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Everything posted by SBoardley

  1. @Benjaman_Black blinding first post mate 😂😂😂
  2. Though nothing kills the mood more for me is to see a puddle of crimped blanks spewing from a “ machine gun”…
  3. As @Tommikkasaid, there is probably a moral question here too? Are you knowingly attempting circumventing of sanctions just to scratch an itch?
  4. I can see this thread getting gnarly.
  5. SBoardley

    tr16 308

    I think you forgot to mention the missing selector on the right side of the rifle? Could be tricky to replace?
  6. Where do think all the TM MWS guys have gone? something for everyone one; WE GHK TM VFC…..
  7. I believe ghk are longer than real steel. So probably lct too.
  8. Which bolt are you using in there? Where did you get that receiver?
  9. Yeah and considering TM cheaped out too by using the Akm receiver instead of all the 74’s they could had brought out or even an ak12?
  10. Don’t think so. I think the scallop on the bolt is too shallow. Mine won’t shut properly.
  11. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale or swap
    • Used

    For sale or swap in very good condition; one looks like I’ve never used. £55 posted. PayPal only. Or swap for couple ngrs epm mags. Not worried about colour.


    - GB

  12. SBoardley

    6 ngrs mid caps

    Are these hk416 mags? cheers.
  13. What is the fps for this mate? Not sure what “stock” means?
  14. I have used a few milspec buffer tubes. And yes they can be tight. I would say the peaks of the threads are ever so slightly taller than the receiver’s thread. All I do is get something like 1000 grit abrasive paper, wrap it around the thread and twist the buffer tube a few times and try for fit. Repeat until it feels right. Works for me!
  15. I would like to say that the front rail might put people off somewhat; mod 0, mk16 or an 18 are the most popular choices and could conceivably cost another £100 to put it back to a more ‘conventional’ system. So probably not a top dollar sale imho.
  16. Done this for my emags, have 5 in total, and 4 emags for my ngrs. Best mod for My l119s ever!
  17. Yeah I’m thinking EVRI, just to cover all the bases….
  18. @Tackleso you know if I can sell my wife on here? After all she’s an Airsoft Widow…. #airsoftrelated
  19. Happy to have been able to help.
  20. @MandalShArKit could be you have your npas turned too far down so all the gas is working the bolt and not coming out of the nozzle.
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