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Status Replies posted by Misery

  1. The feeling you get when you drop your woodland facemask in the safezone and some scrot keeps it, rather than handing it in.. Grrr!

    1. Misery


      bloody hell :(


      guy dropped gas mag on way back to safe zone  couldnt run to catch the boy up so picked up and gave him it back in the safe zone

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  2. Jesus wept!


    My thighs ache like fuck.  I can hardly keep my eyes open, and I feel fantastic.  


    Great day at Tuddenham with Gunman today.  Perhaps going for a long run yesterday to warm up was not such a good idea... 


    After lunch my painful back was feeling much better and my shoulders and neck were much looser.  Airsoft is great physio.  Hot shower and a walk of a couple of miles to warm down.   


    I'll do some bag work tomorrow, and a couple of rounds with the lad if he's not too tired after college.  

    1. Misery


      mate i feel like im a 100 with the way im walking hahaha tbf other than working i havent had time to do my usual wee skate or bmxing so muscles have gone to crap llf ill be bk for more on the 1st and 2nd lol dont u worry bout that haha probs be dying end of sunday but be worth it :D

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. Jesus wept!


    My thighs ache like fuck.  I can hardly keep my eyes open, and I feel fantastic.  


    Great day at Tuddenham with Gunman today.  Perhaps going for a long run yesterday to warm up was not such a good idea... 


    After lunch my painful back was feeling much better and my shoulders and neck were much looser.  Airsoft is great physio.  Hot shower and a walk of a couple of miles to warm down.   


    I'll do some bag work tomorrow, and a couple of rounds with the lad if he's not too tired after college.  

    1. Misery


      i kinda feel your pain bud i can barely walk after my first game lol!!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. not long back from my first game and wow.....bloody amazing even if my gun was a bag of shit till i changed tappet spring on the last game lol devolped a feed issue which it never had befpre would feed a bb every 2nd shot so was manageable but got worse through the day got pissed of changed it and enjoyed the last hour of play :D


  5. first game tomoz finaly get to test out the modded cm.621 :D


    gears all packed just need to charge batterys :)

  6. Not sure about this compensator. It does actually help stable the gun but makes adjusting hop more awkward. Opinions?


  7. we really need agoverning body to take over this sport so it can be a recognised sport so we dont get shafted anymore than we already do!.......rant over lol XD

    1. Misery


      be a little bit easier than normal for me as friend does airsoft so will atleast know one person lol

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  8. we really need agoverning body to take over this sport so it can be a recognised sport so we dont get shafted anymore than we already do!.......rant over lol XD

    1. Misery


      i dont have the confidence to do that crap bud its not about mouse vs cat you have to have the right mindset for that shit i would break down mid meeting llf


      again its not about growing balls mate i haver anxiety issues etc gonna be hard going to a skirmish for me let alone doing that shit for me



    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  9. Ggrrr booked onto proving Grounds on the 4th and now it might not happen!!!

    1. Misery


      my fingers and everything else is crossed tightly bud hoping north of the border follows suit tbh but cant see it

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  10. we really need agoverning body to take over this sport so it can be a recognised sport so we dont get shafted anymore than we already do!.......rant over lol XD

    1. Misery


      haha ill do both ;) my night off may aswell indulge myself haha

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  11. we really need agoverning body to take over this sport so it can be a recognised sport so we dont get shafted anymore than we already do!.......rant over lol XD

    1. Misery


      haha nah just gie me a whiskey and a cig ill take the naiughty step ;)

      nah bud just general disagrement over an opinion noones fault in reality :)

      there was that :)

      peace bud

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  12. we really need agoverning body to take over this sport so it can be a recognised sport so we dont get shafted anymore than we already do!.......rant over lol XD

    1. Misery


      the same can be said about your link then just cause they say there is or isnt doesnt mean there right either bud think we need to agree to disagree haha 


    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  13. we really need agoverning body to take over this sport so it can be a recognised sport so we dont get shafted anymore than we already do!.......rant over lol XD

    1. Misery


      funny as thats the uk governing body for paintball right here



    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  14. we really need agoverning body to take over this sport so it can be a recognised sport so we dont get shafted anymore than we already do!.......rant over lol XD

