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Badgerlicious last won the day on March 22 2024

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  • Guns
    ARAK 21, MP5K, M4, Tac41, P226, MK23
  • Loadouts
    BRRRRRRRRRT, shhh, and length
  • Sites
    Vortex 4-12x, Hawke 3-9x, too many red dots (Worthing)
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  1. You guys had some great pushes on magazine. Those were some really fun firefights to be a part of. We must have both shot those poor tans from both sides🤣 I had three walking out in front of the magazine in plain site announcing all greens were dead they now held it, shortly followed by "Hit." "Hit." "Hit." and knowing there was two more of our team directly to my left side. Great weekend though. Anzio is a fantastic site, and despite the player imbalances, everyone fought hard, many right to the end. Actually arriving on time on friday also meant the social was a lot more fun. Looking forward to the next one. Bring more tans, I need more kills! 😁
  2. Stalker is probably the best bet if you really don't want to craft, you want something that won't shred in every bush, has decent colours, and if you don't want to spend a load on a custom crafted ghillie. Of course I will always advocate for crafting your own, but the stalker ones will let you add in a bit of extra crafting to break up the shape, if you want to, while still providing a good base.
  3. Definitely not more efficient, it's about backspin. A shorter barrel needs a higher pressure (heavier spring) to get the same muzzle energy, this means the BB is pushed over the hop with increased speed, hence more backspin, hence you can hop heavier BBs. In fact there are people who run 0.4g+ BBs out of 1j pistols. Usually MK23s since they have easily available TDC kits and don't require high volume fire. Most pistols also have the downside of lubricant being sprayed down the barrel with every shot.
  4. Get the Dragons on the phone, I've got an idea...
  5. Not true. If anything, the shorter the better for lifting heavy BBs. Jmason, you should give this thread on the airsoft sniper forums a read. Despite being nearly 15 years old, the principles are still very much the same https://www.airsoftsniperforum.com/threads/the-holy-grail-of-building-your-dmr-aeg.892/ Basically eliminating movement, vibrations, and air leaks to create the most consistent performance you can. And to be a bit helpful in a succinct way, you probably want a barrel of 300-400mm with a full cylinder for a good air volume ratio. You can work out your own cylinder's volume exactly with this calculator and ruler. http://airsofttech.dk/Calculator.cshtml
  6. Because lighter BBs slow down significantly faster than heavier ones. It's enough that at about 30m they will impact at about the same time. Past 30m heavier BBs will start to land before lighter ones. I'll link the airsoft trajectory project. Someone using actual maths and simulations to map the ballistics of BBs. In the fifth chart, time of flight vs distance, you see an almost constant ~30% increase in travel time for a 0.2g bb over a 0.3g bb at the end of the range. https://mackila.com/airsoft/atp/07-b-07.htm full list of links https://mackila.com/airsoft/atp/
  7. If you can get the fps values of a few shots in a row (5-10) to give an idea on variance, that'd help. Could be just be it being a factory m90 spring with not great air seal. A lot of variance is probably poor air seal. You should also be able to lift at least .28s, but probably .3s or .32s with that rubber.
  8. Well damn, I should've gotten mine from ali 😭The two minor downsides being it's not FFP, and the eyebox goes in the quantum realm past 4x. But the 1x is superb, and glass quality is excellent.
  9. To be fair, I think the site is only about 100 yards across That sucks though, unbalanced teams sometimes happens, but no attempts to fix it is poor management. And shame about the hit callers. 95% of the time they aren't hitting a damn thing, but they're always so sure they are.
  10. The one thing with a red dot is if you feel you want some magnification later on you can pick up a magnifier to go behind the it.
  11. I may have accidently made a russian kit 😶 I just like atacs fg in ghost recon, didn't look it up too much until I was gonna buy some and realised it's mostly used by russians. Also recently got a VSS. Ah well, it looks cool as hell. It's all invader gear stuff, pretty comfy, should perform well through the year.
  12. Well, Worthing went through with the new limitations to ghillies. Nothing below a viper hood (shoulders) with 1.14j full auto. DMR and bolt actions only for anything longer or a full ghillie. However they have upped their DMR limits to 1.88j so we're in line with most other sites now, which is nice. At least I now have an excuse to finish my viper hood and buy some better combats.
  13. I mostly make wraps or covers for my guns. I did take the plunge recently and covered my tac41 in tough tape. But my new VSS is gonna stay using a cover for as long as I can get away with. I'd hate to cover up its beauty. But I mostly will use tough tape if I want anything to be stealthy. It blends most of the year round, or at least acts as an excellent base for adding some green. Kills any reflections too, and it can be removed fairly easily in the future.
  14. I'll add that I wouldn't be opposed to ghillies being locked to semi, or at least being told to keep it on semi while at 1j, and using DMR fire rate rules (1 in the air, no spamming). Possibly also needing fixed-stock guns. I don't think it should be necessary to force ghillies to have an MED with their main gun. DMR limits are already a mixed bag, you'd be almost forced into using HPA just so you could adjust power output on a per-site basis.
  15. Does anyone know what they mean by snood? It seems like a strange thing if they mean the head wrap, cos that seems basically pointless.
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