Immigrants working isn't the issue. I have no problem with people coming here paying taxes and working hard. The problem arises when there aren't enough Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Childminders, Housing basic infrastructure etc. 250,000 extra people a year are putting the entire system under strain. Yes, the vast majority of immigrants work but we then have to deal with the extra issues surrounding them - teachers having to have 3 translators in schools because the kids don't speak English, benefit money being sent back to whatever country they have come from, healthcare migrants getting treated on the NHS for free. Its these kind of issues that rile people. It is a basic fact that the country is full. We are full because we cannot turn people away. We cannot turn people away because of the Schengen Agreement and the EU. The only party to take a stand against the EU is UKIP. Therefore I am voting UKIP. If UKIP emphasised these points instead of labouring the immigration card I think they would garner even more support.