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Liam Porter

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    CYMA CM.701 (VSR clone)
    Well MB-01 (L96 clone)
    Tokyo Marui Glock 17
    G&P M16A3
    CYMA AKS-74u
  • Loadouts
    Woodland DPM
    Ukrainian TTSkO
    Smersh Vest
    Battle Belt
  • Sites
    Free Fire Zone (FFZ)
    Modern Airsoft Warfare (MAW)
    Urban Assault (UA)
    Combat Airsoft (Thetford)
  • Gender
  • Location
    King's Lynn, Norfolk

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  1. Still wanting to get myself a DMR, thinking about a G&P M14, VFC HK417, or VFC Scar H SSR. Any recommendations as to which to get, or which ones to avoid, and why?

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    2. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      I'm also leaning towards the M14, but saw the HK417 somewhere and considered it, then when I was trying to find a longer barrel version, I stumbled across the Scar SSR. Also, I already know the exact parts I'd need to buy to get the M14 up to 500 FPS and locked to semi.

      Any idea what gearbox the Scar H and 417 use?

    3. M_P


      the 417 uses a proprietary gearbox but I'm pretty sure it's v2 based. The trigger components are held in a seperate box to the rest of the gears and stuff I think. You can see it in the link below

      I think you have to buy the longer barrelled variant parts seperatley.


      The scar i think uses a version 2 but it could be a 3- you'd have to check as I couldn't say for sure.

    4. M_P
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