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Everything posted by ButcherBill

  1. Now THAT I can help with & yes it's my TM not the Well... FYI the Well stock fits the TM but only has one adjustment setting.
  2. I'll ask my uncle when I send my next bank transfer.
  3. I still think it's the battery power, can't explain why it'll fire in auto tho. Collin has more experience that me & migt have an answer.
  4. The holes in the sight post might simply be narrower than they need to be to tightly fit in the barrel grooves.
  5. Then have you tried different batteries 9.6 or 11.1's? A 7.4 might not have the oomph for the motor to be consistant.
  6. Not a new pew but this is the first time I've seen a detailed live fire video.
  7. I'd rather this didn't progress any further down this slippery slope, there are enough trolls on the internet without us making it worse. M1LAN I apologise for my comment. For what it's worth, the range of AR style of GBBR's, AEG's & accessories are endless, my own preference is for realistic military clones (as the pic shows), almost every pic I've seen with military rifles have some kind of addition/accessory whether it's unit specific or an individuals preference. If you want your AR to have a realistic feel & kick then GBBR fills that niche, however if you're a regular player or intend to be one then I'd suggest an AEG with NGRS, gas is fiddly & a pain in the arse (certainly more work than I'm willing to do on a regular basis) especially in our cold UK weather. There are many versions or AR's to consider and pretty much every one can be accessorised & updated as your want or need progresses, out of the AR's I have, only 1 is stock, many of them were bought from the classifieds & some might have been upgraded internally before I bought them but I don't play much so I prefer a look to performance so I just add the accessories I want & try to make them all different. If you want a milsim type of gameplay then it depends how far down the rabbit hole you want to go, full milsim with a GBBR will require many expensive mags as they hold limited ammo, an AEG with the same milsim feel will be a fraction of the cost, using midcap mags will give you a realistic reload feel as you'll need more mags (which are much cheaper). If you're determined to go down the GBBR route, I love my WE XM177 but I've been lucky enough to find second hand mags to allow me to spray & pray or pick my shots but I've yet to have a full game without some kind of issue either small or catastophic & the mags weigh a tonne.
  8. Raspberry Jam? I had to google that. Funnily enough I found all of my uber realistic AR's using google too.
  9. I might have to, see anything you want? nope
  10. I might give up airsoft... expect one or two classifieds in the future.
  11. Wow, you should do stand up. I'll edit my above sarcastic comment by adding... Your very first post on these forums reads (to me at least) as juvenile and ignorant of airsoft as a sport/hobby/pastime so as inappropriate as you may have 'read' my reply to be, it was intended as a positive way to slow a new player from blowing money on inevitable buyers regret purchase. Of the thousands of AR's on the market buy the one that appeals to you the most & welcome to the forums.
  12. I'm going to make an ass out of U and ME and assume you don't currently have a UKARA registration, even the most realistic AR varient (especially the most realistic kind 'RIF' Realistic Imitation Firearm) which should only be sold to you as a two tone item which iradicates the realistic part of your question. If you are new to airsoft the most common suggestion is to spend time at a site and get your UKARA then spend your money on a RIF you truly want/need/desire as it's unlikely to be your only one.
  13. Remove as much hop as possible and try again, adjust the hop bit by bit and see if it does affect the trajectory.
  14. You sure they're not just crap pics? GANDY, might be worth retaking the pics.
  15. Is it worth posting the pic on local sies forums/FB page etc?
  16. Took me too long trying to figure out what everyone was firing lol, sure I spotted a Lanchester (short mag threw me)
  17. Yeah it's not a new film & I've seen it many times, but netflix'd it tonight... I either need a sea mine or therapy... "I has for this un."
  18. We have cleaner air up here tho... well maybe not considering the proximity to Grangemouth petrochemical site. *cough*
  19. There's someone at my usual site that runs a generator/compressor for his HPA, noisy as hell but might be worth a consideration?
  20. ButcherBill

    Pmags x5

    But what happened to I, II & III ?
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