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Everything posted by M_P

  1. Something has been bleeping in my headphones for hours, just realised its facebook notifications. Facepalm.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Airsoft-Ed


      Do you ever get it when you're watched a video on YouTube and the person's Skype goes off in the background or something, but you check yours as well 'cos you can't tell? It does my bloody head in lol.

    3. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      It's quite off-putting while playing a games.

    4. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      I hate that Ed. Was watching a video on my phone yesterday and it made the Skype sound, actually went back to my home screen on my phone before realising it was on the video, and I don't even have Skype on my phone...

  2. And a gbb m4 won't have a version 2 gb which we all know you love
  3. Good point forgot about that any idea when out of interest? With the Gen 2 mags itll be an ace gun- you'd have to see how little cool down to believe it. My friends 416 is unbelievable, admittantly we were firing from his house out a window (don't worry he lives on a farm with no one around to see etc) but even so it was very impressive.
  4. Ed if you aren't happy with the we, take a look at the ghk. The new versions are meant to be quite good.
  5. Ah cheers, I'm a car guy so wouldnt know
  6. M_P

    battlefield 3

    Changed my mind a bit, gonna go out and buy a few months worth tomorrow
  7. I thought there was a limit or something for two years after the test?
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. M_P


      Would make a nice dmr i think, run it up to 420 or so, nice scope and new stock etc

    3. joshcowin


      no they need locking,i want the g&g one

    4. M_P


      Ah can be done easily enough. The g&g isn't bad, good gun, but the mags are disgusting.

  8. What do you expect? All their aeg's bar the recoil shocks and high cycles are over 5 years old now... Event he m14 (one of their last standard aeg's) was released in something like 2005. The original ar-15's and g36's are now over ten years old. Airsoft's technology is moving faster than ever these days, and if you can't keep up you lose out, so I can only assume that TM don't plan on selling many of the old versions these days- otherwise they'd do something about it.
  9. Anyone seen the one where the guy phones his dad to let him know that he's going to win the £1mil?
  10. Watchout guys! Finius is on a closing spree. Don't go out unless you have to, it's not safe.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Airsoft-Ed


      Caught on, eh?! Well done Marcus haha.

    3. M_P


      I'm deeply offended :P

    4. TPI


      Takes one to know one you two are so dirty minded....




  11. Need new boots, what's the general consensus on what to go for? Magnum? Lowa? Oakley?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. M_P


      anywhere around a 9 or 10ish, cheers :)

    3. M_P


      If you dont get the chance, dont worry, I'll be back down at the end of the eweek so i can go over

    4. M_P


      I'll likely only be down for a day, i'm afraid. From may onwards though i'm doing every weekend :)

  12. Look like mechanix, probably m-pact or similar.
  13. Looks like a translation patch. The us guys had them in Iraq/Afghanistan http://shop.ehobbyasia.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/K/A/KA-AC-5150_MARK1.jpg I thought mk18's had an fde ris?
  14. Two pairs of mtp trousers, non pcs non pcs mtp ubacs MTP windproof smock MTP grab bag 2 mk6 ddpm helmet covers US tri colour camelbak Ddpm trousers Ddpm UBACS Dpm trousers OD scrim net -all unused And organised a deal for another vsr 10 which I'll collect in a month. not bad going
  15. M_P

    battlefield 3

    Got a car to pay for almost allof my money just goes straight into that Ed, the rest goes into airsoft. £40 is two game days- which I get far more enjoyment out of than a couple of hours a week on the Xbox My Xbox these days is used almost solely for forza
  16. go on UKTactical, check out the warrior DCS, sounds like its the kind of thing you need. If not look for a 6094.
  17. May have just got another VSR...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. M_P


      Haha, sorry, bought this one to use as a backup for spares :)

    3. rexfan10


      lol no worries :P

    4. M_P


      I particularly dont need it done as I've got a camo'd stock already for it... but then it can't hurt and I'd like a second one so I'll get u to do it at some point in may.

      I'll get you to paint my helmet at the same time.

  18. As I can't measure both to check I can't be one hundred % sure. BUT it does look identical so I would assume its the same.
  19. I have the exact same issue as juni0r will attest. I've sold every plate carrier I've ever had as all were much too big, even my warrior dcs past its minimum setting by a few inches was still too big. Its a royal pain in the arse, I've just ditched them all together now.
  20. M_P

    battlefield 3

    Played 3 for the first time in ages this afternoon, forgotten how much fun it is... still miss bc2 more though. Might have to get more xbl to play more again. Doesn't seem to be as many servers as I remember available? Did they remove some or something?
  21. If its anything like a vsr's ed, it'll be a doddle. Nothing even to spring out and lose or anything as all parts are held in under the springs retention.
  22. The rifle in that picture's stock is and updated AICS by The looks of things, which as Ed said isn't for the l96/aw.338
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