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Skullchewer last won the day on June 27 2024

Skullchewer had the most liked content!


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  • Guns
    Your mum throwing a shoe
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    Camo stuff innit
  • Sites
    Red Alert
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    Airsoft, D&D, Metal/Punk festivals, anything Post Apocalyptic.

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  1. Noooo. Just having to take some time out due to a change in circumstances.
  2. So, very reluctantly having to part with my MWS, and I need a community appraisal on it. Tokyo Marui MWS Cerakote receiver Edgi inner barrel Sig Sauer Romeo optic on tread riser Angry Gun suppressor Angry Gun bolt MEC buffer Maple rubber Angry gun hop unit Flatline brace strap Magpul b.a.d lever Magpull QDC points Magpull grip Strike Industries Fang Billet trigger guard Strike Industries Ultimate dust cover Strike Industries charging handle Strike Industries fire selector Wasdn torch and pressure switch Had a new nozzle a month ago. Comes with 5 leak free mags. It hops .4s with ease. I'll take it out to the barn this weekend and chrono it on .2s to get that number people are so keen on seeing, but for the purpose of this post I had to adjust the nozzle quite a bit to get her sub 350. It could easily be set to DMR fps. The rif is in very good condition. What do people think is a reasonable asking price on this?
  3. Not really, considering Yellow and Blue teams had Warhounds, Reapers, Mulletcav, and a few London Ghosts.
  4. Hold the phone! You came? I didn't realise you were there! I need a photo of you to know which one you were. And yes, your boy should be on seat l death row as a serial killer after the day he had, I remember him well!
  5. I think you guys making that flanking manoeuvre took us from Win to Crushing Victory.
  6. Yesterday was a really great day at another Red Alert Airsoft Battlesim Lite special event. There were fifteen of my squad/group/ team/ bunch of numpties, The Outcasts, in attendance, and we joined with T.U.B.S Airsoft squad, to form the red team, along with a few stragglers, including @Lozart and friends. I was team captain of Red Team, charged with coordinating our forces throughout the battle. With over 120 players in attendance there were three teams total, Red, Yellow and Blue. Objectives for the day were two bomb boxes, which could be armed by a 5 second hold of the button in your team's corresponding colour. The longer your team holds the bomb the more points you accrue. Each player was issued a dog tag in their teams colour, which can be captured by enemy players. Medic rules were in effect, with a two minute bleed out timer on hit players. This really helped in the heat, reducing long walks to respawn, and allowing for a brief sit down while waiting for a medic. Advice to the Red team as we set up at our F.O.B. was: "Pace yourselves, let the other teams wear themselves out in the morning, and we'll dominate after lunch". In the morning The Outcasts, along with Lozart and co, headed down into the valley, captured the bomb located in the valley area immediately, and then defended it for the duration of the first half of the day. Meanwhile the T.U.B.S. airsoft squad headed off to capture the second bomb at the other end of the site at "Tent", but encountered heavy resistance with Blue and Yellow teams having a pitch battle around the control point, so T.U.B.S swapped to marauding the area, picking up a lot of enemy dogtags, though they did rack up some time on the Tent bomb. At the end of the morning Red team had a slight lead over Yellow, with Blue trailing badly. After a lunch of bacon burgers, we all headed out for the second half, with respawn points rotated. I had been informed about the battle over the second bomb control point, so I sent the majority of our forces straight back to the first bomb we had held all morning, while the rest went back to roaming for kills. Yellow gave us a good battle for the valley bomb point, managing to rack up 20 minutes on that one, but a small unit of our Reds managed to flank round and take out the Yellow defenders, capturing that objective for us again. Reds dug in and held it for the rest of the afternoon. Later in the afternoon I got killed in a dumb place, and couldn't be mediced back in, so after a very sweaty walk back to respawn I hooked up with players from Outcasts and T.U.B.S, and went for a wander. It was at this point we saw how our morning strategy of taking it easy had paid off. Blue and Yellow had no fight left in them. They'd rushed around a lot in the morning, and the baking sun had taken its toll. I believe a few of both teams had, unfortunately, packed up and gone home (it was really hot tbf). However, a small contingent of Blue team were still fighting, and held the Tent bomb, putting up an EPIC defence, we just couldn't get to them. I chatted with one of them afterwards, and it turned out most of them had no ammo left! If only we'd known 🤣 Hats off to Blue for that one! We pushed hard, but they just managed to keep us at bay, right up to the final whistle. Back in to the safe zone, for a post game debrief, where there were smiles all round from all three teams. Final scores: BlueTeam: 209 points. Yellow Team: 213 points. Red Team: 350 points. Then off to the pub to celebrate not only our victory, but also the 61st birthday of Outcast member @Honey Badger 63 The Outcasts picked up a few new members yesterday too, players we've played with before that have shown themselves to be the right kind of idiot 😉, including a forum member; @The_Roach
  7. It's this Sunday, people! Weather is looking like it should be perfect, and we've got some fun objectives for you.
  8. Great... 🤦🏼‍♂️ "A former Fonacab taxi driver who assaulted a passenger with an imitation firearm will spend 10 months in jail and 10 months on license. Belfast Crown court was told that 49-year-old Brian Alexander Stalford, from Park Avenue in east Belfast, was under the influence of cocaine the day of the gun attack and admitted “acting the hardman”. The court heard that Stalford issued the threat to the front-seat passenger over a drugs debt. His barrister Sean Devine said the "supreme irony" of the incident was that Stalford issued the threat to pay off his own drugs debt, and was under the influence of cocaine at the time. The court heard that cocaine made Stalford “feel confident and invincible and made him act like a hard man”. Det Sgt Hughes said today's sentencing "sends a message that the possesion or use of firearms, imitation or otherwise, is unacceptable in any modern society". Previous convictions Stalford has 66 previous convictions. Judge McColgan said this including two prior charges for possessing an offensive weapon. The court was told Stalford has expressed remorse and regret for his actions and has displayed victim empathy regarding the impact his actions will have had on both passengers." Doesn't mention airsoft, but...
  9. I'm hoping that there will be enough player marshals for me to be able to play.
  10. Yeah, the two hour game blind sided everyone. That was the biggest feedback, from me too! "Oh your ankle hurts? Walk for two hours." But feedback in overall was good. Good to see you again, and that one big contraband extraction you guys did was epic. 🤣 Come to the Simlite on the 28th. We are also trialing evening games soon.
  11. For the lites, yes. Teams will be assigned on the day. Our full battlesims you select teams at booking.
  12. I'll be on gate duty in the morning, so you can't miss me. Say hi. Lite days are fun. They give you more focus for the day, rather than a quick 30 minute ctf or the like, but they're not as intense as a full Battlesim. They add more depth to the gameplay. Pace yourself, bring a bag you can leave at your team HQ with snacks, water, ammo etc.
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