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Status Updates posted by rexfan10

  1. after 5 months of failure I finally managed to sell my pitbike. Time to get some upgrades for the vsr :D

  2. anybody got any tips on how to remove a vsr10 clone cylinder head? :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rexfan10


      Sweet, i'll look into gettin one of those, thanks :) Ive so far been unsucesfull using needle nose pliers and applying my full force even after having placed the cylinder in boiling water a few times. Darn thing just doesnt want to budge :(

    3. Rock-climby-Dave


      check that there isn't a pin that needs drilling out like on the TM model, it holds the head onto the cylinder and can't be unscrewed

    4. rexfan10


      No sign of any pin, i don't think the hfc vsr11's normally have one

  3. Just pre-ordered the motorola moto g, I've not had a mobile for far too long lol

  4. If i was to start selling new vsr10 steel 1st and 2nd sears for £17 (for both) would anybody be interested? cheers

    1. NickM


      I'd be interested if it was a new, tried and tested design that is better than the ones I can get now. You'd have to be careful you aren't infringing patents etc for existing products.

    2. rexfan10


      Thank you for your feedback Nick,

      Im afraid its just plain old shs sears, they tend to retail for around £30 a set ( £28 on ASPUK ) so i thought some people might be interested in getting them £10 cheaper :P

      I could sell them for £15 which would be half the rrp if i got enough people interested though :P

  5. hey guys, can i change the title of my threads or can it only been done by a mod?

    1. Monty


      You can change the title, just click "Use full editor" on your thread.

    2. rexfan10


      Thank you!!!

      you wouldn't believe how long this has been bugging me lol

  6. Modded thrunite tn31 flashlight in the mail, supposed to throw over 1km :D Not sure id want to take it toa skirmish though in fear of blinding somebody LOL!

    1. jcheeseright
    2. Kaza66


      yea mount a camera to it will ya?

    3. rexfan10


      Will do ;)

      Just a shame i sold my camera and airsoft gun to get it LOL!

  7. a quick spray of 3 in 1 oil and my full auto is working perfectly :D still not sure that i should have used 3 in 1 but the techy at pro airsoft supplies reccomended it...

  8. after 2 being missing for 2 weeks my cat is finally home!! :D

  9. Anybody got an idea why my cm16 will contineu to fire a couple shots after releasing the trigger on full autio? it only seems to to it if i squeeze the trigger all the way back :/ pulling it half way and releasing it stops instantly..

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. rexfan10


      Ok, cheers Dave, i'll give that a try :D

    3. alwaysontheoffensive


      combat machines are great internally, not the best perfroming, but mine works a treat in the filed, gonna stikc a 6.01 tighbore in there mind fo the spread it gives!

    4. rexfan10


      So i just got an email frompro-airsoft supplies, they reccomend using a teflon/silicon spray and just inverting the gun and spraying a short burst into the trigger. Will let you all know if it works.


      I was considering getting a tbb somewhere along the line for my cm16, i'd be very inerested to hear about any improvements alwaysontheoffensive :)


      Cheers all, Rex.

  10. So i had trouble with my ics m4 and returned it to the seller for a £40 loss, which isnt too bad, but then ebay had to go and charge me $80 for selling my camera, just after i bought another airsoft gun, pretty skint right now :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rexfan10


      Haha and of course there is a mega moon tonight ( the closet the moon will be to the earth all year, and yup, i dont have my camera to took any pics XD

    3. TPI


      I thought it looked Bigger than usual

    4. TacMaster


      dammit, just when I put my telescope in the loft as well...


  11. Russian arctic convoy veteran medal presentation went great today! 2 tornados and the coastgaurd helicopter did a fly by, and to top it all off i might be on the tele :P

    1. Dan's Ark

      Dan's Ark

      Would have been better being two Eurofighters, but let's not be ungrateful. :P

    1. rexfan10


      If anybody from the forum is interetsed i'll give you £15 off the buy it now price on ebay!

  12. sadly gliding was cancelled due to high winds today, but on the plus side we got a guided tour of the nimrod at kinloss :D

  13. Finally got a different satelitte internet provider, no more 0.25 mbps for me XD :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rock-climby-Dave


      what speeds you at now? .25 is a sodding BB weight, not a connection speed!!!

    3. rexfan10


      lmao, we used to be with avanti, but now we have changed to tooway and were are getting over 15mbps, which is pretty impressive for sattelite, although sadly due to the high ping first person shooters are a no no :'(

    4. rexfan10


      and no more 5gb usage limit lol!!

  14. Really sorry but could a mod/admin pleaseh delete one of my posts in the wanted section as i accidently posted the same thread twice. Cheers, and sorry.

    1. Deva


      Sorted. Thanks.

  15. thats our first dead lamb this year :(

    1. alwaysontheoffensive
    2. rexfan10


      on the plus side we got 2 sets of twins today :D

  16. yayyyy canon sx50 on its way :D The things one could do with 50x optical zoom....... >:)...... Like taking pictures of birds XD

    1. Fraser15


      Hahahaah, good one mate !!! :-)

  17. was going to get a 140cc pit bike but was told it would cost an extra £90 to get it delivered to the highlands even though we are still part of the mainland and have good roads. Its not like i live on the freaking isle of skye!!!!

    1. rexfan10


      wouldnt even deliver to one of their TNT depots in Inverness which is a city with a population of over 50,000!

    2. GiantKiwi


      50,000? the town my parent's live in is bigger than that, calling it a city is a bit ridiculous - but even so, i've had tnt deliver to my mooring in Seil, so probably just an ill informed employee who is in correspondence with you


    3. armysurplusandtoys


      I really do understand your frustration, as i send parcels all over the UK i always hate it when it comes to scotland addresses (but i love visiting scotland). I always call the customer as this is my dilema i always try to send the goods first class but this is the issue with first class you are only insured up to about £40 so if you order a value (at trade cost ie cost to you the sender). If you then send it with the courier say parcel force they then charge you £15 ish are you be...

  18. woow sorry mods/admin about themulti post in parts for sale, my internet died for a while so of course impatient me presses refresh a few times -_- could you please close alll threads but one? thanks and i apologize again.

    1. Finius


      Done. Cheers for letting us know.

  19. Type "do the harlem shake" into the youtube search bar, then wait 15 seconds....

  20. lego FTW

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rexfan10
    3. Airsoft-Ed


      So do I lol, I'm quite surprised I have any gums left as well, the number of times I tore them to shit trying to prise two pieces apart with my teeth and slipped were literally uncountable...

    4. TPI


      i have a Crate and a Half of the stuff sitting in the loft i loved it best toy thing i ever had! never could understand the MegaBlock stuff either!

  21. First game of paintball was GREAT fun, just a shame about the price of paintballs :(

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Master Sniper MJ

      Master Sniper MJ

      After reading this i agree paintballing is fun but soo expensive but so is arisfot haha oh and craig everyone has an opinion i think airsoft and paintball hurt about the same cos being hit in the hand hurts especially on the bone so he never called you a pussy in any term just stated his opinion that he thought it hurt more. simple really to each their own opinion


    3. Airsoft-Ed


      I just view as you making really wild assumptions because you either misunderstand or just feel the need to assert yourself over people.

      You always go further than simply correcting people.


      No one has ever reported you, very few people are ever reported actually. What I was saying is that if I asked someone to guess who the most complained about member was, I'd expect them to say you, because of these sort of things when you go overboard on people.


      It's u...

    4. Airsoft-Ed


      *It's unnecessary. Chill out. This isn't ZeroIn.

  22. first ever paintball game this monday, pretty excited :D

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