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Colin Allen

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Posts posted by Colin Allen

  1. On what started out as a bright and sunny morning, the lad and I set off for Airsoft Plantation.  As we got closer, heavy clouds rolled in and rain started.

    However, after some heavy rain while we were in the safe zone, the weather was excellent all day.

    The first game was a three stage fallback; as the defenders, we had one life at each of the casino, the village and the hill fort, while the attackers had infinite regens on a marshal 30m behind them.  Each stage had a buzzer and, once it was sounded by the attackers, any surviving defenders had to fall back to the next stage.  My involvement in the first stage was rather limited; starting as far forward as possible on the right, I took out several opponents before being hit.  Falling back to the village, I positioned myself in a favourite bush behind the pond and had a great time taking out attackers; I was eventually hit by what was probably a stray shot from a team mate.  At the hill fort, I ducked into my favourite little bunker and held my position there until the game ended when an attacker set off the buzzer in the hill fort.

    This game was then reversed.  A group of us sneaked around to the right and broke into the border area, annihilating the defenders to our front and pushing up to near the edge of the village just as the buzzer in the casino was sounded.  Having regrouped, we again pushed forward, passing the pond and starting to move into the village.  At this point, my rifle started misfiring and eventually stopped altogether, so I withdrew to the safe zone to try to work out what was wrong; it turned out to be a broken electrical connector.  Unfortunately, my other rifle only takes a very small battery and I knew it could not last more than half a day, so I sat out the rest of this game and the next one.  Therefore, the lad has provided his commentary:

    "I ended up on the right flank shooting into the village, which quickly fell as we were able to push defenders back far enough that a brave rental was able to make a run for the buzzer in the well. After a regroup to allow the defenders to fall back to their new positions defending the hill fort, we were soon off to capture it. After some strong resistance at the fire break, I decided to sneak around the edge of the field via the DEA base and come up behind the defenders and shoot a handful in the back before a blue player was able to get into the hill fort and set off the buzzer, signalling the end of the game.


    After a break to reload, we played a special Father’s Day version of “Bomb the Jeeps”. 3 father-son/daughter pairs were selected and one pair was designated bomb carriers while the other 2 pairs were designated bomb techs. The aim of this game was to set off a bomb in each of the 4 Jeeps in the mortar pits, the twist being that while most of the attackers had a 30m buddy regen, if either of the special pair were hit, they both had to return to the start point to regen. Once again I flanked around the DEA base along with 2 other players to come out behind the enemy. After the last game they were expecting this and were in considerably better positions to be able to cover the rear of the mortar pits. However, the superior range of the VAL proved itself and I was able to easily pick off targets and exploit the gaps in the defences. One red player in particular seemed particularly surprised to see me emerge from the bushes 10m to his left when only a minute before we had been exchanging fire to his front. Due to the pincer movement, the defence soon crumbled and we were able to take out all the red players, giving the bomb carriers and techs a clear route in to destroy the last Jeep."

    After lunch, the bomb runner game was reversed; the lad and I took up positions covering the approach from the DEA base and access to the Bedford.  After a strong initial defence, which delayed the attackers for a considerable time, they started to swamp us; I was hit by a long range shot and fell back to another position, which soon became untenable as our numbers were whittled down.  While bugging out to yet another position, I was shot in the back and my game was over.

    Following this, we played a "rescue the VIP game"; the dastardly reds had captured six of our players and were holding them captive in the village; we had to rescue them and get them back to our regen on the firebreak, from where they could join in the attack.  We had infinite regens on the firebreak, while the reds had two lives in the village.  A group of us went on a wide flanking attack, moving towards the village from the far end and taking out defenders as we cautiously moved forwards through the wood.  At one point, a figure came running towards us, shouting "Don't shoot!  I am a VIP!"  He had escaped his captors and was heading as fast as possible for the firebreak so that he could return and take his revenge on them for the indignities that he had suffered at their hands.  Soon after this, the defence collapsed and we liberated the remaining captives.  Hurrah!

    The reverse of this game saw both the lad and I ensconced in the village's fuel dump but facing different directions; I was able to cover a large arc of the left front of the village, while the lad covered the right front.  Many foes fell under the accurate fire of the VZ58 before I was hit by a sniper who had worked his way around our flank.  Falling back, I took up a position at the edge of the woods and carried on the fight until I was hit again.

    That ended my day; it was an excellent day of airsoft played in a good spirit by a slightly smaller than usual group of players, which meant that there was more room for sneakiness.  The recent plant growth has also really helped those of us who are sneaky.

