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Everything posted by MrTea

  1. Having never really done any 'tech' work on my airsoft stuff outside changing barrels, nubs and buckings i've decided my first victim is going to be my Shadow 2 pistol. Sadly all the parts I needed are on JKArmy and will take a couple weeks to arrive.
  2. Are Ohshiboom still operating their site? Just ordered a 12 gauge adapter from there but the site looks like it hasn't been updated in a long time.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Rogerborg


      "Decibels are decibels"


      Random sellers' claims are not reality though.  Bet your hearing?

    3. Emergencychimps


      @Rogerborg, these were sold by a reputable Airsoft seller (think it was JD Airsoft at the time) and had gone through the required testing for UK use. 


      It was quite a small niche market as they were expensive and only really different if used in the dark or dark buildings. 





  3. I use a Kombat Saxon 100L holdall. Lots of pockets and huge main comparment. The main compartment fits my boots, helmet, webbing/rig, magazines, lunch & spare clothes with room to spare. You can get a smaller 50L version if you don't need one that big.
  4. I have just bought a bunch of these FBS M38 Multibangs (vid related) which are twist off and strike. Reckon they'd be allowed? Or would I have to change out for different ones? They're great fun and surprise the shit out of people when they go off multiple times. It'll be a while before I head up there, my current schedule at work has me working an unfair amount of weekends. Do their Sundays last all day or is just morning/afternoon sessions?
  5. You're thinking the same way I did. I was going to change the blue out for black seeings as they're only £20-ish and then held off. How's District 23 in Billingham? Been thinking about doing a walk on there before the end of the year. They have a rule on their site saying pyro is allowed but no 'percussive grenades' are allowed. I can only assume only spring powered grenades are allowed and not regular 'hot' pyro which is kinda sad.
  6. I'd go out on a limb and suggest the cold rainy weather is the issue despite skin being waterproof The site at NTAC has a good but small CQB area they call "little mexico" but they also have another smaller killhouse styled area that doesn't get used often and it's completely disconnected from "little mexico" area which is annoying but the ground/hills will only give them so much space to work and I suspect they've had to do as best they can with the terrain.
  7. Another day at NTAC. Complete opposite to the last visit despite the cold combined with drizzle/light rain. First time with new bucking, nub and barrel in my LVOA. First game was attacking and defending a hill with trenches. We defended well but failed on the attack. Got a fair few kills and surprised by some of the longer ranged kills I managed to get however my BBs appear to be hooking right so I may need to double check the fitment of my nub in case it's sitting slightly uneven or off to one side. Might even try a Prometheus flat hop nub. Ate shit when I stepped back and fell into fucking trench, luckily only a marshall and one other saw my pride smash into smithereens. Second game was 'capture the flags' with 7 flags in the CQB area. Had good fun throwing about pyro and some good kills on the attack and defence, especially getting shot to shit against one guy holed up in a tiny single entrance room that contained the last flag. The level of gameplay was one of the highest i've had minus one guy and another rental blind firing. The rental I can forgive however the other guy appeared to be a one off after I swore loudly enough for the marshall to turn his head. Other than a couple of kids generally playing like they were going to be hit real bullets, the day was great. Only real negative about the day was that it ended at lunch due to players leaving. The couple of rentals left (can only assume they were half day) and the a lot of others left too. Again, assuming they had stuff they needed to do being the time of year. It left around 10 players. We decided to bail as 5v5 wasn't going to be our thing. On a somewhat related note; the site have since posted an update saying they'll no longer accept bookings without payment due to 10+ players not confirming for the next (or both) day(s) and confirmed player numbers were so low, it'd be pointless and they had to cancel. They're now talking about going back to one weekend per month during the winter which I totally understand but it is a shame. They did however talk about using some weekends to rebuild some areas for lower player number days which would be great because it's definately the type of game I prefer. I just wish they'd have some areas that are more than ground floor and build another storey to their CQB area but that requires a lot more work.
  8. If the slide randomly sticks when travelling forward after a shot, it needs a light tap to let the slide close fully. Don't worry too much about it. Mine took around 10 magazines to 'break in' and yesterday it only got stuck once and reset easily. You can buy different coloured grips if you want to change them later on down the line.
  9. MrTea

