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son of dan

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  • Guns
    L85A2, a long ass specna, we glock 17 (very shit), TM glock 19 , DEVGRU M16A2 , Well MB06A,
  • Loadouts
    british amy afghan kit, regular DPM kit.
  • Sites
    Spec ops, AWA
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  1. shes not talking to me because the silly bint said my drumming lesson "17:30" instead of "5:30", and i read it as "7:30", and i was half an hour late. i tried to explain to her, but she was shouting at me for it; bearing in mind that ive got bad dyslexia, and she enrolled me into a school where everyone has mild learning disabilities. then she wonders why i dont talk to her
  2. nah ive been here many times. this one hurts more ahahaha. all the emergency exits are either weird, batshit crazy (more than normal), already occupied, or under the age of 14 (im not a pedophile)
  3. update on dilemma. i got rejected. but she said "not now, maybe in the future". hurt a little cant lie, but still seeing her on Saturday, so thats a result.
  4. tokyo tower, not skytree. i havent been to tokyo tower
  5. those are actually some really good places to go. I'll ask her if she wants to go to one of these places hopefully next weekend. thank you very much for all the ideas 👍. @Dan Robinson might steal some of these ideas as well for when he comes over to Japan. Showa Kinen park caught my eye very quickly as it looks like a place I used to go to in England during lockdown a lot, and also an opportunity for her to fill up her phone storage. Koishikawa Korakuen Garden looks nice, but as you said, probably not worth going in winter as the trees are slowly dying around here, but looks nice for spring/autumn season (if we still go out together that is). Tokyo Tower does look really nice as well, and also a place I haven't been to yet, but a place she has been to. But knowing her, she would probably want to go so she can take a truck load of photos. tickets are surprisingly cheap compared to the Skytree, so I might have to go there at one point. New years events I'd like to do, but she's off to Russia to see family and friends; but no doubt there will be other events around late January, February time.
  6. Enoshima looks really nice. i think ive got the money for it, but I don't know if I can go for a day trip tbh. I cant get up early in the morning, she probably can, but it is a bit far away from where we usually meet up (Futako-Tamagawa). knowing her, if I took her there, she would want to see almost everything, and take about a million photos. when i took her to a theme park, she took about 200 photos, 40 of them being of a Ferris wheel (although she is very good at photography.)
  7. I think my mums foot steps are louder than any GBBR ever made. @Dan Robinsoncan confirm. I like pistols, but I've always preferred rifles; I think its probably because the first thing I shot was a poachers shotgun, and liked the feeling of using my shoulders more, and not my wrist. I don't really need to carry and hide a pistol because I don't live near Luton, or Bedford anymore, and live in a country where people are afraid to tell people that they've dropped something. got a SIG right now, but I only really use it when my mums out with her friends. but even then, I miss a feeling of a rifle.
  8. sounds like a good idea. i might need to try that with my SIG. I'm sure the Japanese bank would find it even fascinating
  9. yeah it went good. so far, took her to the Tokyo sky tree, then a cat café (she really misses her cat), and took her to a theme park last Saturday. only just realised how good of a photographer she is (made me look much 10 times better than i usually do, and made my jawline look sharp). but I'm running out of ideas on where to take her next 🤣 great shop, like @Dan Robinson said, he bought his auto 9 there, BUT, not the greatest idea considering that her brother is trying his best to avoid conscription in Russia, and she's not fond of most things related to the army/military.
  10. personally, I think he's a massive twat. he has a really punchable face. he sometimes makes it look like that he hit someone, even though the BB is very clearly going towards the next county over. and like everybody has mentioned, unnecessary headshots. yes, this is a sport where you shoot people, but hitting someone in the head on purpose is just being another level of bellend (I usually apologised for headshots, accident or on purpose), but then complaining about it when it happens to him is the one thing that gets to me. my last reason, when he doesn't shoot women. they paid to get shot at, and you have a clear shot, and yet you don't shoot them because they're a girl. sure, its "polite", but again, they paid to get shot at, and it doesn't get you any closer to getting a touch from them. i also find the "tactical voice" he does REALLY annoying. that voice that he does when he explains a mission/objective. just talk with your slightly less annoying, normal voice. this is why he will never feel a touch of a women...
  11. hi guys, I'm thinking about making airsoft videos when I come back to England for the summer. I was wondering what's better to get, a Gopro, or a scope camera. they both look good, but I don't know which is better; and I don't know what cameras are better quality wise. would appreciate some suggestions. TIA
  12. try using mesh. sure it will lower the visibility, but if you position the mesh just right, the lens might Aline with the gap in the mesh.
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