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Everything posted by GenuineGerman

  1. As people have mentioned all this vitriol currently going around is just polarising society. Rather than calling each other facists and commies why don’t people work together to come up with ways of improving it?
  2. Wow I’ve only just read this thread. And it’s turned into a lively debate on politics. For my 2dm worth, regardless we have to deal with the consequences of brexit now. Why can’t we all be friends
  3. I wonder how many militaries use red dots on pistols? Can’t say I ever saw one in my time however maybe they do somewhere. Personally I don’t see the point as the effective range of most pistols in the average shooters hands is no more that 30m. Iron sights are more than good enough.
  4. Just a few images of my WW2 load out and East German circa 2020 fantasy load out.
  5. Haha the first yeah the second not quite. Ask any squaddie who’s served in Germany and the how many brothels they have frequented 😂
  6. Only things you need to know in German ein großer Bier bitte wo ist der Puff?
  7. Hi All, Was in site today installing a plasma cutter at a company called Firestorm Pyro FX in Bristol run by Lance. After chatting to lance he showed me his trove of pyro and said he has stock of smoke etc. So I thought I would plug his company on here. He is a lovely bloke so give him a call if you need anything. https://firestormpyrofx.co.uk For the record he isn’t paying me or sorting me out free stuff just want to give a shout out for a decent small business. cheers GG
  8. Thanks for the info. I may avoid using lacquer that requires the use of ppe 😜
  9. Impressive nevertheless sadly I speak saxony German so no one understands me anyway haha
  10. Dann konnen wir jeder in den Tal der Ahnungslosen schicken 😀 I think the money is in the holster, used they are normally around £100
  11. It’s only amazing as normally I get more paint on me than what I’m trying to paint. 😂
  12. Hi All, Would be grateful for some advice. I have spray painted my rifle up and have do a surprisingly good job if I do say so myself however I want to protect my amazing paint job. I’m not sure which type of clear coat to use that being said I want to use and Matt clear coat but do I use a lacquer or plasticoat. Any guidance would be great as I’m keen to get this done before the weekend. cheers GG
  13. So dense type of foam, cut it to shape. Maybe that would work?
  14. Absolutely and owning a few blank firing rifs myself this is very expensive. I completely agree so retailers my choose to accept some may not. One thing I would add to this is before you pay to join something like the MVT make sure you read through the T&Cs as they may have rules around weapons training and/or the amount of events you have to attend each season. For example the group I’m a member of me all have pli through the group but in order to have membership of the group we have to attend at least 3 events per season to qualify to maintain membership for the following year. In the case of this year it have been a couple of private events and we also run safe weapons training for members that do have rifs with is compulsory in order to gain/maintain membership. However not all groups do this.
  15. MVT is the military vehicle trust, this means you get covered until there Public liability insurance for re-enactment events which is a defence for owning a rif 🙂
  16. Exactly my point, the circumstance of the defence is where the selling needs to work on trust. 99% of people have a genuine reason to buy a rif and you can get a feel from someone If they are being suspicious. You could just pay membership to the MVT and then buy one as a reenactor. As with real firearms being above board makes you an easy target for the law and the 1% who flout the rules ruin it for everyone else
  17. My view is the VCRA is very unambiguous and ambiguous at the same time. The defences are very clear, the ambiguity creeps in when you apply the defence to your circumstance. If you are a film maker and I was selling you a rif I would ask proof of the production and how you would use them in the production. Otherwise what would stop people starting a production company on companies for £30 or whatever it is and they purchasing all the rifs they want. As it’s been said the vendor needs to do the due diligence as they are in the firing line if they sell to someone who they are unsure of.
  18. Yes it seemed from his thoughts that the humble German Squaddie was perhaps not as good shot as they may have believed.
  19. As long as you don't tell everyone you was in Red Sabre Squadron and personally shot Osama who care what you wear. Its your load out, however i wouldn't wear specific unit patches or awards. Generic is probably the way forward. And most ex soldiers can tell the difference between a walt and someone just wearing military kit quite quickly.
  20. I’ve been thinking about this. Who should cover the PayPal fees? Should the seller should as they want to get money for an item. Or the buyer as they want it. I totally agree all of a sudden item is 10% more expensive with shipping and Fees. Who should pick up the cost.
  21. I don’t understand false weathering/wear unless it’s done by someone who knows what they are doing. This has just devalued the rifle and means who ever buys it next has to put even more work into it. A crappy paint job doesn’t add value.
  22. Also has his mobile number in the add, me thinks this is to delete any evidence of wrong doing if anyone asks questions.
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