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iTTz n00b

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    Harlow essex uk

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  1. i could justify 6000 bb's if using a minigun lol
  2. Can anybody pm me who can explain what i need to know about lipo's please?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      For 11.1v you want a mosfet(NON PLUG IN) AOE correction,shimming correction and sorbopad reinforcement. You can run stock guns on an 11.1 reliably with this tuning. No need to replace parts.


    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Oh yeah and all that ^ :)

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      7.4v lipo or 9.9v life battery is the absolute max I'd push through a stock AEG. and would still be a tiny bit careful going too mad on a nice stock gun with 9.9v life battery until I was sure she could handle it ok

      some can take it but it is getting near most stock limit imho - but suppose it is how you use it and if gun is up to it.

  3. mate check your pm's

  4. Check your pm's

  5. Check your pm's buddy

  6. The gas block on standard ar's is the front post sight
  7. I can read, but I'm just posting as he might invest in a WE Gun
  8. WE make one http://www.sofmilitary.co.uk/we-short-20rd-m16-gas-magazine-product,15335
  9. Check your pm's pal

  10. Check you pm's mate

  11. Reply to my p'm mate

    1. THE FNG

      THE FNG

      Just did mate

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