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Everything posted by Emergencychimps


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    Standard rear back up iron sight, unknown brand. £10 all in


  2. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    TM mws, around 12 months old and seen 4 skirmish days. 5 x gen3 TM mws mags 11.5 inch hao outer barrel 10.5 mk16 hao rail Sixg super nub New pistol grip New trigger guard PTS radian raptor charging handle Minimalist stock BCM style very grip Surefire 4 prong flash hider Surefire style suppressor Tokyo marui pistol speed loader (gas mag adapter glued in place) Very light krylon paint job. Will not split mags from rifle £700 posted



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    Eagle industries padded MOLLE acog pouch, would be a good option for carrying any expensive optics, thermal etc while out in the field, it's padded but flexible with an interior divider. In almost perfect condition. £12 all in .


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    Used this on a Ferro concepts slickster for a while with Kydex inserts. Worked well but no longer needed. £12 all in. Any questions, please ask.



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    Bought this second hand and was told it is was from g&p. No longer needed. £15 all in. Any questions, please ask.



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    An aor1 hydration pouch by tmc. It's nice and low profile, fits around 1.5 litres and is 3 MOLLE rows wide and 6 high (perfect for a jpc or similar sized plate carrier). Price is £16 all in. Any questions please ask.


  7. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    This is a we Glock 17 gen 4 mos. It comes with 1 green gas mag and 1 cos mag. It also comes with a spares and repairs CO2 mag. It has 3 different mounting plates, the original fake "red dot", required bolts. Installed are the tall irons, but the standard height irons are available and easy to install. It also comes with a Kydex customs Glock mag holder, the belt mounting tek lok broke. I used some zip ties temporarily for a couple of games but there's no point not including it. I stippled it, it's an ok stippled job but each to their own. The reality is that I just don't use a pistol enough to carry one in game or own it, I think Price is £90 all in. Any questions, please ask.


  8. Did the Halloween game at Gunman Tuddenham this weekend, it was a night game and wow, I don't think I have ever seen a company put more effort into an event, let alone for just a 3 hour event. Around 70 players on site for it. They had: A pre game story A pre game video An aliens style egg/nest room Multiple alien face huggers 2 Fully dressed up, masked up Predators with appriate props, spears, skulls and spinal cords etc 2 Fully dressed up Xenomorphs A small (5 people I think) crew of space marines, with pulse rifles, those mounted machine guns things (not sure their real name), armour helmets, light over the shoulder etc. Also they shouted out appropriate lines from the movies as they got stuck into contacts. A set piece including the space marines unwelding a door with props A Predator hide/ritual room with "skinned" victims outside. Pretty darn good hit taking for a night game. Multiple prop signs Appropriate sound effects based on whether it was alien or predator. Custom software interface to get mission objects (which failed on the night, but the effort!) A motion sensor scanner prop And during all of this they wove in 4 Objective based games which were thoroughly enjoyable all on their own. I'd strongly recommend checking out gunmans instagram to see images of what they did.
  9. This. This is exactly what I did. The cost of an mws and mags vs a tm mp7 and mags makes the mp7 seem like a great alternative. When getting into gas guns and it is.....however most people still have that mws itch and eventually get one, the mp7 then become redundant or sold to help with raising funds. What people should know is both a great gas guns, very different but both are awesome.
  10. So your choices!!! 1. Disposable pyro. Has come on leaps and bounds over the years but so have the prices. The standard is a mk5 flash bang (like a stick normally), but you can get thermobarics, multi bangs etc. Tag inn pyrotechnics do some lovely looking frags (type 67), they're expensive and louder than some sites will allow. 2. Reusable. A) gas powered ones, never seen someone talk positively about them and generally reserved for under 18s. Reusable pyro is trick enough as is without adding gas to it. B) charge based pyro, such as the gr-20. They're generally quite expensive to buy and run, charges are tricky to get hold of at times but realistic looking and often have multi bang features.cool but expensive C)standard blang firing grenades. These can be on impact or timed. Standard calibres for the blanks are: 209 (known as a shotgun primer) (quietest), 9mm (standard/acceptable) and 12g(too loud for most sites). 12g can take magflashes if you can find them which are as loud as 9mm but have a flash, whether your site accepts them isn't known as some have concerns). Impact bfgs, generally only go off on concrete and are easily lost in grass etc. Timed can be slid along floors etc. Both have their time as place. I think the ohshibooms or the original police dynatec impacts are the best. Have seen some of the alpha tec multishot ones fail to go off fairly regularly. There are regular reports of reusable bfgs being pinched but I've never experienced this/been lucky and it's easily saved me over £1000 had I bought disposable pyro for every blank used and I still have the bfgs. Think about where you play and factor that in.
  11. Every 8-10 weeks now. Lack of free time and available cash are the main causes. Though sometimes I get a free day and there is nothing on that's appealing. Used to do a weekend event every 3-4 weeks plus the odd skirmish in between!

