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  • Guns
    G&G Combat machine
    King arms AK74M
    Cyma Glock 18c Aep
    Hfc Vsr11
    Ksc Glock 17
  • Sites
    Rift airsoft
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  1. Hit or be hit thats it, if all you can see is there head take them out They would do the same Its their fault for not wearing full face they took that risk of losing a tooth etc
  2. g&g firehawk? Stubby, Cheap, reliable and fun
  3. Hi there, Im also 15 and have been playing airsoft for 1 1/2 years I have a youtube channel currently based on airsoft, I upload a highlights/ funny moments video every month with little videos in between Check it out www.youtube.com/user/majormanniairsoft One good one is called camping banter, Check it out
  4. Hi, got £200 to spend on a nice aeg I'm going to trick out with upgrades mainly looking for a cqb m4 type to put high speed stuff in but what would you recommend? No combat machines
  5. Its not a training wheel, its just a really well made gun that performs really good, that is cheap and will last for ages without breaking. When you more experianced you can upgrade it to perform even better If it bothers you, you can always get loads of external stuff eg Sight, Grip suppressor etc to make it stand out Overall its a great gun
  6. Hi guys, So i have been on the fourm for a while and i thought i should share my youtube channel to hopfully get it a bit more popular! (Im so lonley) But i thought i would share one of my better videos to give you an idea of the kind of stuff i upload Give me your feedback/advice it will all be appreciated! Thanks! Channel link here - www.youtube.com/user/majormanniairsoft
  7. Yes u have seen your youtube channel and subscribed Very good content
  8. Gopros are great with the right editing skills Here is one of my videos, it can be hard to see some players but with the zoom cam its great footage Defo go for the gopro not the sj4000
  9. Hi, i want to buy the army armament R17 from taiwan gun but i dont know if its a good reliable brand? Any info would be great Thanks
  10. I just bought the APS AK74U off of Taiwangun.com (Its £60 cheaper then zeroone!) and i ordered 2 Cyma AK hicapas and i think it takes cyma mags (Looks like it does) So look for cyma midcaps Zeroone http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=268_318_491&products_id=6347 Tawiangun http://www.taiwangun.com/en/ask205a-ebb-full-metal-aps They do the larger version like you want on there too, so it might be worth a look mate
  11. Hi, Sorry if this has been asked before but is taiwan gun any good? I have never ordered from over seas and im very unsure if i should buy from them any info is great thanks
  12. Hi, Any one know where i can get some KC-02 magazines? Thanks
  13. Hi, So i got a replacement feed lip for my glock 17 but i dont know how to take the mag apart so i can fix it any help? Thanks
  14. This one was funny i thought for this gun http://www.justbbguns.co.uk/product/517/2-TONE-BB-GUNS/339/PUMP-SHOTGUNS/45/M47D1-UTGA-TACTICAL | Had to point this out V Craig It was amazing as a secondary gun it had a very long range almost like a sniper its perfect for long range encounters you need to get a proper rifle sight for it though to my fps was clocked at 220 - 211 -212 fps but still long range using a chrono
  15. reply to my messahes

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