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    ak2m4 reacted to Sewdhull in AK2M4 / XT Brushless Motors   
    The motor has to follow the same form factor as existing motors and a single case for long and short motors makes sense, at least for the smaller producers.
    I don't think there's a case for a reversable motor, unless you can think of a reason why you'd want such a thing.
    Brushless motors can't be very dumb, they need the controller, the large flat chip, to do the sums to make it turn etc.
    You need additional wiring terminals to do anything via the ETU because 1, the ETU expects to deliver only voltage to the motor terminals, and 2, the motor expects to see voltage only to the motor terminals.
    You may find the motor controller already brakes the motor to control the back EMF at motor stop.
    Given the right message the motor can spin any way you want it to but you'd need some sort of interface to achieve it and the controller programming and it needs power.
  2. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Pseudotectonic in AK2M4 / XT Brushless Motors   
    @ak2m4 Winding count: I don't know how much exactly but I would imagine this is similarly balanced between torque and max RPM, what is the highest winding you can get for a say max 30k RPM? Because it seems to me 30k is high enough even for high ROF builds before you run into problem with other things not catching up
    Magnets: it seems Chihai is moving towards higher grades with higher temperature ratings which makes sense, so ideally you want highest grade with highest temperature rating, but I imagine this is only limited by cost. What are price differences of say N35/N52/N35H/N45SH/N45UH?
    Bearings: I think if you have an integrated CNC tower like what Chihai is doing, you can probably copy their three bearing config (like this), I don't imagine more bearings are automatically better and I think the three bearing might already be optimal
    Electronics/firmware: for airsoft it might actually be better to have a "dumb" motor that only has basic current limit, because of mosfet compatibility, I think the trend of putting more features into the motors might not be sustainable because there are only more and more ETUs in airsoft
    The bells and whistles would only make sense if people are using brushless without mosfet, but more often than not that is not the case
    To be "dumb" I mean
    1. it needs to pass some current at rest so it is visible to the mosfet when plugged in (not sure about this)
    2. work with lower range voltages because of voltage sag in airsoft batteries
    3. able to work with reverse polarity
    4. able to work with PWM input
    5. able to work with 3+4
    6. no startup delay, not sure how to achieve this, you want to keep the controller powered at rest so it doesn't need time to wake up, maybe with a capacitor as suggested
    7. I don't really see the use case for speed control, if it is not using the maximum speed the magnet and winding can output maybe it has room to put in more winding for more torque, and if you have different speed models you can individually tweak this, and probably sell more (like Warhead), and arguably speed control should be something done at ETU level, the motor should be dumb and just let ETU do its job, the motor should just be responsible for spinning and IMO the electronic should mimic the behaviour of a brushed motor as much as possible
  3. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Sewdhull in AK2M4 / XT Brushless Motors   
    As a motor, the brushless is 1mm shorter, compared to the xt brushed, from the motor front to the pinion end, the motor tower has no play in it. Altho I would suggest this dimension could be adjusted as the shaft was probably a bit longer originally.
    The motor appears to have strong magnets, and the stepping between them very apparent when you rotate the motor.
    Motor tabs are strong.
    I notice the tabs are nearer the motor ends, which caused me no issues but may in different grips at the end. There is room to bend the tabs through 90degrees which is an option you don't see usually. Don't bend the tabs lol.
    I'm really happy with this motor so thank you xt.
    This weekend I'll run this and the xt brushed through the ammeter and see what that reveals.
  4. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Sewdhull in AK2M4 / XT Brushless Motors   
    I fitted mine to test and it functions just as the brushed motor does.
    I have a perun.
    Motor height was different and it needed to be screwed in further.
    It fit without issue
    I think perhaps I'll look at bevel height as I've got motor tower play which I removed on the brushed motor. Or shim the tower to fit the hole in the gearbox casing.
    I haven't fired any bbs through it yet but it fires normally on 7.4 and 11.1 lipo, a 7.4 lion and a 9.9 life.
  5. Like
    ak2m4 got a reaction from Fatboy40 in AK2M4 / XT Brushless Motors   
    @Fatboy40 hey mate, I've seen on a few other video's that with certain grips you have trim a little of the motor plate.  I completely forgot about this so will add a mention on the description.

