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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. You're also missing out on his (undisclosed) ex two-tone HPA L96 with an upgraded motor(?) 🤔 https://airsoft-forums.uk/classifieds/item/58580-hpa-sniper-rifle/
  2. It's useless. Had the same thing recently with multiple people, and no-one ever bothers to check their adverts. Unless they put on a phone number or other way to contact them in their advert, don't even bother.
  3. AirsoftHub: The perfect place for people to sell their gear whilst never checking their inbox!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MrTea


      Yeah it's a nightmare.

      It used to send you an email when you got a message but that feature broke a while back.

    3. Krisz


      You don't get an email anymore when someone messaged you.

    4. Hudson


      Fair enough, and maybe it's just me but if I put up an advert, I'd be certain to check on it regularly.

  4. Well it just came with the gun. Idk if you can source one new separately, so it'd probably have to be acquired second hand.
  5. Adding Mine that have already been on here in a different thread, but why the hell not?
  6. Are WE Glock mags compatible between generations?


    Could I use a Gen5 mag in something that uses Gen 3 or 4?


    Been so long since I last owned anything Glock shaped I'm out of the loop!

    1. The_Lord_Poncho


      I have gen 3 WE glock 17s (several) and a WE gen5 Glock 19. The gen 3 mags will happily fit and feed in the gen 5 Glock 19 (but i obviously can't test the other way due to the glock 19 mags being too short to fit in a Glock 17). IIRC the only difference in the gen 5 glock mags for a WE is that they have mag release cutouts on both sides, as the gen 5 allows the mag release to be reversed for a left handed shooter.

    2. Hudson


      Ok that's great news. Thank you!

  7. I don't think it's compatible with anything unfortunately. It's a cheap, basic "almost-but-not-quite" VSR that's off-spec just enough to not fit any of the common parts.
  8. £400 for a cyma boltie 😶 https://prefired.co.uk/ads/cyma-cm-700a-m40a3-spring-sniper-rifle/
  9. Well he's reduced the prices yet again...but still well over their brand new price! 250 for the striker and 300 for the leaky shotgun 🤡 At this rate If we keep it up, how many posts do you think it'll take to get to a reasonable price?
  10. As long as you're having work done in something fairly common you should be ok. I too a vz58 in for some work on the hop unit over Covid that left it worse than if I'd never bothered, and I left a VSR with them a couple years ago to drill the hole so I could install a GunSmithy Tdc set that they kept for a few weeks before saying they couldn't do it. That was a few years ago now though, so I can't comment on their current work, but unless it's basic V2/3 gearbox work I'll just stick to their retail side, which is great.
  11. Booked in for Raw War on Sunday.

    Been several months since I've been, and weather looks good.


    Hoping for a good day.

    Anyone else going?

  12. Probably not tbh. It's Ares and a bit unusual, so I'd wager that replacement parts aren't readily available.
  13. No, not what you might infer from the title. This isn't about reconnecting with people you might have once known. I'm talking about guns. After previously seeing an advert for something I thought may have once been mine it made me think about this. For those that have been playing a while we'll have inevitably worked our way through a plethora of guns, from the first AEG we ever bought, to the beloved bolt action that we traded and soon regretted, to the impulse buy shotgun that never even got used and was sold shortly after. Have you ever come across something that you've previously owned and sold, whether it's still owned by the same person or it's even passed on to someone new? I'm not talking about selling them to someone you know and see regularly and therefore it's barely even gone, but more you've posted one off to someone halfway across the country; only to later bump into it and instantly recognise it, or you took it down to a bring & buy sale and then saw it online at a later date. Did anyone ever buy it back? Was it being sold for more than you parted with it? Any other interesting or amusing stories connected to this? Off the top of my head, I recall meeting Someone at a somewhat local site, but not one I often visit who remembered me selling them a modern magpul style AK, and was actually still using it on the day; running strong a couple of years later! And then fairly recently Seeing an ASG M15 with a distinctive paint job go up on discord that I recognised as mine straight away, being sold at a price probably a bit more than I'd sold it for! Interested to hear from anyone else!
  14. It's still the stock one! It was purely down to the standard JG hop unit being 0.5mm off spec.
  15. A little*too* well, in fact! With an M95 in, and the 500mm XT barrel it was putting out 1.22J Luckily this version has a quick change gearbox so with a little rummage through my bag o'springs™ it's now a satisfying 1.1J.
  16. Ok well I got around to trying out the Marui hop unit, along with an XT barrel and everything seems to be running very well. No misfeeds, drops in power or anything so far so fingers crossed, it all seems to be solved! 😃
  17. Back down in the Midlands to play at MAW tomorrow.

    Second time I'll have been, enjoyed it the last time I played, just wish it wasn't so far!

  18. The world would be a much better place if Royal Mail ceased to exist.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. proffrink


      My depot is actually great for collections and opens late on certain days for those ending work at 5. Not having standard opening times nationwide seems a bit silly though

    3. ak2m4


      oh wow, I didn't realise they weren't standard opening times, that is crazy indeed.

    4. Galvatron


      It needs to exist because removing a competitor only serves to raise prices even higher. Pipe dream but it should be majority nationalised again where the government works on modernising it but enough of my political thoughts.

  19. Bitten the bullet and bought a new TM hop unit, so I'll be able to see if this solves the issue at least!
  20. I'm pretty sure they were both marked mp5 in mine, the nozzle was around 21.5mm
  21. I keep the old post on my phone as a handy guide, although it's definitely outdated nowadays!
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