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Everything posted by Moose87

  1. only join the TA if its a good regiment!!
  2. psch should have joined the army like me!! loads of money for naff all work wooo.
  3. Psch uni is over rated, i never went and i got shit loads of money.
  4. not had a video for a while dude??
  5. im totally with you, muscle cars are bad ass. i think they look the best and after that im all about the aston martins!! basically cos i wanna be james bond but also cos they are awesome
  6. Thank God for wearing a plate carrier, i got sprayed almost point blank with a M249......in the back by my own sodding team.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moose87


      lol he was like i just saw something move in the bush so spray it, first spray hit my padding the second was into my arm and little bit of my back showing

    3. TPI


      I love that he saw something move so he Sprayed the fcuk out of it Top Lad lol

    4. Moose87


      i screamed a little bit so he sprayed me some more so i screamed alot lol

  7. 'ahhhh heat shrink how you solve my wiring problems!

  8. i take it that it rained a little bit lol
  9. yer thats what i mean, cos your get the 12' 16' and 20' barrel, hmm might have to save for it.
  10. i realise they VFC already make the HK417 but do they only make the one variant or are all three variants available and i just cant find them?
  11. lol yer he must have hurt the next day
  12. I need to go on a Airsoft road trip and visit all these awesome skirmish sites.
  13. think i will save for a Roam2, looking at yours i can see the quality is pretty good and the sound is ok. i just wanna be able to record those awesome moments of epicness that you cant really describe to people lol. i subscribed to your channel its pretty awesome, i need to find some better sites to play on.
  14. yer i was unsure what people use as theres like 3 main cameras, the contour, GoPro and tachyon. Go Pros are quite expensive, people seem inclined to the contour or tachyon, i think the contour slight betters the tachyon in frame rates.
  15. makes me want a camera badly lol what camera do you use btw??
  16. any Airsofters in kent get in touch and let me know what the sites are like.

  17. VFC SR15E3. small question anyone know what batterys it takes? the only ones i can find recommened are only available in USA, are there ones in the uk that do the same job? It has a SOPMOD LMT Type Crane Stock. help much appreciated
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