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Liam Porter

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    CYMA CM.701 (VSR clone)
    Well MB-01 (L96 clone)
    Tokyo Marui Glock 17
    G&P M16A3
    CYMA AKS-74u
  • Loadouts
    Woodland DPM
    Ukrainian TTSkO
    Smersh Vest
    Battle Belt
  • Sites
    Free Fire Zone (FFZ)
    Modern Airsoft Warfare (MAW)
    Urban Assault (UA)
    Combat Airsoft (Thetford)
  • Gender
  • Location
    King's Lynn, Norfolk

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  1. Hmm... To take the guns with me to Uni on the first day, or wait a few weeks and then go home and get them...?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ScoobySnacks


      Liam, you really need to check your tenancy agreement carefully. I know when I was at uni, guns and any other weapons, including replicas and imitations, were totally banned from halls of residence and any other uni buildings/sites. In addition, the tenancy agreements for "headed tenancy" properties banned any type of wepaon in the houses. If you take them along, you might well find you have nowhere to keep them! Where abouts are you going to uni?


    3. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      Yeah, I've checked that Scooby, doesn't mention it in there. I won't take them first day, as won't be airsofting for few weeks anyway, so will talk to whoever at my accommodation and see what they say. If they say no, then I'll just have to go home every few weekends to airsoft :P

    4. jcheeseright


      Just make sure it's stored in an appropriate bag/box and kept out of sight. No one has the right to search your room/open your bags without either due cause or a warrant to do so. So no problem as long as no one knows it's there.


      Obviously this it teaching grandma how to suck eggs as you've been at this a long time, but there's no harm in reminding someone of their rights!

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