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  • Guns
    CYMA/DBoys AK74M
  • Loadouts
    'Pro Russian Militant'
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  • Location
    Northern Ireland

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  1. Damn. Someone needs to make a site in Fermanagh.
  2. Any other Mastodon fans here

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Airsoft-Ed




      Not really a fan as I've never really listened to any of their stuff, but I've seen them live at festivals a couple of times.

    3. two_zero


      looked them up on youtube. not too bad, but the audience seem to be asleep.. just as I finished thinking that:



      Bit slow phase for my taste thou to be honest.

    4. Dan_W


      Haven't seen them live. Crack the Skye album is holy good though.

  3. To the fishermen on here, what do you fish for?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dan_W


      Those smart responses weren't expected at all! -_-

    3. Finius


      When I used to go actual fishing years ago (before I went and learnt stuff about dead things) I used to enjoy Tench and Barbel a lot?

    4. rexfan10


      Pollock, and loads of 'em :P Get loads of them when using spinners of the rocks down by the sea here in northern scotland.

  4. There have been many people bought them I know. And even the LCT one isn't that good supposedly. And well, they are AEG's. Look at GHK, they have been doing well enough to release 8 different AK models. It will be a sad day when all we have to choose from is M4s with different type RIS rails.
  5. True, I know, but there is a surprisingly large community who have been begging for one. And then of course they can sell it to the Russian airsofters who are growing at a pretty speedy rate. Same goes with the KWA makarov that was meant to be coming out :'(
  6. If they were to offer something that hasn't been done before that would be really popular then they could make a mint. If someone is looking for an AR15 then they have loads of options to choose from, and therefore less likely to buy that specific one. And who wouldn't buy a superb quality GBB VSS or AS VAL?
  7. Just finishing one off myself I don't want to reveal full details yet until I have pics which won't be until I get the AK body from my gf who lives about 80 miles away, but my pro russian kit/ GRU Spetsnaz will cost less than £200 including camo and mags, gun and the lot It took time though! You can do these loadouts pretty cheaply because all their kits is most likely scavenged, donated or bought cheaply! My Chicom rig only cost £11 posted from China The reason they are wearing DPM is beacause there is such a large surplus of it and so it is cheap and easy to buy in bulk. It could even be Russian made, nearly every 'western' camo has been copied and manufactured in Russia for various situations for all their different units.
  8. Have fun choosing anyway And welcome to the forum!
  9. Only ones still available I know of are ICS, G&G and WE who make a GBB one. To be honest, handling an AEG L85 is going to be no help handling the real steel. By the time you'll need to fire a real steel L85, everyone else will be just a proficient and any muscle memory you have gained from using a GBB will be of no advantage by the time you have finished training. An AEG will be useless becuase it's nothing like the real thing, the weight is terribly off balanced compared to the real thing and with an AEG the reloading won't be the same. A GBB is only marginally better in terms of weight. Your best bet is to get an AK because you like them. That way by the time you get into training you won't have any bad habits from using an AEG L85 and you won't have to unlearn anything like not releasing the bolt after changing mags etc. TLDR; using an AEG L85 will gain you very little advantage, if any, and may even lead to bad habits, reloading, handling etc.
  10. I met Mr. Tayto once. Best day of my life.
  11. Try and get the cadet rifles and if possible military grade bolt action 'sniper' rifles if they are legal. People will pay money to shoot an L96 or even something firing a .338 if possible and even historic weapons like Lee-Enfields. I'm not too sure on the rules about larger calibres but i'm sure you'll sort something legal out
  12. Just get an A&K PKM and be the envy or everybody!
  13. Hi Undieing_Lust, fellow Northern Ireland player here! How about something different? A&K PKM. You will be the envy of everybody! Or what about an LCT AS VAL? A russian loadout can be pretty cheap to build up aswell and you can look like an absolute badass in Russian gear. I haven't been to Green Zone yet, but hope to take a trip up someday over the summer if work permits. Have fun spending your money!
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