    Weapons used:

    Umarex Beretta ARX 160
    Ares VZ58
    ASG XP18 Commander (CO2)

    The lad:
    CYMA AK74
    ASG XP18 Commander (CO2)

  2. 3 hours ago, JinxDuh said:

    Have you had one fitted in an E&L at all? Curious if you had to change the nozzle out if so

    I haven’t, but you shouldn’t need to change the nozzle.

    2 hours ago, ak2m4 said:

    Have you tried the vfc Colin?  Interested to know what you think of it.

    I haven’t; my hop unit of choice used to be Combat Union, until the QC fell off a cliff and then Putler invaded Ukraine.  The Begadi one works very well.

  3. 1 hour ago, Airpig41 said:

    I was looking at another forum recently and they noted an intention within the Labour manifesto to increase firearms licensing to cover the full costs involved. Now I know that's not airsoft but shooters of ALL disciplines should be aware that if one group is targeted successfully then you can bet your last BB that they will look elsewhere to do something similar.

    Get more money in from our sport, maybe ban it, or more difficult to access. Who knows.

    You can never trust these politicians........ 

    Increasing the fee to cover costs seems perfectly reasonable; it is not really targeting anyone.

  4. 36 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

    in some pews the feed lip length can be problematic, but i wouldn't say a stock e&l is one of them.

    I have never had a problem with the feed lip length in any of the 14 AK type weapons of various makes that the lad and I own between us; M4s and a few others have been a different story.

    I also found a couple of the earlier AK2M4 nubs to be a little off; a bit of trimming did the trick.

  5. If it is inconsistent, check the seal between the nozzle and the hop rubber.  After making sure that the hop chamber is empty, turn the gun upside down and place a small piece of paper over the feed tube and pull the trigger.  If the paper does an impression of a Russian tank turret, your nozzle is not engaging properly with the hop rubber lips.

    What is the barrel length and what type of cylinder is fitted?

  6. Having collected the lad from university yesterday, which involved 9 hours of driving, today we set off for Dragon's Lair, a nice little site in Essex which is soon to move from its current location to a much larger site which is conveniently much closer for us.

    Attendance was unusually light, with only 46 players in attendance.

    We started off with a simple attack and defend game; the defenders had three lives in the village, while we had infinite regens on our rearmost player.  There were two routes from our start point to the village, one either side of a lake; as usual, we took the right hand path as there more structures on that side, providing more cover for the attackers.  We advanced steadily, eventually taking the central building which was our objective.

    After a short break to reload, the game was turned around.  Along with several others, the lad and I took up positions on the right, covering the approaches to the two bridges that the attackers had to use to cross the stream.  The lad disappeared into a large patch of ferns, several of which he attached to his hat, rendering him almost invisible.  The opponents made a series of determined attacks, eventually crossing the bridges; however, by putting up a coordinated defence, our little band held them up and they never managed to break through.  The little PP-19-01 reached out, taking out lots of runners and opponents lurking behind whatever cover they could find.  To be fair, attacking from that side is really difficult due to the very limited cover.  However, those attacking the other side of the village eventually wore down the defenders in that direction and secured the building.

    Following this, the next game involved us attacking the fort; again, the attackers had infinite regens on the last player and the defenders had three lives.  The lad and I decided to attack up the right hand boundary ditch; the sight of the lad crawling up the ditch on his belt buckle seemed to surprise several players.  After clearing the ditch, we started to attack the flank of the fort against strong resistance, eventually moving into it and helping to clear it, despite one last enemy player popping out from the basement and shooting me in the back; he died in a hail of BBs from my teammates.

    Lunch then followed.

    In the reverse of the fort game, I took up a position in the same ditch, intending to help stop the attackers flanking the fort.  After being hit, I moved back to a new position in the ditch.  As the enemy moved up, I noticed an enemy player to my front who was half concealed by a tree while he shot at the fort.  I put a number of rounds into him, watching them hit him and him flinching while he continued to shoot at the fort.  I decided to shoot other people instead.  Eventually, of course, the fort fell.

    The next game, with similar regen rules except that the attackers had to regen on the back wall of the fort, involved us attacking the two bridges; we had to get either a smoke grenade, a flashbang or a foot onto each bridge to take it.  This was hard, as it always is; eventually, one of our players got onto the right hand bridge and we then focussed on the left hand one.  The lad managed to crawl close to it and lobbed a couple of grenades, but they both fell a bit short.  He also launched a solo assault against two enemy players behind a barrier, taking them both out with his pistol, albeit at the cost of a walk back to regen.  At around this point, about half our team suddenly decided to go home, which was slightly frustrating.  Eventually, one of our team managed to reach the left bridge!