    • For sale
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    We Glock 17 gen 4(I think) Mos gas pistol. Seen 10 plus games, lots of operator practice in the house...barely any actual in game use. This has been stippled and the frame modified to mag mag changes easier (just a small rounded cut at base of grip). All prices are delivered (PayPal fees and postage included). Glock 17- £80 with the plates and the fake plastic red dot, 1 green gas mag. TMC clone of the safariland 3450 with the safariland style qls system. Also comes with a leg strap from tactical kit. £40 Sotac surefire x300 v. This has actual ir, not some weird strobe. Comes with the DG switch and standard switch - sold Glock 17 co2 mag - £18 TMC 1.75 inch 2 piece shooters belt. Good up to about 38inch waist in ranger green sold Genuine Blackhawks! Serpa with molle mount. £15 Kayden custom pistol mag holder. Teklok mount is broken £10 Will do package deals. Any questions please ask. I could be tempted to sell a vector optics frenzy if as part of a package. Gas and co2 bulbs included if collected.


  13. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
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    TM mws, around 12 months old and seen 4 skirmish days. 5 x gen3 TM mws mags 11.5 inch hao outer barrel 10.5 mk16 hao rail Sixg super nub New pistol grip New trigger guard PTS radian raptor charging handle Minimalist stock BCM style very grip Surefire 4 prong flash hider Surefire style suppressor Very light krylon paint job £700 collected from near Cambridge. Can post at cost.


