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Cheeky vimto

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Everything posted by Cheeky vimto

  1. Took the plung (literally!), just soaked them in hot water for a few mins and moved the mags around. It seems looser already, let's see how it dries out.
  2. If you do it let me know how it works out. I'm going away this weekend so I'll try leave my full and see how it is on sunday day night.
  3. This is what I was thinking but was wondering if the cordura would stretch with it.
  4. Recently bought a new double stack ammo pouch. The pouch fits one mag perfectly in either the front or back slot. When I try to fit the second mag in I have to really fight to get it in. Has anyone stretched a pouch before? I read online that some people put the pouch in warm water and leave a mag in it whilst it dries, has anyone tried this? I've left a couple mags in it at the moment hoping it'll give over time but I'll be using it next week and at the moment i won't be able to without wrestling for a mag.
  5. The mall vs the sandpit. Which is better?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. BBrotherwood


      I have yet to go to the area of the sandpit with the FOB which is the well vegetated area. I would not class it as a woodland site at all. There is certainly areas that have vegetation but not much. It is a quarry though so you get some very interesting terrain to play with. Working together as groups using manoeuvring and firing tactics is way more important then being a sneaky bastard.

    3. Lozart


      The Mall is a blast - on the right day. Like every site it has its issues but the Mall suffers from the uniqueness of the site in as much as there are a lot of corridors and natural choke points. There has been a lot of work done recently with barricades to alleviate this and a lot of it seems to have worked. If there's a lot of n00bs or just people that don't want to lead the charge then yes, it can stagnate but there is ALWAYS someone who knows tow other routes around a problem that...

    4. Lozart


      ...is always will to acts as a guide (myself included). As long as you bear in mind that it's a frantic rush of a site and just get stuck in then you'll be fine. If you're going to get frustrated and precious about others not getting stuck in then maybe you need to stay away. My own personal pet hate is the guys that turn up and just shout "GO! GO! GO!" at people then complain when it's not backed up. Not everyone is as gung-ho so just deal with it.

  6. M4 triple stacker ammo pouch £17 off ebay. They raised their prices to £25 now
  7. Made my own fan goggles. I used two 5v 17mmx17mm mini fans. My first thought was to wire them up to a 9v battery in series but the battery didn't have enough in it to spin the fans. I wired them up in parallel and there both pulling loads of air out the goggles. Because they're in parallel I wonder how long they'll last on 9v. I've left them running for about 3 hours and no sign of damage so far.
  8. I had a go at putting fans on my goggles today. My idea was 2x 5v fans running on a 9v battery. On a test run the battery doesn't have enough power to get the fans working so at the moment I've only put one on. I'm now concerned that the 5v fan might burn out on a 9v battery. I've read mixed things about it on the Internet, anyone else had experience with this?
  9. For a few quid more I might go with these then.
  10. Have anyone used MAG mid caps? The seem reasonably priced but are they reliable?
  11. They both went out the T&Cs when he bought something but gifted the cash.
  12. Doubt it'll work. Clearly states by paypal they can't protect your money when you gift it.
  13. Gutted for you., that's a lot of cash to lose. definitely don't gift anything more than £20 unless it actually is a gift. Some people are really shitty..
  14. Doubt you'll get your money back as you gifted. That's how paypal make money, charging protection of both parties. When you gift it paypal makes no profit on that so you risk it all. How much did it cost?
  15. I might have a look around work tomorrow and see if I can find a series of small fans. Fingers crossed!
  16. Looks a bit Neanderthal but if it works go for it. I play in a bunker where it's dark. I find it hard to see through mesh in the darker places.
  17. I could look at mounting a fan on it. How loud is yours?
  18. I want to get into milsim, I doubt they'd allow a fencing mask! I know what you mean though, a friend of mine uses one and wouldn't be without.
  19. The gap above my nose is about a quarter of the size it was originally was. I think with more time I could get it 100% filled but I'll see how it goes with fogging up first.
  20. I don't rate cat crap at all. I use washing up liquid, works a lot better.
  21. Just finished it, but thanks anyway
  22. Yea but it's all too wide to fit in the gap of the goggles.
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