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Everything posted by pyromancer6

  1. TM Gen 5s having dubious availability because of Gaston Glock himself putting his fucking nose in places means they can charge whatever they want for it really, unfortunately - the Gen 5 TM is a bloody good pistol and is the only way to get TM's new glock system for the time being, so while £500 is stupid and has a euromillions chance of selling I can see one moving for like £300 to the right person, honestly
  2. Pretty sure it was sub £50 with the DPM haversack too, can't remember the condition because it was hung pretty high up and I was skint so I didn't ask to get it down because I didn't want to be a tyrekicker lol
  3. Still kicking myself from that time I went into Military Mart and saw a S10 there and didn't buy it about two years ago, prices have gone insane from the rubber-soul enthusiasts and collectors so it's kinda fucked
  4. PB valentines day offer. Was a few quid cheaper so completely understandable
  5. G&G Top Tech SD5 pictured below my CYMA (which is fucked lol). This marks the first and probably the only time I've brokered a gun deal within the workplace as one of the newer starters overheard me talking to somebody about 'that paintball thing on the weekend' and asked if it was airsoft or not - it's practically brand new, purchased in 2017 and came with a little cheap red dot & two high caps with the mag clamp. £50. He just really wanted rid and didn't mind selling at a loss, so now my friend is a proud owner of a SD like he's always wanted. Plus I got to fuck around with it and it's suprisingly fun to shoot with the little pnuematic blowback it has. Chuffed
  6. What boonie is that? I've got a DPM boonie of my own but it seems way too short and I'd like one that rides down a little longer like yours
  7. That Specna Flex looks like a real winner at that price - sure you could look into DE's lineup of Falcon Fire M4s for around the same budget but honestly I don't think you can go too wrong with one of those - kinda dig the olive too tbh
  8. Decided to stop sitting on my hands about it and finally pulled the trigger on parts to get my poor venrable DE UTR back to the world of the living (The rotary and 6mm bearings are to get another build out of the graveyard) Absolutely shitting myself about the Perun install, but hey - how hard can it be? (I'm fucked)
  9. "How did your airsoft day go?" Img 6662.mp4 About sums it up. Theatrics aside, finally managed to get my CYMA's tracer AK hop to play somewhat nice (trust me, this unit is absolute crap and I wish I could replace it but the rotary I bought didn't fit) and shoot in a relatively straight line but the accuracy is still pretty naff out of the 455mm ZCI barrel I popped inside, so might end up looking into something else if anybody has any pointers - my mate was having an absolute howler of a game however with his gear being annoying, his Arcturus AK-12 PE which has been the steady horse for the best part of a year misbehaving and a few other niggles. Used the WELL MCX Rattler with no problems after the Airtac AK adapter decided to do the above but it was only brief because my mate decided to pack up, some days are just bad gear days. Missed the rain which was a bonus, and waffled some shit with the other regulars until the games finished so we could get out [we were boxed in the corner] Also didn't get to use the WEagle at all, as it was struggling to cycle due to the weather but the new P229 holster from Ali was nice and it perfomed as well as a non glock could. Nothing broke excluding the adapter, which was a nice change of pace!
  10. The WEagle is a perfectly capable, durable and functional sidearm (well, just 'arm' - it's huge) stock (pretty sure it's one of the few pistols where 'just get the tm' doesn't apply, many place the WE higher than the hard-kick TM version), it's just very receptive to upgrades and a little tinkering as you can get some admittedly crazy performance due to the nature of having a fixed barrel mated to pretty much a rifle sized nozzle. I just followed the Explosive Enterprises video to a T and I'm very happy with the results. It looks the part, feels the part, is very robust and has by far the most blowback recoil out of any other pistol in my collection. Would recommend for sure if you're interested in a Desert Eagle as I doubt you'd be disappointed. I like throwing parts at things because it's fun (when it goes right) and lets me moonlight-larp as a pretend gunsmith, even if in reality I'm spending a shit-tonne of money on pistols I use about 10% of the time during play lol
  11. "Only upgrade things when they break! Not everything is an upgrade!" Meanwhile, my stupid ass three days into WEagle ownership spending 1.5x what it cost in the first place on parts: Should be an absolute bazooka come Sunday, provided everything goes well (it won't)
  12. Looking was a terrible mistake. Will focus on building this one up first before considering a fancy one in the future
  13. New [to me] WE Mark XIX in black. Wanted chrome but could only find it in L6 flavour, which while nice wasn't what I was going for. This came as a bargain, and barring a few usual WEagle-isms [the mag baseplate retention is broken, as is common] it makes the rest of my pistol collection feel Skegness toy-store springer in comparision. Awesome piece. Plus, holy shit! It's so fucking massive! I mean, duh - but holy shit! If anybody knows how to get a set of Hogue grips to the UK I'm all ears, most sites don't want to bother with importing so if there's anybody somebody could point me to I'm all ears, as the WE grips are pretty well known to be quite crap
