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Everything posted by DanBow

  1. You're right, it's not a good look. Luckily, as I said, there's a core of members that make it worthwhile. Just keep hold of your money.
  2. We can only presume and give the benefit of doubt but you're right, it would take minutes to write a post with an explanation. I guess they really just dont care.
  3. Yep, absolutely no point in handing over your hard earned cash.
  4. Yep, this forum has the worst mod team I've ever encountered. They're taking peoples money and not supplying goods. That's got to be either theft or fraud! If if wasnt for the core members, who make it a good place to be, I wouldn't bother.
  5. It doesn't look like anyone who ordered in the last 12 months has received theirs but the mods don't seems to care. They've been tagged in posts and direct mailed but they just don't reply. It's all a bit shit.
  6. My God man, dont get them started on the UKAF/UKAPU debate!!!!!
  7. Would a Freedom of Information request work? Edit: apparently not point 11 - Here Data is not available, or accessible, to any third party organisation, individual, or for any other purpose than directly related to airsoft RiF purchase.
  8. When it comes to MP5s, always give in to the the temptation!
  9. Well they were cheating so it's fair game!
  10. I'd be interested to hear about how you get in with them in use.
  11. Fuck the lefties! If we pander to them, they win! Advertise how much fun running around the woods shooting your mates is. Advertise the buzz you get from a well placed shot that takes out an enemy player. Advertise all of the things that they, they lefties, hate.
  12. Maybe this one - Here or just in the general discussion thread.
  13. I that is definitely worthy of its own thread.
  14. 'tis a thing of sheer beauty
  15. it's just an added bonus that will reap the rewards when civilisation falls.
  16. Hi Andy, Welcome to the forum. I've no idea about converting anything to anything but I think some pictures of your pulse rifles are very much needed! 😁
  17. Me neither but the spas that was in classifieds the other only stayed there due to severe lack of funds! lol
  18. How long did it take to come? I'm about to order that torch but needed it for a game I've got on 16th! Yeah, I know I've left it a little late! lol
  19. Hi Bobz, there is a very well used classified section on this very forum - here. If you don't know what to sell them for, there is a section for appraisals - here. Just don't take the piss with the price or you'll end up - here (This section is where we laugh at the ridiculous prices people are asking for) Oh, and welcome to the site.
  20. Anyone got any links to cheap torches with remote switch?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DanBow


      exactly what I'm looking for. ta.

    3. pyromancer6


      Here's a repro XC1/XC2 by WADSN if you're after something pistol related. They do fake X400s but I don't know the quality on them. Just waiting for the XC2s (dual mode, red laser + a torch) to come back in stock with the markings and then I'll probably grab one. Little bit more pricey due to the laser though, so you could always just get the XC1 without one. I just like the idea of being a bootleg Leon S Kennedy with my little laser lmao


      Edit: found the X400 repros. No idea on the quality of them but they look the part and have the laser/light combo.

    4. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      Ledray are bulletproof and not silly Surefire money.  Not cheap but I've had mine for 15 or so years.


      I have a couple of these on airsoft rifs: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/354512677837  I think that I've had them about three years or so.  TBH I prefer to press the rear of the torch with my thumb, and angle/mount the torch to be able to do so.  

  21. £300 and the scratchs will clean off! Lol
  22. Not my shop, nothing to do with me and I dont know the owners . . . . but . . . . https://www.facebook.com/TinCanAlleyAirsoft A shop and an indoor range. That makes 2 shops in my local (ish) area. Got to be a good thing.
  23. Just had a play with my chrono and my pistol fps is all over the place! Do I need to do "warm up" shots or is it new hop rubber time?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The_Lord_Poncho


      You will find that with almost every shot, unless you wait a minute or so between them, the FPS will likely drop - due to the cooldown of the gas.


      Another reason that it might be wildly fluctuating- especially if you are getting a few sky high readings  -is that the Chrono is picking up the gas cloud itself. In which case, try holding the muzzle a little way back from the chrono (whilst taking a lot of care not to shoot out your screen!)

    3. DanBow


      Thats a good point, there were a few shots that registered as shots but no reading showed.  I presume that waa picking up the gas?

    4. The_Lord_Poncho


      Possibly....worth trying a little back and seeing what happens!


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