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Everything posted by Galvatron

  1. As others said, rental is very much recommended to start until you get a UKARA number. You might be tempted to buy from the start but without a UKARA number or other defence to buy a realistic looking airsoft gun, your options will be limited to a two-tone gun and that will very likely resell for much less than a RIF. If you try airsoft and decide it's not for you - the chances are that you'd sink less money on rentals than you would lose trying to resell a two-tone gun. Depending on the site, a lot of players only use a rifle and don't use a sidearm (pistol or SMG) unless it's required e.g. snipers and dedicated marksmen are often recommended to have a sidearm to take on opponents within the minimum engagement distance for sniper rifles/DMRs. I'd recommend buy decent boots with good ankle support. They won't necessarily prevent you from suffering foot/ankle/lower leg injury but they can lessen the injury if it happens. Good eye protection is also non-negotiable for obvious reasons. That's not to say you need to spend silly money on it from the start as there are plenty of low-cost options suitable for airsoft from the likes of Bolle for example. Lots of sites have their own or a retailer partner shop so you can have a feel of the guns there and find if there's a particular platform you can see yourself investing in heavily. That's not to say you can't peruse around at a bricks and mortar airsoft retailer! As for locations in/around London, you can check the website below for options. https://playairsoft.uk/locations/greater-london As Rogerborg said, don't worry about going on your tod. You'll find no shortage of people to talk to in most games. Plenty of regulars are in the same boat.
  2. Yeah. I deliberately didn't mention the price because it wasn't unreasonable. It was just the guff about saying it does but doesn't work properly and the autofellatio he was performing over the paintjob that read like he was dreaming as Stevie Wonder could probably paint it better using his feet.
  3. https://www.airsoft-hub.com/item/30179-we-hi-capa-7-inch-co2 "Gun works very good just needs a new nozzle" That's quite the contradiction there along with his self-congratulatory remark about the paintjob he did that looks like it's flaking away more than Goldmember.
  4. https://www.usedairsoft.co.uk/rif-s/gas-powered_1/army-armament-r609-hi-capa_i59379 "The hi capa is stock with some stock upgrades done it" If you want to save yourself £10 and a stroke from trying to work out what the hell the above sentence means, you can simply buy it brand new: https://www.bespokeairsoft.co.uk/army-custom-5-1-hi-capa-gas-blowback-pistol-r609-silver
  5. https://www.usedairsoft.co.uk/rif-s/cyma-m4-black_i59271 Potato quality image but I suspect it's the CM.517 so his listing isn't exactly competitively priced. https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/cyma-cm-517-m4-combat-machine https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/cyma-cm517-m4-with-ras-handguard-in-black.html
  6. The death spiral of trust in society is a symptom of the death of acting in good faith. Not everybody is a bad actor but when you see more people acting in bad faith and they are treated leniently when caught, it's not a surprise that some become less trusting. I'm not saying it's right or wrong for marshals to wear body cams though I can understand why they would to deter aggro from players in disputes over not calling their hits for example.
  7. Classic appeal to emotion. When people disagree with your "rationale", you portray those with dissenting views as wishing to inflict harm on others, thus making you a victim. To whom? Your echo chamber? You are trying to encourage people to play at your site yet your responses serve to do the opposite. I sincerely do wish your site well though you really could learn about PR and how not to do a Ratner, or hire someone more adept at marketing and promotions.
  8. I did this too and you would neither accept it or understand. I gave a practical and real-world example of chrono testing that was done to deal with joule creep yet you said it was "beyond logic".
  9. He's laughing at your response and your lack of self-awareness.
  10. I realise they are the site rules. I merely consider them asinine and arbitrary. The world doesn't owe you understanding. When you accuse people of lacking humility when they have taken the time to express their disagreement, you come across as sanctimonious at best. It's curious that when you said my response is "beyond logic", you said absolutely nothing to address my point about liability insurance. What else did you skip reading?
  11. Why should people be willing to let go of misinformation being portrayed as fact? Nobody here has said that joule creep is akin to Bigfoot or the Yeti. The majority of us are aware of joule creep it that is more prevalent in GBB and HPA. The limit imposed on it by your site is still arbitrary, regardless of the narrative that it's in the interest of safety. One can argue it sends a message that marshals are either disinclined to or incapable of doing adequate chrono checks so one can question what else there is a reluctance or incapacity to do in the name of ensuring safety. There's no obvious mention of liability insurance on the website either. I've played at games on hot days where the host openly stated it's possible that GBB and HPA players could find their guns running with more energy by midday because of the higher ambient temperature. He didn't tuck his tail between his legs and say HPA and GBB users had to handicap themselves, he had them retest when day time temperatures peaked and had players adjust their guns and retest a second time if they were found to be hot. Nobody bitched about it and they acted honestly. It's quite the contradiction to point out that GBB and HPA are more subject to joule creep than AEG while only applying a greater cap to HPA. I've got no dog in this fight as I don't own any GBBRs or HPA guns though I disagree with the rationale of imposing the caps in place against HPA users compared to AEG and GBB. Might I suggest that when you try to engage with people, you don't dismiss different points of view as "conspiracy theories"? Sometimes you learn more from those with dissenting views than those in an echo chamber.