  14. In my experience, people and teams generally get out of a milsim what they put in. If you attend and your admin is good, you're not monging around, shooting bits randomly cause you're bored etc and put some effort in, you won't just be an NPC for others entertainment and your effort will impact the event. But you need to be ready, available and asking for takings. Sometimes the most boring job (external security during a raid, qrf, manning an op, doing stag) can turn into the coolest parts of the weekend if you do it well. You repel their qrf, you rock up to a squad and save the day as qrf, you see and report in the vital bit of intel, you call stand to and repel the fob attack etc etc. If you attend thinking you're owed a good event and it's up to the organiser to entertain you/structure events so you feel Gucci because you've paid a fee and travelled all that way, then you'll probably end up not enjoying it and feel like an NPC. And that is generally because you and your squad aren't doing stag, aren't staying switched on etc so that time the enemy catches you off guard you'll get rolled up and that could just end up being your main contact for the weekend. basically, if you and your squad are switched on, you can't just be an NPC because you will be ready, you will react to the contact etc. You won't be caught napping and off guard, shot in your sleeping bags or your squad rolled up in a contact because you have a stag on, you've maintained spacing and have the right formation etc.
  15. Trying to organise skirmishers at a skirmish is like trying to herd cats, 1 might go in the right direction but it's not guaranteed. You then become sergeant major "move up". Everyone has paid their money and they can do as they please etc. Personally I much prefer to be in an organised group. I'd prefer a few good stretegic firefights that blasting like a skirmisher all day. Finding players who like the games I do, the way I do, at the sites I attend, when I can attend them (not much at the moment) is basically impossible. I'd suggest trying a milsim (Stirling) or more organised game (such as a gunman filmsim). With Stirling id always recommend the themed games at catterick 1st, they are more of a thinking man's skirmish. 11:00am to 11:00pm Saturday then again on Sunday, 7:00am (might be 7:30am) to 11:00am, all with hourly objectives. You get squad, command net, specific tas6ks, an awesome site/rules, team work etc. Without the need to camp, be on the ground for 24 hours etc. If you go on your own/2 people/small group, you'll be put with other players to form a squad. The most important fact is, everyone going there wants a more organised type game, it's that mentality and the fact they want it enough to go, that makes it so different. Once comfortable with that, then a combat mission at the trees or catterick is awesome, but they are harder/require more commitment. Most local site "milsims" are skirmishes with ammo caps and maybe medic rules. Gunman filmsims can be a bit of a middle ground between that local milsim and a Stirling. Enjoy the games you attend for what they're advertised for, a skirmish is a blat fest, a hard routine milsim might not have a single firefight etc.
  16. There are the leaf back up irons that are designed for a peq 15, while they won't fit as well on a ngal as a peq15 they look pretty small and narrow, you might avoid splash. Or put your peq at the end of the rail and your irons the receiver side (has been seen). Irons are generally back up and last resort use, so better than none (especially on longer rifs). The unity mount for the T2 style has irons inbuilt.
  17. I'd avoid the SPARC. It's a great optic and does its job well, plus using a standard battery is nice. However, it can't be transferred to other mounts, it's a fixed height and that that. The crossfire (and previously mentioned Holosun) can be put onto other mounts. This isn't a huge thing, but once you've used a slightly higher mount (I use a 1.93 scalar clone) it's much more comfortable and frankly, is the cool modern look. Impressions don't seem to be anything anymore, but I'd also encourage thinking about it. I've been very impressed with the holy warrior range of red dots, their eotech clones are the best on the market and their T2 clones are fantastic (especially for the money). If money is no issue, looks aren't a concern etc then check out the Holosun aems (tactical kit stock them).
  18. My recommendation is something cheap like a viper chest rig to get you started, they're light, cheap, don't make you sweat as much as a plate carrier and will carry all you need. When you've used this for 6 months or so, you'll.havr a better idea of what you need/like/don't like.
  19. For real steal stuff I think it's more along the lines of, if your optic (lpvo, red dot, acog etc) malfunctions/breaks/ is damaged in some way you still have a zerod method to aim with, you obviously can't just track the flight of your rounds. In this scenario you'd just remove the optic and mounts completely. The Magpul ones are lightweight and only take a bit of space. For me and airsoft, this is purely dependent upon the build, I have a more vintage 2009/2010 era 416 (the og rail, light placement, peq15, grip, optic, paint job, suppressor etc) so I do have back up irons. Same for my civ build AR-15 style rif. My modern 11.5 urgi doesn't have back up irons. As optics became more trustworthy, battery life longer etc more and more real operators stopped running back up irons so my more modern rif configurations follow suit. I'm not a gear stitch bitch, but I like my rifs to be accurate. I am not an operator, I'm a fat civilian playing toy soldiers.
  20. This is such a positive review from a new forum member, as their first post that it looks almost too good to be true....like a member of the team or site owner etc has seen some negative reviews online and is trying to counter them by putting fake positive reviews out there. Details such as the fact you've played there recently, suggesting that it was your first visit....yet you know the names of 3 of the marshalls....kinda sounds fishy. I know the names of about 3 marshalls at my local site and I've been going there over 10 years. Also, the fact you seem bursting with positivity about the site and the team, it's only take 7 ish weeks since your visit to join a forum and post a review is.....fishy. it's normally 7 weeks after I've done something awesome that I'm desperate to tell people about it as well. To sum up, the site is in Oldham, all previous negative comments we may have heard about the site (I haven't personally heard any, anyway) should be ignored, it's a great site for beginners and the site is suitable for woodland and cqb so perfect for all players.....but this is definitely not an advert from the site owner in the guise of a review to counter people criticising it.
  21. I definitely want to hear about magflashes becoming available again! For those who aren't familiar with magflashes, they are like a thermo baric Airsoft pyro (or at least they were) they had a deeper boom to them and a very bright flash, so were awesome in buildings at night! They weren't louder than a Mk5. Just needed the extra space for the stuff to make the bright flash.
  22. Yes and it was tuddenham. Dropped into the middle of building 5, found on a barrel between buildings 3 and 4. I would have a problem with it. Nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide was an approach used by the Nazis and pretty much every oppressive state since then to put more and more monitoring (spying), It's a slippery slope. I like the guy who used an airtag on his pyro.
  23. The site in question have a rule that you should leave all pyro where it is and not move, even if you think it's more helpful, it's well briefed. For this example, it was thrown into the middle of a multi room building and there were several places it could have been placed to make it easier to find. Instead it was completely out of the building on a barrel, some distance from the building. My point was though, even if it had been stolen and I replaced it, financially I'd still be far better off than if I'd bought all of that as disposable pyro. I've used bfgs at many Stirling events (15+) as well. Yes my local site reacted well etc but I'd encourage people not to ignore the possibility of bfgs as they can be a huge cost saver.
  24. Just as a counter. I've been using re usables for over 10 years, I've gone through at least 400 primers in that time and have 2 (had 3) reusable grenades. Never had one stolen and having done the maths have saved over £1000 in pyro costs for it AND I still have 2 bfgs that I could resell. Once at a game I threw it, 3 marshalls saw where it was and when I went to collect it at the end of the game, it wasn't there. The marshalls called it out loud and said nobody was leaving until it was found....it was miraculously found about 20 metres away, outside on a barrel. Likely had been stolen and dumped when they realised the marshalls weren't just going to ignore it. Even if it had been stolen, the return on the investment Vs pyro have been so good I couldn't talk them down. Theft does happen, but sensible use and follow up can mitigate the risk and the savings Vs disposable are so big that even if you account for it being stolen every 100 throws it's still worth it.
  25. Thought this was of some relevance. https://www.bhf.org.uk/how-you-can-help/how-to-save-a-life/how-to-do-cpr/learn-cpr-in-15-minutes Online CPR training for something we are most likely to experience.
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