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Everything posted by DanBow

  1. From an advert that I stumbled across on here . . bought completely on a whim! A G&G Wildhog GC16. In the words of Borat, its a very niice. There is an issue with the acog that I will be asking questions about, but I'll do that tomorrow as I'm going to bed.
  2. At my regular site we only wear one armband but they are worn on opposite arms so if you can't tell what colour it is, you can tell by which arm its on.
  3. I did take my delta mike but The Look got the better of common sense. I did take a hit right in the middle of my top lip but, luckily, it was from a distance.
  4. For those of you that liked my Heat esque suit load out, heres a pic of me in game. It was far too warm for the jacket, plus being fat and running around like a dickhead who thinks he's still 17 tends to work up a sweat!
  5. Wasn't that the one that got cancelled last year due to low ticket sales? My daughter and i had planned a day out there.
  6. I'm sort of west Midlands and would love a localish airsoft car boot.
  7. I think one, of the many, times that I've taken it apart, I've put it back in the wrong way with the bent bits facing backwards so when I dropped it a little heavily on the sling it popped out and my beloved Vera nose dived into the mud!! I couldn't find it in the mud but thought it would be easy to get a replacement! 🤬 All sorted now though, one of our members has a spare that they are going to send. You really do meet the nicest people on here. Well, apart from the ones who ask too much for tat, the ones who can't answer simple question then troll, the ones who want spoon feeding information . . . . .
  8. Yes, ive got the collapsing one and yes, the metal bit that fits into the left hand side. 😁😁👍👍
  9. I'm having no luck finding rear sling loop for my Cyma MP5. So if any of you fine people have one, would you mind taking it off and taking a couple of pictures for me please? Ta muchly
  10. My ex wife around rhe bend, mostly.
  11. Yes, oddly written is right. We'll probably go next week, and I'll report back.
  12. My daughter has just sent me a link to this site - here, might go to one of the evening games as its only an hour away from us. Has anyone played here, or at any of the other First and Only sites? Reading through their rules it seems that they don't chrono your rif, rather trusting you to do yourself! From their site - FPS LIMITS: All our Chronographs are measured with 0.2g ASG bbs. It is the responsibility of the players to chronograph their gun before the airsoft day starts, Chrono Stations are provided on all sites. If FPS is over above our Variance figures during random checks, the player will be removed from the game.
  13. Reminds me of the time that I had a vasectomy because I didnt want kids but when I got home they were still there!
  14. Now you're having a laugh! 🤣🤣
  15. Damn, I was hoping you had a time machine!

    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    Calling all of my MP5 Brethren. Does anyone have one of these knocking about? I'd be very grateful and would swap some monies. It's for a Cyma Blue one but I think they're all the same. Ta


    Whitchurch, Shropshire - GB

  17. I know it's an old thread but I had a single point sling on that mount yesterday. I let it drop a little too quickly and the mount came out of the rear receiver, and the rifle nose dived about 2 inches into the wet mud. I've had my MP5 apart many times and, I think, the mount needs to be inserted correctly. If the tabs that hold it in had been facing forward, instead of rearwards, I don't think it would have been able to come out, no matter how hard it had been dropped. I cleared and cleaned the barrel to carry on playing but have just spent a while stripping and thoroughly cleaning the business end of it. If anyone has a spare sling swivel mount, let me know or if you can point me in the direction of somewhere to get a spare I'd be grateful.
  18. Are you sure you can still class yourself as an airsofter if uou haven't bought anything?
  19. They've got an indoor range there. Its in Wrexham so not too far away from South Cheshire.
  20. Yes, I'll be wearing my combat boots. They're brown but they'll do. Me too, it would look better if I had a P90 though!
  21. That's sort of what I was going for. That and maybe a bit of Heat. lol
  22. The guys and gals from my regular site have The Goal in Oakham booked for Saturday. There's 42 of us going. My normal attire is a pair of DPM trousers and a plain tshirt but I thought I'd make an effort for this. I've no idea why they've rotated 90 degrees!!! They're the right on my pc!
  23. She has just joined the site, @sofieb Everyone say hi. 😁
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