  12. If those are nearly new, Margot Robbie must be on her way to mine tonight.
  13. I spoke too soon as there is one retailer that's dropped the price on the Hi-Capa to £140. https://wolfarmouries.co.uk/tokyo-marui-hi-capa-5-1-gbb-pistol.html
  14. AR Kit G&G is something of a pain to resell due to the brand's price increases having risen more than most other brands while there is new competition with more comprehensive features at a lower price. You may be better off selling the third-party stocks and grips along with the small reflex dot sight and the magnifier separately as you may end up with lowballers only interested in the gun and the attachments on it (plus the batteries) in the photos. The rest may be perceived as spares they'd try to sell on. It's big margin but you may get £230-275 with the scope Sniper Kit Depending on the scope, I'd say £180-200. Pistol Assuming both mags are gas-tight, you should get a comfortable £120-130
  15. https://www.airsoft-hub.com/item/29446-gg-ssg1 Optimistic pricing given that Patrol Base dropped the price since the OP bought it. https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/g-and-g-armament-ssg-1-aeg-rifle https://www.surplusstore.co.uk/g-g-ssg-1-aeg-6mm-airsoft-rifle.html A little more looking around and you can buy it brand new for even less than he's selling his scratched example. https://extremeairsoft.co.uk/product/gg-ssg-1-green-m4-aeg/ https://www.highpressureairsoft.co.uk/ssg-1
  16. Bingo! A lot of people today seem to be divorced from a self-preservation instinct or reality. Even when I was a teenager playing airsoft, I understood the sheer stupidity of open carry of realistic looking weapons because of how quickly and tragically it can escalate. Just to think the OP struggled to understand why so many in this thread voiced strong opinions about Just-Cos' legitimacy. That some cosplayers lack self-awareness of their own and the public's safety with open carry vindicates those opinions.
  17. I wonder if he was the same smooth brain I saw at Birmingham ComicCon, also in riot gear and open carrying an MP7 in clear view of the public. 🙄
  18. Thanks, Dan. I'm planning another visit soon as I went to the new premises for a collection before they did the soft opening. I understand they'll be doing a cerakote service in the customisations they offer.
  19. Welcome back! Is there a maximum time between your first and third games when applying for UKARA? Genuine query, I'm not wording a statement of fact as a question.
  20. They're spreading! https://www.airsoft-hub.com/item/29258-airsoft-gas-pistol ____________________________________________________________________________ https://www.airsoft-hub.com/item/29257-lancer-tactical-gen-2 ~75% of current retail and two-tone https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/lancer-tactical-lt-25-gen2-proline-series-m4-spr-interceptor-black.html https://www.leicestershireairsoft-online.co.uk/products/lancer-tactical-lt-25-m4-6mm-rif-airsoft-rifle-1
  21. It is an offence provided that you don't have a defence to do so, which is explicitly attested to on that same link.
  22. I don't think the player base needs to expand but rather attitudes toward it be more open-minded and accepting that it's just another hobby/pastime/recreation that its players are very passionate and enthusiastic about and one that helps their wellbeing in keeping them active. Going to the gym is good for people's wellbeing also but when you hear about steroid and other PED use or the steroid user (plus gym "influencers") behaving in disagreeable way, exercising at the gym isn't villified and denounced because of one or a few bad apples the way airsoft in the UK would be, nor would exercising at the gym fall under the same scrutiny. I couldn't agree more about the concern that becoming too big will attract mouth breathers. Look at F1. A few years back, it was popular but in only so many people's conversations. Thanks to Drive to Survive and F1's commercial rights holders pushing it to be more mainstream, it's much bigger with a new breed of fans who have taken the lustre off the sport because of their tribal behaviour bringing the handbags out at dawn. I'd rather not have a celebrity or "influencer" push airsoft because it would be another flavour of the month with new players dicking about, harming the reputation of regulars who take safe, honest and responsible play seriously. I rest my case. I don't consider Bieber as much of a prick now but he's not exactly a shining endorsement for airsoft. Beckham is an entitled self-loving brat who got salty about being ineligible for a knighthood because of his tax dodging then he made me even less inclined to consider visiting Qatar when he promoted it for the last World Cup.
  23. How do you qualify the expense being absurd? The sites aren't charities. Their overheads of BBs, maintenance for the rental guns, their eventual replenishment and the labour costs of inspecting and stocktaking have to be taken into consideration along with a profit margin. It's really easy to belittle operating costs when you deviate from "try(ing) to remain neutral" and show an agenda against the current system. Let's not push a false narrative that 2 months of having a UKARA defence is waiting to be approved is the norm. I had a provisional UKARA number the day I became a member of the site I played at to apply for becoming registered with UKARA BUT my defence didn't become active until a couple of days after I was signed off after playing my third game in just over 2 months and the site, after which the owner sent off an email to UKARA confirming I had satisfied the requirements. That defence was active for 12 months from the day I received by email from UKARA, not from when I played my first game. The only expense I have to incur to renew my UKARA registration is to continue my membership at the site for another year - that is much less expensive than monthly gym memberships, a few packs of cigarettes or a week's worth of overpriced custom Starbucks coffees. Imparting misinformation as fact is less than conducive to discourse in good faith, especially when you "try to remain neutral".
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