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  1. NamesNicco is hosting his 2nd event at Airsoft Plantation in Essex. Sponsored by Bloc Tactical. May 24th & 25th Op Nemesis is all about the USA leaving behind US weapons and vehicles in Afghanistan. NOW WE WANT THEM BACK! BluFor, Task Force Dagger, is tasked with retrieving as much as they can before they need to exfil. LARP as either US Navy Seals or OpFor, Buzkashi 'Amr. Tickets are on sale now https://www.staylowmovefast.co.uk/event-details/operation-nemesis SLMF Club members get a discount on tickets. Join the fastest growing global airsoft community! https://discord.staylowmovefast.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/staylowmovefastSLMF/ https://www.instagram.com/staylow_movefast/ https://www.tiktok.com/@staylowmovefast33 https://chat.whatsapp.com/Dn4vX6LWLUGAlGImkTQqE3 Video from the last event
  2. Just had this 'burst fire' issues on my G&G RK74-E. The issue was the cut off leaver was in the incorrect position when I put the gearbox back together. When I made the adjustment both single and auto worked without any other work. Just wanted to put there here in case anyone else has the same issue in the future!
  3. UK https://www.CaffeineAirsoft.co.uk https://www.ascensionresearch.co.uk
  4. Been to both and love both. Really nice staff. They constantly invest back into the site. Now my regular site
  5. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    WE Tactical Glock G17 GBB Green Gas. Working well. Don't need the pistol anymore hence the sale. Prefer collection or can meet.


    Essex, Halstead - GB

  6. So if you go to download the pdf application form it asks for it on there. Its not really clear if they 100% want a RFD License or if it just helps. Then the issue of insurance. Just expenses I can't afford right now
  7. So to sell (Retail) airsoft weapons in the UK you need a UKARA license. UKARA also say it helps to have a RFD license. They also require you to have certain business insurance relating to airsoft to protect staff and customers with public liability. For me a small new site this is a lot of paperwork and money. I might be wrong about the above but that's how I understand it. Hopefully will venture into this one day!
  8. You need a license and other paperwork to sell airsoft weapons in the UK. Some products right now im not selling as singles. Hence the bulk. Right now most of my sales come from customers asking for something specific. Not always something I have listed. But with time I will expand. Some of it does come from a UK warehouse. Some directly from China. I see a lot of other airsoft sites out of stock of some of these items. This was I can keep them 'available' to potential customers all the time. Price I list includes shipping and import tax where applicable. So the mark up is no where near 80%. A lot of the photos are shared between products as they ultimately come from the same factory. Some people also do not like using Ali Express. But its all down to personal opinion. I wont always be the cheapest, but hope to have some different products that no one else is selling. I actually have this exact scope and just sold one to a friend. We both love it and goes well with our setups.
  9. Hi all, My name is Will and I set up a new Airsoft & Gaming shop. This is more of a hobby for me which will hopefully be an extra form of income soon. I more recently lost my hospitality business due to the effects of covid. My aim for the airsoft side is to try and offer items that are a bit harder to come by. Currently been selling to friends who I go airsofting with. I sell everything apart from guns. I currently do not have a license to sell RIFs but maybe in the future if sales go well! Currently official supplier of Enola Gaye products & Nuprol. Although I am UK based I am happy to ship outside the UK. If you are looking for something in particular please do get in contact with me and ill do my best to source the item. You can contact me here on the forums or via the chat on the website. I will get back to you asap. A lot of my stuff comes directly from China and the manufacture. So some shipping times can be as much as 30 days or more. But some items have come within a week. All EG & Nuprol products are all UK based. I will do my best to beat prices as well. https://caffeineshopping.co.uk/collections/airsoft
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