    As there were not many people left, we then played a game of infection in the village; four of us decided to conceal ourselves at the top of the tower; unfortunately, one of us was the initial infected player and he shot the rest of us as soon as the game started.

    After everyone had been infected, the game was run again; we decided that the best approach was to come out of hiding and generally mooch around with the infected players, hoping that they would think that we were also infected, akin to when people in The Walking Dead covered themselves in gore in an attempt to convince the Walkers that they were also zombies.  This worked well and, when the game ended with the infected claiming that everyone had been infected, we announced that we had not, as did three other players who had been hiding on the top floor of the barn.

    It was a good day of old fashioned airsoft; it will be a shame to see the site close after so many years, but the new site promises to be even better.  The lower player numbers today made for much more open games, with more opportunities for sneakiness and movement.

    Weapons used:

    LCT PP-19-01
    ASG XP18 Commander CO2

    The lad:
    CYMA AK105
    ASG XP Commander CO2

  7. 2 hours ago, JinxDuh said:

    Headed down to my regular monthly site, Splatoon in Essex. Great day (Well, half a day...) as always. Took the VSS and my new E&L AK105, sun was out, the team was all there minus one, the day was looking hopeful!


    And then... My battery I had taken with me for the AK105 didn't fit under the dust cover, then the other skinnier batteries I had - Same thing, luckily a team mate had a battery I could use that did in fact fit. Great! 


    Off to the first game, for a warm up. 3 spinners situated throughout the middle grounds, yellows had to put the spinner yellow side up, non bands (Me) with the red side up. The yellows held it down amazingly well, until the last few minutes when we managed to get it red side up! Sadly for the yellows, the point went to which side it was up at the end. Sadly though, I missed out on half of this first game as the E&L was shooting up and far left, regardless of where the hop was set - Very disappointing for a brand new gun. So that was out of action for the rest of the day.


    Second game was an attack and defend game, non bands was the attackers and had unlimited lives to push up and push back the banded team until a non banded player touched the grey helicopter in field 4. I decided to take out the VSS and give it a run, straight away the scope fell off the dovetail mount so I was running iron sights all game. Got a good few shots in though! Game ended after roughly 25 minutes, when one of our team ran up to the helicopter ending the play.


    When I got back to the safe zone for lunch, I had noticed my LiPo I had tried in the AK had doubled by at least half its size - Bye bye battery! 


    After a good chat with the team mates for lunch, we geared up for the third game - Only to find out, my gate had drained the battery of my VSS over lunch (Due to me forgetting to unplug it, to be fair) and wasn't until I got to the top of the field that I realised I had no battery, sadly putting an end to my day... 😢


    On the positive though, the LCT VSS had some nice range and accuracy despite the lower power output which was a lovely surprise!

    It is good to hear that the VSS performed well; a pity about everything else though!

  8. 13 minutes ago, Daz85UK said:

    Hi all,


    I used to play airsoft about 16 years ago and bought an ICS M4 back then.

    I would like to get playing again however my gun has not been fired for a VERY long time. I tried it out and it still seems to shoot ok but is it a good idea to get it checked over first? If so does anyone know if SOCOM in Fleet would do this?

    Also I dont have a UKARA membership, would I still be ok to play at a site with my RIF or does it need to be painted Two Tone?


    Thanks in advance



    You do not need UKARA membership to own or use a RIF; take it along and play with it.

    If the ICS M4 hasn't been used for 16 years, it is probably worth getting it checked over, as it is likely that the sealing parts will have given up and you may have very low power.  It would probably be worth having it overhauled and regreased.

  9. 1 hour ago, Jez_Armstrong said:

    Nope, but mostly because it's a stones throw from my house and I'm a regular at battle lakes so a new site that arrived on our door step that opens the same weekends the lakes does was a shitty move 😂


    But then looking at the photos on Facebook, it looks like bare woodland with a few pallets thrown about the place, nothing exciting at all

    Given that BL is one weekend per month and that the dates only sometimes overlap, that does not seem to be a huge issue.

    The photos of the site are somewhat underwhelming, which is why I was asking if anyone had actually played there.

    1 hour ago, The_Lord_Poncho said:

    Oh, good spot - 30 minutes away from me according to google, I might be tempted, if only for a bit of variety. Web presence seems extremely limited however! Looking at the booking page, it appears that it is full day bookings only and that spaces are limited to 50 (which might provide a clue as to the size of the playing area).

    Indeed; the photos on FB are somewhat uninspiring and, based on them, numbers appear low.  I might wander down there to try it out at some point.

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