    What battery are you using with the Double Eagle?  It's it's 7.2v maybe try a 11.1v 

    If you don't have any joy with it just message me and we'll sort out a return on it.  I'm offering all people who are in test this option.
  6. Like
    ak2m4 got a reaction from Fatboy40 in AK2M4 / XT Brushless Motors   
    thanks man, I've been tested each one before I send out and I think they work so well due to the higher polishing that I paid extra for the factory to do.  I want to do some more video's on them but it's always windy or raining so might have to wait till the spring.
    I've now got 6.01mm on the website, they're about 20% more expensive but seem to offer the same performance.
    I had to drop ZCI inner barrels, I was getting so many reports of BB residue build up that I wasn't confident with them anymore, plus on a couple of inspections I found some shocking flaws.  I've made a video and will upload it in the coming weeks but it's an eye opener.
  7. Like
    ak2m4 got a reaction from Fatboy40 in AK2M4 / XT Brushless Motors   
    then after someone breaks it send it to Stevfix 🙂
  8. CoolAF
    ak2m4 got a reaction from Egon_247 in AK2M4 / XT Brushless Motors   
    thanks man, I've been tested each one before I send out and I think they work so well due to the higher polishing that I paid extra for the factory to do.  I want to do some more video's on them but it's always windy or raining so might have to wait till the spring.
    I've now got 6.01mm on the website, they're about 20% more expensive but seem to offer the same performance.
    I had to drop ZCI inner barrels, I was getting so many reports of BB residue build up that I wasn't confident with them anymore, plus on a couple of inspections I found some shocking flaws.  I've made a video and will upload it in the coming weeks but it's an eye opener.
  9. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Egon_247 in AK2M4 / XT Brushless Motors   
    Can say nothing but good things about these. Put one in the TM Aug and it rocks. Gotta use proper bb's but most of us do anyway. 👍😁
  10. Like
    ak2m4 got a reaction from Diemaco in Who wants an engraving service?   
    @JinxDuh £22 is an extremely good price from what I've seen others charging.
  11. Haha
    ak2m4 reacted to Fatboy40 in AK2M4 / XT Brushless Motors   
    We need "bigclivedotcom" to give us a breakdown on that board 😃 (they've really pack in those surface mount resistors 😬 )
  12. Like
    ak2m4 got a reaction from Fatboy40 in AK2M4 / XT Brushless Motors   
    If I get some time this weekend I'll desolder the control board, plus break out my tactometer to get some RPM readings 

  13. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Sewdhull in AK2M4 / XT Brushless Motors   
    Mines going in the Mp5 once I sort out the feed issue
  14. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Nick G in Who wants an engraving service?   
    I've used LC's engineering for lots of engraving . They do the trades ( and machining) on my L119 builds , he also did the British trades on my Hi power.
    Never have any worry about them going wrong, always just send the parts that need engraving rather than a whole RIF. Biggest issue is his waiting list.