  14. I tried sneaking in a cheap little double bell 92FS into my massive 18airsoft order but it ramped the delivery cost up the moment I popped it in - still, mine also came today which was an awesome suprise, and I might've won the customs lottery because it just arrived with zero fanfare or added fees I have no idea how they didn't notice 21 seperate items and decide to take a bite, but I'm more than happy to have 'gotten away' with it lol
  15. I'm sure customs won't notice the 21 items coming from 18airsoft on Monday 😅
  16. I prefer to live life on the edge. You either hit the jackpot or you get done in everywhere by customs and I think that thrill is worth the hassle
  17. Figured out how to get it apart anyways because I got curious, and also learnt where the quickchange access is - these come with a bloody big spring! Guess they really are DSG OOTB after all... Honestly, we should really make a seperate thread for the thing as there's absolutely zero information online about anything to do with them, not even a single video on youtube and searching it only brings up retailer pages with such excellent information like: Fire Mode: Choose between safe, single, or automatic modes to adapt to various situations. Which is insanely useful to know, of course - such revolutionary features never before seen in airsoft
  18. Popped them a message, they'll probably just shrug their shoulders and I'll have to figure out how this bloody thing comes apart to fit something else but like you said it can't hurt!
  19. Happens, airsoft will be airsoft. Starting to get a bit worried about the graveyard I'm starting to amass though... I think the 'mosfet' is more of a safety enabler for 11.1v than anything else - as it doesn't even function on 7.4 or 9.9. Will have to brave taking the thing apart to fit something else up-front but I think I'm gonna try and get my UTR working again first, as fun as the MCX is and all. Miss that thing, even with it's dumb-ass mags the size of skyscrapers
  20. Had an absolute howler of a day today unfortunately - my new to me Altbergs gave my feet agony [or it could've been the fact they were frozen solid, couldn't have helped!], had general gear mishaps all day with my radio pouch being way too small for my new UV-5RH so it'd just keep pressing the PTT button and changing random settings while it was in the pouch during play, my HW EXPS3 decided to detach itself mid-firefight which lead to a extremely fun easter egg hunt for it & to top it all off the coveted WELL WE-10 MCX rattler that was an absolute darling at first for me and plenty of other people decided to rear it's ugly £180 head... So yeah, unfortunately not the best. Will have to look into getting 'another m4 like that actually works' seeing as the MCX shit the bed, or I now need to put the 'this needs a perun hybrid to unfuck it' tally up to three now. Joy
  21. £550 upgraded. I know what I got. No time Wasters
  22. Nothing makes friends quicker than going 'oooh I like your gun, what is it?' and then watching their eyes light up as they autistically explain the intricacies of a 10.3" MK18 and the foundations of the CQBR concept, it's great. We're all very stupid and that's what makes the sport great. We're all absolute plonkers spending god's Sunday running around the mud shooting smoothbore plastic chinesium sewing machines at eachother, so might as well enjoy it in good company!
  23. Just had an 18airsoft order priced up from the 18th  to purchase after Christmas go from £7 delivery to £69 - any idea what the fuck is going on? Lmao

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ak2m4


      I suspect £7 was a system mistake, that's way too cheap for UPS.  Stick with e-express.  Send Fiona over at 18airsoft a message, she might be able to give you a small discount.  She speaks great english and is always super helpful.  

    3. TheFull9


      ^ this is the correct answer.

    4. pyromancer6


      Sent a message through to their support, so fingers crossed - one of the items have went out of stock since, which is a pain in the arse but hopefully they get back to me. Massive thanks again to Pete @ak2m4for being an absolute gem as usual.

  24. My Nov unit with my new '100% real' aliexpress M32s is pretty audible but not to the point where I can't hear anything else. Would have to directly compare to an ExFog unit to know for sure, though - and it's not like I've got the best setup regardless (it's on a exfog headband, and it was the first time running earpro ever so my setup was all over the place) No idea about the aliexpress fog units however, but considering the price of them it might end up being a valid choice if you're not running sound amplification/reduction, exactly like you said.
  25. Meanwhile I take my stuff out to give it a once over after like 2 months of not using and somehow everything's exploded, set on fire, sold itself on prefired for 30% of what it's worth and exploded again. Lucky for some I guess
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