I kinda agree with the above, but... on a serious-ish note, the only influence I imagine any "large airsoft company in the UK" could offer me as a consumer is a better variety of non AR or AK based rif's. I could easily be wrong here but as a fat balding 57 yr old with some disposable income & an interest in UK/NATO Cold War era kit I'm paying through the nose for surplus gear from abroad as the UK distributers constantly have kit listed but, out of stock when I want to empty my wallet.
BB's are expensive but plentiful
Gas is expensive but plentiful
Rif's are expensive but I understand why stock may take longer to obtain by companies as stocking inventory ain't cheap
Some rifs are harder to find in the UK but plentiful in the asian markets(for obvious reasons), & for us in the UK there are many hurdles our imports have to leap before they are finally delivered to our doors & constantly hoping all the t's were crossed & i's dotted between HK/Taiwan and No5 Hopeful Crescent.
Our laws are tight in the UK & rightly so, I just wish some unobtainium rif's could be bought from within the UK (or from 'our European warehouse').
On a personal note... more Uzi's, more L1A1's (especially with wooden furniture), more GPMG's, more Sterlings etc. I'll be visiting Raresoft asap due to their selection of items.
All you have to do is visit the 'What have you just bought' section to see what members of this forum want from retailers in the UK.