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  • Guns
    King Arms 556 shorty
  • Loadouts
  • Sites
    HQ Driffield
  • Gender
  • Location
    North Yorkshire

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  1. Any idea where I can fine spare parts for my King Arms 556? The blowback handle broke off last game day and I can’t seem to source one, only in America by the looks of it.
  2. So what spring manufacturer shall I go for? Been looking at Prometheus as they seem to be good quality from the reviews but they are called SP100 etc... will they fit my gun?
  3. My old King Arms 556 shorty, needs some trick bits but does the job so far 😊
  4. I’ve got a King Arms 556 shorty that’s firing at 380fps, which is obviously too hot, which spring would I need to buy to bring it to the bottom side of 350fps? If I bought the spring would it be a job I could do myself? (Sorry I don’t know how to get red writing on iPhone)
  5. Anybody come across any discount codes for HQ Driffield walk on tickets??
  6. A couple more questions, new player don’t forget 👍🏻 what weight BBs are good all rounders? also what speed loader do I need to load Sig Arms M4 magazines? Or do they all do the same job? thanks.
  7. Is there a noticeable difference between 1200mah and 1450mah Lipo’s?
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