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Dan Robinson

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Everything posted by Dan Robinson

  1. It's a website that doesn't look like it's been updated for 7 years. I'm not sure I'd trust it much more than I could wipe my arse with it.
  2. It is bizarre how the entire subject is dodged ducked dipped and dived by all the mods and admin. Especially when they comment on other subjects. Glad I haven't bought one.
  3. One of the most cathartic experiences was seeing my son hiding in a tent, and me getting him Centre mass on full auto from about 30 metres. He didn't know it was me and all I could hear was "aaawwwweee fuck". Felt my blood pressure drop at least ten points.
  4. I've been known to ask slow moving underlings if they would like me to grab their slippers.
  5. I didn't think retailers were allowed to post in the classifieds?
  6. I can't think of much scarier than SWMBO armed with an AEG. She might be small, but she's got a hell of a temper. Thankfully she also has all the athletic prowess of an egg.
  7. I did/do think the current situation isn't great for those I described above, or those who like to go do several different sites .... so no one site would meet the requirements. A system that stores a profile/ portfolio of verifiable activity, such as pictures direct from registered sites, payment receipts, registered address etc. Would be helpful. I guess the issues come down to hassle-risk-reward for the operator.
  8. Would love to make a Colonial Marine load out..... watched Aliens the other day for the gazillionth time. LETS ROCK!
  9. I was hoping it would make my son realise that in the army you only get shot once.....compared to how many respawns he had to do on a typical skirmish day. Don't mind him signing up to learn a skill/trade and serving that way. I don't want him being Cannon fodder for whatever cnut has managed to persuade an alarmingly small proportion of the population to put them in power....when was the last truly justifiable armed conflict we were involved in (outside of local peacekeeping)? The Falklands.... maybe the first Gulf War (the first part liberating Kuwait). No criticism of those serving....it's the ones hiding behind their power I despise for taking advantages.
  10. Airsofters gonna airsoft 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Drawing todgers in the frozen stream at AWA was a fun way to warm up the pews whe. It was -6 a couple of Christmas' ago. Also fun chopping down ferns, brambles and stinging nettles "for the greater good".
  11. Only seen people sent home from injury or eyepro violations. Most people tend to behave themselves once spoken to about hit taking in my experience of 2 and a bit years.
  12. I'm in total agreement and use your exact same points when talking about barriers to entry for different hobbies. 👍
  13. Can I scare you by shouting "right turn Clyde" 😜
  14. Possibly a tad ambitious on price... £120 new at Patrolbase, £130 at Gunfire.
  15. I sympathise with the need for a system of defense such as UKARA, but to be fair to the OP, my son's situation would mean that if he were 18, it would be incredibly difficult for him to maintain a UKARA defense, and once I leave the UK, it will be the same for me. We'll only be back for a month or two at a time with lots of family visiting responsibilities to fit into a limited budget when it comes to car hire, fees, ammo, and possibly having to rent an air BnB for the duration. Hence, as discussed in other threads, I maintain an album of site generated pictures of me and him participating in the hobby to help us form a defence of our own should we ever be pulled over by the fuzz with a car full of RIFs. Which I know doesn't help with retailers... but then this is the reason for this thread I suppose. Mind you the OP didn't do himself any favours by not at least trying to explain the situation. Just playing devil's advocate.
  16. I was wondering if there was some kind of noob thing I was missing there when I read the word Springer. Which to my mind meant "even shitter than shiotty things" and was wondering how good the rest of it must be to justify £150.
  17. I watched the original Alien film when I was about 4 or 5. My dad said I absolutely loved it. No nightmares at all. Then a few years later Spitting Image did a take off with Maggie Thatcher: Now that freaked the absolute shit out of me for years apparently - had to check under the bed, no cuddly toys around, just in case. That was nightmare fuel.
  18. Some creative ideas of what you spent the night doing with caller's mumn tends to rile them up in amusing ways. Maybe something involving a rubber glove, a pound of agitated insect larvae and a Brian Adams CD?
  19. Depends how long you spend pulling it in and out I suppose. I tend to stop when it starts to hurt/go numb.
  20. Or the more available and Mack's appropriate "Bubulum Stercus".
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