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  • Guns
    VSR-X, Silverback SRS A1 covert, TM MK23, TM MP5 NGRS, Classic Army M249 Para
  • Loadouts
    Pencott Greenzone, Tibet-tarn
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    Combat South, Battle Lakes, Green Ops
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  1. Visited a new site today. Someone came up and said "15 years ago at Dragon Valley you shot me in the back of the head with an MP5".


    I feel there should be a statute of limitations on airsoft related injuries I've caused people...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      I'd have said...


      What - WHAT it took you FIFTEEN FUCKING YEARS to call HIT ???

    3. Hatchet


      *Alleged* war crimes Jay, alleged.


      Also I seem to recall those photos have me in a suspicious beret and a large fake moustache, so it might not be quite the character reference I was hoping for...

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      duck straight in there with the top tier response :P

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