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Profile Information

  • Guns
    ICS MP5SD, ICS M16A3, G&G M4, TM famas, ASG spas 12, WE M9, ICS M203, ASG M60E4/MK43
  • Loadouts
    SAS iranian embassy siege outfit, french foreign legion outfit, Vietnam outfit
  • Sites
    ultimate wargames, EAG Gatwick, EAG dorking
  • Gender
  • Location
    redhill outwood
  • Interests
    airsofting, shooting, RC choppers, reading

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  1. hi sports fans hope everyone had a pew pew easter good time I just finished my British army loadout with the thanks from everyones help on the forum I have now got the right kit. kit list as follows. MTP battle shirt and trousers ex British army (found on E-bay for 50 pounds for lot) battle Mollie belt with yoke I think that what it called (E-bay 30 pounds) bowman radio headset and radio (on E-bay 20 pounds) Blackhawk kneepads (E-bay 5 pounds) again thanks for the help
  2. could never get on with knee pads but then again cant find the right ones yeah could do with some help with the pouch placement most of the pouches are made by viper might have to shop on e bay
  3. hello just updated my british army load out got the gloves, mk6 helmet, DD rail, boots I upgraded my ICS SA80 with a madbull tight bore 6.03 barrel and hop up its shoots like a dream now AND ive got used to using it right handed now oh and got myself a WE glock 17 well its a g18 but I use it like a g17 my site I go to just got a chopper on site you can guess all hell broke loose trying to defend it but really good fun
  4. Thanks guy not far off but still a way to go I'm gonna use thick cardboard for padding I've seen a lot of guys wearing UBAC tops that's on my need list there was one more thing I wanted is my pouch lay out collect?
  5. Hi I have made a British army load out near enough the one they used in Afghanistan. Kit as follows. Ex army combat Mollie vest, ex army boots, viper pouches. Guns used ICS SA80 and KWA H&K USP 45. And yes I'm firing the SA80 left handed not sure if they used the pistol but it looks good enjoy
  6. thanks guys yes they didn't use the m60e4 in Vietnam but its a m60 none the less the outfit + webbing cost 80 pounds at john army surplus shop they sell ex British/duch army gear the real mc coy jacket £40, trs £35, webbing £125 etc so not bad i am saving up for the helmet coz that will b the icing on the cake
  7. hi sports fan ive made my own Vietnam loadout on the cheap by using ex duch army gear webbing etc it came out ok
  8. this is my airsoft gun collection tokyo marui famas ICS H&K MP5SD ICS M16A3 with ICS M203 G&G M4 ASG spas 12 WE M92F
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