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Everything posted by SgtTalbert

  1. Yes but these probably have Afghan sand on so adds to the price.
  2. Yeah I saw that - I wonder if it will take tags AFAIK, some 'launchers' cant take them due to construction or tube diameter...could be wrong
  3. Thank you this is the Iron Airsoft version...however, they are also like hens teeth to get
  4. Same price also - https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F272050254893
  5. Its my favourite patch "Doing Hoodrat things with my friends" is on the bottom of the patch
  6. I'll preface this with "everyone is different", however, Ive used a belt like that to start with and hated it. Slipped down, bulky etc... And I didn't look at belts for ages until I tried the inner/outer shooters type belt. Now I always run it, regardless of if I have a CR or PC. Basically, if that belt turns out to be shit, don't let it put you off the idea of running a belt
  7. I believe in you. Get it done. Take video with smoke. Pew Pew Pew
  8. If you don't put a tracer unit inside that front end so it shoots frikkin lazer beams, then you need to have a word with yourself
  9. Welcome matey - I'd definitely recommend ordering one, its also rather comfy
  10. Haha, thanks very much & no worries - always fancied having a groupie.... The Rig is a Helikon Training Mini Rig in Adaptive Green. Seems to be OOS in UK but I got mine from Emperion which worked out at £76.56 with shipping instead of £71.90 from Military1st. PewPewBox - do you mean MP7 or PEQ? I'll cover both.... The MP7 is a TM GBB. This is the PEQ and this is the Torch. They are both activated by this dual switch. The PEQ functionality all works great, ran it at a weekender so used laser / torch & IR - all worked fine. Oh, for the MP7 mags, I use this - fits perfectly where the removable M4 magazine pouch goes.
  11. Currently, its actually pretty easy to reindex, however, we will see how they hold up over time and yes, Kydex could well be a good option moving forward as long as it doesnt add too much extra bulk
  12. Thanks, Emperion were the cheapest of the in stock TMRs I could find, very good service and nice free patch Yeah, I'm using these - I've shaken the rig upside down and the mags haven't fallen out so hopefully long term they will be fine. if not, will look into the SS quad pouches to see if they are any better
  13. Ditto. Used them for the first time couple weeks ago. Very good Comms and quick delivery
  14. I do so wish they had out the Evo internals in the Bren
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