    1. Misery



      The UK Paintball Association (The Governing Body of the Sport of Paintball)

      there u go bud ;)

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  15. we really need agoverning body to take over this sport so it can be a recognised sport so we dont get shafted anymore than we already do!.......rant over lol XD

  16. we really need agoverning body to take over this sport so it can be a recognised sport so we dont get shafted anymore than we already do!.......rant over lol XD

    1. Misery


      like i said opinions are like assholes everyones got em bud :)

      link please ill read it first hand rather than your copy and paste ;)




    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  17. we really need agoverning body to take over this sport so it can be a recognised sport so we dont get shafted anymore than we already do!.......rant over lol XD

    1. Misery


      funny that as they have a governing body so therefore is a recognised sport in the uk hence y they can operate ;)


    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  18. we really need agoverning body to take over this sport so it can be a recognised sport so we dont get shafted anymore than we already do!.......rant over lol XD

    1. Misery


      like i said i dont care bout having to wait its the other impacts of having to wait that im getting at here if u actualy read what ive put youl actualy see that my points are more for getting it as a legitmate sport so it can access funding that airsoft cant get it and also for bringing in new players,it also sets out a basic rulesety that sites can use so all sites conform to same standards rather than this site is 360 buit the one down the road is 350.theres a bigger picture to it but u just seem to be focusing on the fact i said about being shafted



    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  19. we really need agoverning body to take over this sport so it can be a recognised sport so we dont get shafted anymore than we already do!.......rant over lol XD

    1. Misery


      oh i know they probs have caused the goverment to include airsoft,but again thats just fuel for fire


      no anger just disgusted at how airsoft gets bipassed cause its not classed as an elite sport but paintballing does,i agree our rules are alot better than alot of countrys but  like u said airsoft can just disapear here where as if we had a governing body it cant just disapear its more for protecting the future of the sport and getting it more recognised again which would bring even more people to the sport


      i still think that have a governing body would outweigh any of the bad points


      but this is my opnion and like assholes everyone has em :D not expecting people to agree etc :D 


      as new as i am to airsoft id love to see airsoft get out there like other sports like skateboarding did in the early 2000's when it finaly got recognised as a legitimate sport again just my opinion :)


    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  20. we really need agoverning body to take over this sport so it can be a recognised sport so we dont get shafted anymore than we already do!.......rant over lol XD

    1. Misery


      technicly we have been shafted as paintball can go ahead cause its a recognised sport ;) tell me how we havent if paintball can but airsoft cant when its same rules etc pretty much


      alot of them were turned down due to not being a recognised sport the goverment didnt give alot of the smaller buisnesses funding like they were suppose to bud


      yes i agree with your points on being under funded but again thats where a governing body can step into help as can request for funding,where as alot of funding during the first lockdown never made it to certain places

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  21. we really need agoverning body to take over this sport so it can be a recognised sport so we dont get shafted anymore than we already do!.......rant over lol XD

    1. Misery


      yeah i read that on fb bout 30 mins ago bud


      we need someone in the ukapu to take it to bring it up in there next meet/agm what ever its called lol


    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  22. we really need agoverning body to take over this sport so it can be a recognised sport so we dont get shafted anymore than we already do!.......rant over lol XD

    1. Misery


      my dig wasnt just at having to wait a couple extra weeks that doesnt bother me what bothers me is the fact buisness have had to close because they havent had the funding cause airsoft isnt  a recognised sport,yes there would be drawbacks and problems just like every other sport but it also allows for extra funding from sports grants etc that can help smaller sites to improve which is the bigger picture im looking at not just cause i want to go play sooner

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  23. Ggrrr booked onto proving Grounds on the 4th and now it might not happen!!!

    1. Misery


      my feelings exactly bud,tell me bout it i want my first ever game lol!!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  24. Ggrrr booked onto proving Grounds on the 4th and now it might not happen!!!

    1. Misery


      come the 12th it will get changed again watch this space......

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  25. Ggrrr booked onto proving Grounds on the 4th and now it might not happen!!!

    1. Misery


      it aint gonna happen 12 earliest as airsoft is following the visitor economy guidlines  as we are not classified as a sport


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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