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Status Replies posted by jay83

  1. ESS Replica fan goggles work? Worth it?

  2. ESS Replica fan goggles work? Worth it?

  3. Thank god its Friday :-)

  4. Ordered loads of hessian ready to make a ghille suit and ghillie rifle wrap

  5. Back in the UK. turned up in shorts.and a T-shirt wearing flip flops. Damn freezing cold!!

  6. BF4 on Xbox seems to only crash when i have a good KTD

  7. BF4 on Xbox seems to only crash when i have a good KTD

  8. Just bought a couple of lipo's for my Cyma Glock 18c, should see a nice increase in trigger response!

  9. Won my money back from Famas boy after he took my money and didnt give me my gun. Good old paypal, nice try mate

  10. SVS at the Mall tomorrow with 5 new members :-) , never been so looking forward to it , always find it more exciting when the sight is new too you

  11. Battlefield 4 is quickly growing on me, my Xbox seems to have decided to start crashing a lot less and the frame drops are getting less frequent too. Also, the QBZ95 is the most epic rape-tastic gun ever! :P

  12. Trying to explain to my mate that ICS guns don't screw up immediately after you put 1600 BBs through them -_-

  13. Cheap lipo charger?

  14. I dont know if i could be any more angry. Vietnam has opened my eyes into more american war crimes. i suggest everyone come to Saigon and see it!

  15. I dont know if i could be any more angry. Vietnam has opened my eyes into more american war crimes. i suggest everyone come to Saigon and see it!

  16. My 32inch trousers button popped off, maybe i do need to start running again. Was a 30 inch lol

  17. I love coming home from a long day to find my brand new £600 bike stolen from the station

  18. What spring do most of you guys use, m95 or m100?

  19. Tom Clancy, king of spy novels, has died today.

  20. gay im not going battlelakes this Sunday! :( wana go shooting so bad

  21. Classic Army MP5K PDW for sale in great condition + perfect for CQC. Please take a look!

  22. £600 pound at Dentist or Buy more Airsoft Stuff???? I'LL LET THIS FORUM DECIDE FOR ME????????

  23. Did anyone hear about the airsoft robbery in leeds?

  24. Actually, screw the look of this ak http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/14500000/AK47-sopmod-guns-14511852-640-426.jpg The ICS galil MRS with an afg, red dot or eotech with magnifier and scary muzzle break will look tonnes cooler. Who agrees?

  25. how do you make your Website Mobile friendly?

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