    KLJ Works G27

    Messaged you about postage
  10. I'm back after installing the bucking, nub and prometheus 6.03mm barrel. I picked up a chrono just to make sure I wasn't over any limits before I played with the upgrades. I tested it today after running about ~500 bbs through the gun. Using 0.28g BBs (without any hop applied (see pictures)) i'm getting a consistent 275-280fps range. Using a conversion table, this is sitting just over 1.0Joule and is around 325-330fps on 0.2g BBs. This is fine. When applying hop, I found that the fps drops dramatically on setting 10 of 15. When I say dramatically I saw around 90-100fps loss when using 0.28g BBs. I understand applying hop increases friction to apply spin and will reduce FPS but surely not this much? Unfortunately I don't have enough space to adjust hop properly until I get to my local field and fine tune it then. Could it be that I was applying an excessive amount of hop and gripping the BB too much? Any ideas welcome and i'm sorry I didn't get pics of chrono with hop applied.
  11. Not surprising. I remember a video a week or two ago of a bunch of conscripts saying they're having to scavenge ammo from the ground and surrounding areas. To compound this, of all the conscripts there not even 50% had a weapon. They had to sleep outside, no food, beg borrow and steal type situation.
  12. I'd probably make a right old mess of it so i'll steer clear of this one Thanks for the help all the same. I've elected to go for the Prometheus barrel for the sake of it being the same size as the standard inner barrel.
  13. For context; i'm changing my bucking/nub to a maple leaf macaron 60 degree bucking and omega nub. I'm hoping for more accurate and consistent shots at 'max' range. I was advised that I might as well change my barrel when doing so as the stock ones (apparently) aren't fantastic and i'd likely benefit from a 6.03mm bore. I'm looking at getting a new/upgraded barrel when I change my bucking/nub however i've only found Prometheus barrels are made to the exact length of the stock inner barrel. The closest alternative i've found is a PDI 6.03mm that measures 375mm in length, the stock barrel measures 387.5mm. Is it okay to have a inner barrel that's slightly shorter than the stock barrel? Will this cause an issues like BBs striking the outer barrel or should I just stick with the Prometheus option?
  14. No worries, thanks for the input anyway. I think i'll just keep running it and see if I can remedy any issues down the line. It seems to be getting better with more use.
  15. Well that's not good to hear. Can you describe your issue in more detail and exactly what you did to make it "usable" by your standards? Jamming once per mag is annoying but not what i'd call unusable.
  16. Took my new CZ Shadow 2 CO2 pistol to a game the other day and was testing it at the little range to find that randomly, the slide would stick to the rear but it wasn't locking open like it was empty, the slide release didn't do anything. The slide was getting stuck on the return journey to pick up a new BB. I had to force the slide forward. When checking the ejection port, I could see a BB seated at the top of the magazine, ready to be fed. It did this on both magazines I was using which were on fresh bulbs so lack of gas/pressure wasn't the issue. I opted to not run the pistol that day due to the issues. I got it back out today and tried running it some more to see if it was just a case of "breaking in". The problem happened once per magazine today which is significantly less but strange it's happening all the same. Has anyone else had experience with this kind of thing?
  17. Understandable Tackle. I totally get where you're coming from and have edited my earlier post to name the site.
  18. I'm not going to name & shame just yet. I've had good days there on previous occasions and the site staff are usually very good. They will get another chance before I say which site it was. I don't mind losing as long as the day is fun but today was just a streamroll and completely out of character in comparison to previous game days.
  19. Played again today. Walked off site a few hours early. From the first game to the moment we walked off, lots of issues. One game, we were getting shot in spawn while we we're discussing our plan of attack. We shouted towards the guy that we're in spawn and it's a safe zone. He replies that we should leave spawn then. The marshall quickly scattered the guy. We go to leave our spawn to find that the enemy have effectively hemmed us in and as soon as we leave we get hit. Note; we can't shoot the enemy from spawn. Getting shot in spawn was a recurring issue all day. Throughout the day there was talk within our team of the opposite blatantly not taking hits en masse minus the few good regular players being fair. Personally I didnt experience this until the last game before we left. The guy shook off a headshot, called out my position and stayed in the fight. The marshall I spoke with said they're doing what they can but as soon as they see a marshall close or honesty test them, they call hits. When the marshall leaves, they revert to their earlier behaviour. Fair play to that marshall, they can't be everywhere at once. Due to the imbalance of teams, the cheating and the reluctance of marshalls to rebalance teams, four or so of our team packed up at lunch and left. The teams were only balanced by numbers and not scrambling which would have went a long way to making the day more enjoyable/fair. Post lunch, we played a gamemode of staged fallback. We defended with one life for each fallback and the attackers got unlimited lives. We got hammered as expected. After we got pushed all the way to the last defence and the whole team died we were asked to attack the last objective that we had just lost. Our attack stalled because players ran out of ammo and we weren't offered a chance to refill. At this point the cheating reached its peak with a teammate stating that he dumped half a mag into two guys running cover to cover and neither called their hits. Apparently he even saw them flinch when he hit them. After this, mid game, a group of four walked out, our sniper team of two walked out. Myself and another also walked out. The site staff lied to the rentals there saying people had to leave for work etc. (to be fair to the person who said this, they aren't marshalling the game, they're taking care of the shop and rental gear etc.) They only rebalanced the teams after the walkouts, two to three hours before the end of the day. It's the rentals I feel sorry for paying all that cash for such a piss poor experience. I'll probably be trying a new field soon as the whole day felt disorganised, rushed and the gamemodes half-baked/not well thought out. The site was NorthEast Tactical Action Centre (NTAC). Apologies for the rant.
  20. Full list split by UK, EU, Asia and US in link below;
  21. Thanks for the suggestions. I already had the Viper Tactical gloves which are very similar to the Mechanix ones. I got shot a fair few times in the hands/fingers resulting in a few "ah ufck me" and other choice words.
  22. Played for the first time yesterday. The day was fun but spoilt partially by some seasoned players (who appear to have came as a group) clearly not calling some/most of their hits. Our team got rolled all day until the last game where we pulled off a win in a hostage game. Glad I bought a helmet/goggles/mask setup because I took a fair few BBs to the head. In other news, does anyone have recommendations for armoured gloves as my hands also took a beating from BBs.
  23. Powerair6 were good for me when I ordered my goggles from them. Took about 4 days from dispatch to receiving them.
  24. I did look at the Double Eagle range but couldn't find any in stock that had metal handguard and receivers so passed on them. I believe some exist that are full metal but I struggled to find any in stock.
  25. Thanks for the info on the X-ASR. I have stumbled on the same MK18 from Specna but it comes with their Gate Aster and it's only a tad more expensive bringing it in line with the SA-H20. There's plenty of them kicking around in the EU but the places that will ship an AEG to the UK are few and far between.
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