  15. CoolAF
    ak2m4 reacted to EDcase in Who wants an engraving service?   
    I've found a 30w Raycus galvo fibre laser for a reasonable price.
    Since most of my toys are the cheap non trades versions I would do my own first of course (after lots of testing 😁)
    Yes, I would certainly only offer the service to others after extensive testing.
    They do have a preview feature to make sure the placement is correct so I'm not worried about that.
    Yeah, it would definitely be MUCH easier if people could disassemble the parts to be worked on.
    No, I couldn't do curved parts.
    Actually I think the hardest part would be making the pattern files for the various trades and logos.
    (Does anyone know anywhere to download images or vector files for various trades?)
    Thank you guys for your thoughts.
  16. CoolAF
    ak2m4 reacted to Rogerborg in What guns are needed?   
    If you dropped into a hairdressing forum and said "I want to open a hairdressing shop, what's the best haircut?  PS, I have never cut hair before." what response would you expect?
    Now, if you'd said "What's the best way to get into airsoft?" you'd have been love-bombed with advice about which sites to play at and which to avoid, what to expect, and people offering to meet up and show you the ropes or let you try out various types of gun.
    Airsoft is actually a very friendly hobby full of mostly decent people who are keen to help other players out.  Give it a try first, find out what it's really like at its best and its worst, and then you'll be in a position to ask cogent questions if you still want to try running a site.
  17. Like
    ak2m4 got a reaction from Enid_Puceflange in Who wants an engraving service?   
    @JinxDuh £22 is an extremely good price from what I've seen others charging.
  18. Like
    ak2m4 got a reaction from Lozart in AK2M4 / XT Brushless Motors   
    @Lozart woah, an AEG make-over.  Let me know how it goes and maybe post a video of before and after please xx
  19. Haha
    ak2m4 reacted to Lozart in AK2M4 / XT Brushless Motors   
    I'm upgrading my old G&G SCAR L. New compression parts (all XT - obvs), new XT 6.00mm barrel, changing the BTC Spectre for an Aster (because it's just easier to program) and the XT brushless motor to replace an old green Rocket high torque one. Breaking the cardinal rules of "only change one thing at a time" but hey, fuck it, living on the edge, right?
  20. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Colin Allen in What guns are needed?   
    The best thing that you can do now is log off, create a new account and come back in with a different name and attitude.  In a very few posts, you have given most people here the impression that YOU are an utter prick.

    Pull your neck in and try to accept that you are the problem here, not any of those who have responded to you.
  21. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Nick G in What guns are needed?   
    Having a good look at the legalities would be a good start. Even 'playing' around the house or garden isn't straight forward. Even ignoring the potential loss of brownie points if you damage anything in the house, if yoiu can been seen by neighbours, the public etc you stand the risk of getting a visit from plod for waving a gun around in public. 
    You also need to look at PPE for you and anyone else in the house. Getting a BB in the face can and has caused loss of eyesight as well as loss of teeth. 
    This is why you are not getting gun recomendations. You have lots of other things to considder,which people are trying to tell you. honestly you are best off going along to a site and playing a few games with their rental kit before starting to look at buying guns.  For starters that will give you a chance to try a few and see what you like, it will also give you a grounding in the basic safety requirements. Yes airsoft guns are toys, but they are toys that can cause life changing injuries, range disciplin is vital. 
    Listen to what folk are saying and considder the whole picture before running off to buy guns. Also if you don't want 2 toned guns you will need a defense , so play some games and get a UKARA. 
    Everyone has a different idea of what are good guns, I love GBBRs and rarely use anything else, others will say they hate them  because they limited ammo etc, loafs will say go hpa ( I hate hpa with a passion) 
    read the threads on here, there are plenty of ones discussing different makes , platforms etc.
  22. Like
    ak2m4 got a reaction from Rogerborg in Possible New indoor site   
    @Rogerborg yep, I imagine rents and rates through the roof.  

    Love how the article starts off "New Paintball Venue", then by the 3rd paragraph the author has already converted over to Airsoft 🙂

    And what's a local Democracy reporter? lol....Jezzz BBC at it again.  So glad I cancelled my TVL.
  23. Haha
    ak2m4 reacted to Dan Robinson in Possible New indoor site   
    That was a very enjoyable email....and I got a refund d as well.
    As for the plans.....  I wonder how many of those dividing walls are structural?  Surely some could be removed/breached to make cut throughs.  
  24. Like
    ak2m4 got a reaction from Dan Robinson in Possible New indoor site   
    @Rogerborg yep, I imagine rents and rates through the roof.  

    Love how the article starts off "New Paintball Venue", then by the 3rd paragraph the author has already converted over to Airsoft 🙂

    And what's a local Democracy reporter? lol....Jezzz BBC at it again.  So glad I cancelled my TVL.
  25. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Rogerborg in Possible New indoor site   
    I'm baffled by how the economics would make sense, if they're paying rent and rates.  The Depot 1.0 was set up as sports chaaaridy, which is the only way I can see it coming close to working.
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