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  • Guns
    PTS Centurion CM4,, MP5 Tactical, Astra IV, Sig 553, L85 A2, PTS Massada GBB, SSG96, SSX303, SSG24,
  • Loadouts
    MPT, Marpat, OD, Civilian
  • Sites
    The Siege Project. Used to go FOB b4 closure, Anzio, Phoenix, NML and as many other sites as I can fit in.
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  1. That’s funny you quoting sir Ranulph Fiennes. You and outdoor persuits 😝
  2. Hi you’ll be pleased to hear knowone argues on here https://discord.gg/thesiegeproject
  3. Please come and join us on Discord you will all be made most welcome. Far better to break bread than to be at odds with each other. https://discord.gg/t7NUt9vU Please join us on Discord you will find a warm welcome, with honesty and dare I say it fun. https://discord.gg/t7NUt9vU
  4. I think you're being a little disingenuous with your comments but that's fine. you guys keep having a go so I guess I will keep defending myself. You seem to think wanting to be successful is bad, well that's your opinion. I've tried to explain but you point blank refuse to listen. So as I keep saying you've had your fun, I'm sure there's another poor sap waiting round the corner. I wish you well just please leave out the insults. My god what is your beef! What are you hoping to gain. Just get on with your life and I will do the same. I don't have any victims, what on earth are you on about.
  5. Nothing to see here move on Yes damaging reputations by offering great game days and a serious attitude to safety. Move on move on.
  6. What you all fail to realise is you could run the site quite happily at 250fps but you don't know that because you've never took the time to visit, talk to me or look at the many pics and videos. The argument you guys have created is ridiculous. Come down enjoy yourself then you'll see why we do what we do. Agreed
  7. Move on nothing to see hear. Many thanks for the breath of fresh air. We like shotguns and you’re right no survival horror is complete without them. It’s a pity you live far away as I d love to give you a great experience at The Siege Project. All the best 😀👍 Btw I take on board your comments.
  8. Please just read the whole thread. All the answers are in there. Just take a good filter with you for the toxicity. Cheers bud 👍
  9. Gbbr make less than 1% appearances on site the op is on HPA I’ve said a few times in this thread about gbb please try to keep up. That’s interesting and and interesting name to describe me. Tell me again how many sites you run? As always you fall into personal insults. I’ve answered ALL and I mean ALL your points. Now please move on to your next victim, please for my sanity.
  10. No that’s not what people have been asking as the op. If you care to read I do include gbb. Honestly I despair. Look you don’t want to listen you just want to try to prove your little point. What on earth is this forum. If you care to read I gave you the reasons why. Don’t say you read responses when you clearly don’t,
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