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    Cowboy boots and country music - thats how I roll!

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  1. To some, yes, which is almost what this is about really isn’t it? 😆
  2. Honestly I think it was easier to get a shotgun certificate, I certainly didn't have to join a shooting ground or prove I'd been to one to be able to buy a gun. I still find it weird I have to jump through hoops to get something that looks like a gun when I have a cabinet full of actual guns but then the UK's licensing system is an absolute mess littered with knee jerk legislation that often makes no sense at all.
  3. I’ve got Haix combat boots, both the desert and leather type and they are great. Really comfortable and they’ve taken a lot of abuse on a farm shoot, the ones I wore Saturday are 6 years old now and still going. The deserts aren’t too hot in summer and the leather ones keep you feet warm and dry in winter - I’ve been in water virtually up to the tops and they don’t leak. Mine also came with an insole for ‘adjusting’ to half sizes. They are the best boots I’ve ever owned and if I remember correctly I think I paid about £130ish for the 2 pairs. They also come in a wide fitting: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/195803021042?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Jt4G-NuLT_K&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=Xa3FQbI5T1K&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. As long as it wasn't him who got me on the nipple he's good. 🤣 Balls Of Humiliation? Wait, am I gonna get tea-bagged as well? Jeez, I may as well just go back to COD. 🤣
  5. @RostokMcSpoonsI’m pretty sure I was stood next to you at the end of the last game as I saw your fancy footwear. 😂
  6. @Dan Robinson@RostokMcSpoons Apparently I did make it as far as some trees on at least one occasion. 😁
  7. Denends which side of the line-up you're on I suppose. I did have a pic taken so maybe that'll help. Can't say I was by trees much, I could usually be found going to/from spawn panting like a dog. 🤣
  8. @Dan RobinsonI was on the yellow team, top had camo arms/green centre - no doubt you probably caught me more than once! 😁🤣
  9. Things wot I are learnd: 1. I am just as unfit (if not more!) as I thought I was. 2. When you are full noob and don't have a clue whats going on and who/what is where it's a lot to take in. 3. Getting shot on the nipple HURTS LIKE HELL! 🤣 In the excitment of it all and chatting to people I didn't get names so if you were there and I spoke to you - sorry! The games were great in the morning and as I started to get the hang of what was going on I really got into it, everyone was really friendly and welcoming. The vibe seem to change quite a bit for the afternoon, Within a minute of the start of the first game I got lit by a kid on my team who couldn't have been more than 10 feet from me. 🙃 After that game I think some tempers started to get a bit frayed but it certainly didnt spoil it for me - in fact a few of us end up back at spawn and decided it would be a good idea to go on a suicide mission which soon had us all laughing again. Carlos was a fantastic host and everyone I met and spoke to were great, I will certainly be back soon!
  10. Ok, I promise next time I'll have a name tag. 🤣
  11. Sadly the wife vetod the hat, I do however regularly rock cowboy boots. Not much good for moving about though so think I'll stick to my deserts for this. 🤣
  12. Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy more guns and thats kinda the same thing. 😁
  13. Mate I'll probably be wheezing and sweating pure kebab grease. 🤣 Thanks for the tips guys, I'll prob be there early as I'm not far away and have a deep hatred of being late to anything, usually I end up parked somewhere in a layby waiting for stuff to open. I should be recognisable by my stupid girlie hair and dumb look on my face. 😁
  14. Next time you want to buy… wait a week. 🤣
  15. Toxic and with an unhealthy obsession for drawing blood? Seriously, I watched two videos as one was suggested and the other out of curiosity to see if it was a 'one-off' and that was enough for me to change the settings to not reccomend the channel. I shoot other disciplines and I get some people are super competitive - it's personally not for me as I do it just for fun - but theres a line between being competitive and just being a dick.
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