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  • Guns
    Hephaestus Tar-21
    GHK G5
    Real Sword SVD
    Ares Tar-21
    ASG cz P-09
    WE HK 3PX4
    ASG Sten
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  1. You had written your original post as if it was perfectly legal to buy a two-tone because you did not have a defence to enable you to buy a RIF, then to convert it to a RIF. Your only warning was against melting the ABS plastic. MY post was fully justified.
  2. You could have completed quoting me in which case my text would also have said that you can if you have a valid defence - I edited my post a good 30-40 minutes before you posted your reply so please do NOT misquote me.
  3. Actually it's illegal to modify a gun to make it look realistic, so painting a two tone (or removing the bright paint) to effectively make it a RIF is illegal (though temporarily modifying, and restoring - i.e. camo tape, is fine). (edit - I should add you can do so if you have a valid defence - i.e. active UKARA registration)
  4. Wonder if some sites will ban these, i.e. the ones that will not let you reload during a section/game - after all it's effectively a 6 shot grenade (if you pick it up and move on). Tempting though ....
  5. As Airsoft_MrB has said - might be worth going with rentals. While ti might look like ~£50 a day, by the time you've taken out cost for the day, free BBs and possible lunch, you're looking at only about £5-10, which after 3 sessions is not much more (if at all) than you'd pay for a two-tone service - also two-tones are also a lot harder to sell (though as a result you might find one in the for sale section for a song).
  6. dapprman

    Best bbs?

    Sorry, but got to call utter BS on that one. Also, as some one else has pointed out, all pellets can shatter on hitting mesh goggles. Should also be noted there seems to be far fewer reports of pellets splitting in the gun with blasters than the majority of other brands. Oh and their own description
  7. dapprman

    Best bbs?

    Cost can depend on where abouts you are as some shops will do discount for bulk, though postage then can rise rapidly as well.
  8. dapprman

    tick tock

    Depends on the store/site you're registering with. Some are very quick, others take their time.
  9. Where did you get your lightened bolt from ?
  10. Another GHK G5 lover here. You have to go in to GBBRs eyes open. Your mags have far less amo (GHKs are ~36 for M4 mags, 45 (?) for AK) so if you play at a spam fest you may well feel under-gunned. Also G5 is affected by the cold, just not necessarily as bad as others. In ~2-3 degrees C I was managing a whole mag, but the last few shots were starting to show signs of cool down (not from rapid fire). Also mags are a LOT more expensive and you need more of them. I carry 6 - which weigh a lot and in this country would cost you ~£250 (plus the one that came with the gun). As to reliability - they are just as reliable as AEGs however need more (simple) maintenance. You just need to clean and lube them after every day you've been playing, plus leave gas in the mags. Follow the basics and they won't go wrong on you. Oh one other downside - they eat optics. The cheap airsoft optics can rarely take the recoil of a GBBR (and some of the more aggressive recoil AEGs). After two optics (and a torch) shaking apart on me I've gone real steel (at the lower end - a Vector Optics unit). Half tempted by a GHK AK myself, but can't justify it.
  11. Dickels is the Jack Daniels equivalent to Makers Mark and Wild Turkey, all three of which are premium US spirits (Dickels own the JD brand). For me I became an Islay fan by the time I was 18 (many moons ago), and while I've rarely drunk whisky for the last 15-20 years I still have a bottle of Laphroaig, though I used to prefer Ardberg.
  12. Beyond your first year you only need to play at the same site you're registered through once a year to maintain listing, so the site you are with are bull shitting unless you've not played for a lot longer than you think.
  13. I use a ASG B&T one and it does a top job. Think the only down side to it is if you're using 11.1 lipos and full auto - not sure it can keep up.
  14. dapprman

    World of Tanks

    Didn't know this thread was here. Been playing since the closed beta days. I bounce around with what I play - presently concentrating on a US T37 - close the the M41 but having a blast in it. Only bought two premium tanks - TOG (HMS Caveat Emptor) in a sale and E25 after having seen the Ranzar TMNT video.
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