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Steel Rain

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    GHK Mk 18 Mod 1, KWA M1911 MKII PTP, GHK Glock 17, KWA M226-LE
  • Loadouts
    USMC MARSOC Critical Skills Operator
  • Sites
    Gunman Airsoft - Camp Bravo, Gunman Airsoft - Battle Lakes
  • Gender
  • Location
    City of London

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Steel Rain's Achievements

  1. You could always use the Rebuild Progress and Achievements function, this would start a re-count of all members stats and badges based on the settings you have defined in the ACP for a community this large that would likely take the system 14 days to complete but its a passive background operation so it wont harm or take down the community board. This might bring justice for the long standing members since it will re-count their entire posting history.
  2. Finally finished setting up my GHK Mk 18 that I got for Christmas and collecting all the bits for it! 😃 Looking forward to putting it through its paces!!


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