it in. I use 3 layers which is complete and utter overkill.
  2. Well... Snakeskin really isn't a colour. But more to the point, patterns aren't defined or even mentioned. A Nerf gun has multiple colours in various patterns. Even "digital camo"... Is a Nerf gun "two tone"? Would an m4 painted to look like one be two tone? I'd say so. It states predominantly a bright colour, but doesn't go on to mention the other "49%" nor does it prohibit patterning, or combinations. It's only intention is a differentiation to real looking weapons... So I'd use any colour mentioned, or colour combination. As a citizen, my job is to follow the law, not the law plus some other stuff not mentioned. It's against the law to steal... But selling someone a biro for £1, when they could get it for 70p is arguably stealing 30p. But that's not illegal. It's not taking advantage, it's just not following rules that don't exist. To be honest... It's down to an individuals choice, which they might have to ultimately defend in court. And by that, I mean the retailer and not the customer.
  3. That's the thing... It doesn't have to be solid at all. The act states "principle colour" which could mean all sorts of things. And it's also pretty impossible to measure. The whole 51% thing... Is it surface area? On which surfaces? In use? not in use? How is it measured? What is the definition of "bright"... Is it a reflective index? Does it have defined ral codes? It's all horrendously vague. I'd personally sell certain dips as two tone... And I'm a retailer.
  4. I have another to add to it as well... So 6 x 4.5m....big old boy.
  5. New gazebo for the pop up shop... Looks pretty badass... As badass as a gazebo can look, that is.
  6. Their not available until Feb... But I just contacted alpha.
  7. I saw these the other night... Far better than the incentive designs one. And so cheap, compared. I'll bash one on order.
  8. Well, Chock... That's excellent! I'll have a proper look tomorrow when I have a keyboard and monitor at my disposal! Thanks for that...
  9. Yeah... I'm trying to get my head around what I actually wanted. I made a free one, but it's covered in ads... So I need to do some reading, I think... I want a shop mixed with a blog... Kind of... This is me This is the stuff I do This what I sell Here's some video and a gallery This is how to contact me I managed it quickly on the free one... But I wouldn't have the first idea how to do it on a hosted page, with my own domain name.
  10. That's about it really... I need a site. I can get my domain name, but after that, I'm fully stumped. I've found Wix and some other stores, but they all look like what they are... Free sites for advertising Wix, etc Anyone fancy talking to me about it?
  11. So... Some slides ready for their dip... All cheap guns for display purposes. Green flame, blue flame, splats, cartoon, wood burl. Then multicam mp5k, some various woodland knives, and some red, and blue marbles... Should be a nice little selection.
  12. No, I'm just dipping at the mo... I will be selling film at a later date, but not in the timescale you would want, I'm sure
  13. Running, and traversing to the area of owning with any luck... Either that or I have a fetish with MP5 variants. lol But you should also see the hydro dip film stocks!
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